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Bust of Nefertiti, the Egyptian Queen for whom a tomb has yet to be found.

The Search Continues: Scientists to Use Radar in Hunt for the Tomb of Nefertiti

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Egyptologists have been given the green light to use non-invasive radar to see if the chamber hidden behind a wall in King Tutankhamun’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings really does belong to Nefertiti. The go ahead has been given following the recent release of highly-debated reports from Dr. Nicholas Reeves.

In his report (which has yet to be peer-reviewed), Reeves asserts that there are entrances to another chamber visible beneath the painted and plastered walls of Tutankhamen’s tomb.  He believes that these entrances may lead to the answer of where Nefertiti was entered. The style and size of the tomb in which King Tut was found also seems to be more appropriate for a queen than a king, according to Reeves.

The golden mask of King Tut. Tutankhamen’s tomb is the gateway to the lost tomb of Nefertiti according to a recent report.

The golden mask of King Tut. Tutankhamen’s tomb is the gateway to the lost tomb of Nefertiti according to a recent report. (

Reeves is undoubtedly accompanied by others in the impatience to discover if what the digital scans by Factum Arte, really are indications of a great find. A press release says that Reeves will be arriving in Luxor on September 28 to meet with Antiquities Minister Mamduh al-Damati and “the best Egyptologists in the ministry to examine the interior of the tomb.” 

Mouchira Moussa, media consultant to Antiquities Minister Mamdouh al-Damati, has said that they are hoping to have a security clearance to use the radar within a month and that the radar is “…not going to cause any damage to the monument.”

Reeves believes that the sudden death of King Tutankhamen in 1332 BC led to his being placed in a part of Nefertiti’s tomb. The two “ghost” doors that he identified in the scans are said to be to a storage room and the tomb of Nefertiti.

Image showing the location of the two chambers from Dr. Reeves report. The upcoming radar scan will search for their existence.

Image showing the location of the two chambers from Dr. Reeves report. The upcoming radar scan will search for their existence. (Daily Mail)

"We're very excited... It may not be a tomb belonging to Nefertiti, but it could be a tomb belonging to one of the nobles," said Moussa about the upcoming work at the tomb. "If it is Nefertiti's, this would be very massive."

Ahram Online says that they have contacted Reeves for more information regarding the upcoming procedure; however he will not be releasing a statement until after the analysis is completed. The only other known information available is that the radar will be coming from Japan and operated by an expert accompanying the machine from Japan.

The news statement from the Antiquities Minister says we will not have to wait too long to find out more information on the next step: there will be a news conference on October 1st in Cairo to present the preliminary findings and the plan they will use to “verify with certainty” if hidden rooms exist and “still conceal secrets or not.”

Neferneferuaten Nefertiti was born in 1370 BC and died in 1340 BC. She was married to the Pharaoh Akhenaten and renowned for her beauty. Her fame as an Egyptian queen is only second to that of Cleopatra. The mystery of the location of Nefertiti’s tomb has been one of the biggest mysteries in Egyptology.

Featured Image: Bust of Nefertiti, the Egyptian Queen for whom a tomb has yet to be found. (Ahram Online)

By Alicia McDermott



It has been proved more than once that Hawass is a lying crack. Sure, he has been a very influential person for archaeology in Egypt, but with a lot of false pretenses.

In case of the weathering on the Sphinx and Sphinx enclosure there are A LOT of weathering patterns which suggests heavy rainfall. There hasn't been any other hypothesis/theory that had any holding ground concerning these patterns. So for now, it's pretty save to assume the stones are weathered by fast running (rain)water.

The last time there was enough water in the Gizah area was more than 10000 years ago. That's a fact.
So if the Sphinx and its enclosure wall exhibit weathering consistent with running water/rainfall, why is it so hard to believe the structures are older than the Egyptian civilisation?
Nowhere in all the found documents the Egyptians left us (and those are A LOT, because ancient egypptians were really fond of documenting about everything) is there any mention of the actual building of the Big Pyramid and the Sphinx. The only mention is that one of the earlier Pharaohs repaired the Sphinx. Not build.

Seems to me you are the stupid one here and lying to yourself.
More and more finds point to an older age for the Giza complex and people like Hawass and you still keep holding on the 19th century ideas because it'll fit better in your own narrowminded view.

Open your eyes.

I am happy to say that you are very mistaken about the demise of Dr Hawass. He no longer holds any public office in Egypt but he is still very active as a tour guide and lecturer. I don't necessarily agree with his stated philosophies but as a larger than life character he has few peers. As for the constant need to find alien or ancient [ i.e. older than the Pharaonic Egyptians ] handiwork to explain the Pyramids, Sphinx et al, this is just the outcome of the empty headed musings of some very stupid people some of whom really are liars. The rest simply can't give credit where credit is due.

I do not trust Dr Zahi Hawass, now he is dead we have a new chance to see what is what. Dr Zahi Hawass did not want any older civilisation than the Egyte one. Money and pride play a role here.
You call it an old wife's tale, i call Hawass a liar.

AkhenatenII's picture

Most egyptoligists are not interested in disturbing the conventional wisdom and the Egyptian governmenment is only interested in gold for the museum.

c0mad0r's picture

This dead horse theory simply needs to go away. In 2010, a report titled "The Story of the Sphinx" was done by Dr Zahi Hawass who stated: "Perhaps the most important result of the groundwater project was that it enabled us to put to rest speculation about mysterious underground tunnels and chambers carved below the Sphinx by 'ancient civilizations'. For years, I have debated people like John Anthony West, Robert Bauval, and Graham Hancock, who say that survivors of a lost civilization 10,000 years ago left secrets buried beneath the Sphinx. These people also claim that the erosion of the Sphinx was caused by water, and that this necessarily means that it dates back to long before the Old Kingdom. None of their theories has any basis in fact, but their supporters have insisted that we should drill holes to try and find these hidden chambers. I have always refused to permit such a project in the past, because there was no scientific basis for it. Because such drilling was a necessary part of our work to protect the Sphinx from groundwater, however, we did finally drill in the vicinity of the statue, and we found that there were no hidden passages or chambers there."

It’s simply an “old wive’s tale” with no basis what so ever.


Alicia McDermott's picture


Alicia McDermott holds degrees in Anthropology, Psychology, and International Development Studies and has worked in various fields such as education, anthropology, and tourism. Traveling throughout Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador, Alicia has focused much of her research on Andean cultures... Read More

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