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Magnetometers helped find a gladiator school. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

This Device Unearthed an Ancient Gladiator School (Video)

Electronic scanners at Vienna's Ludvig Boltzmann Institute are revolutionizing archaeological exploration . These advanced devices cover vast areas efficiently, eliminating the need for laborious and...
Lost Swedish Mythical Castle Found In Dry Lake By Clever Archaeologist

Lost Swedish Mythical Castle Found In Dry Lake By Clever Archaeologist

Lost for over three centuries, the so-called Swedish mythical castle of Sörby has been rediscovered in an ancient, ritualized landscape knitted together with sacrificed humans, animals and over a...
Researchers Find Elusive 19th Century Alaskan Fort

Researchers Find Elusive 19th Century Alaskan Fort

Researchers in Alaska have pinpointed the location of an elusive 19th century Alaskan fort using radar technology. They’ve found the remnants of a significant historical site - the Tlingit clans’...
Monte Albán, Oaxaca, Mexico. Source: WitR /Adobe Stock

Enormous Ancient Building Identified Beneath Monte Albán’s Main Plaza

Researchers in Mexico have discovered a vast ancient building buried beneath the Main Plaza at the ancient capital of Monte Albán. Monte Albán is a large pre-Columbian archaeological site located in...
Intricately decorated plaster walls in King Tut’s tomb

New Evidence: Lost Queen Nefertiti May be Hidden in King Tut's Tomb!

Is there or isn’t there a hidden chamber, or chambers, connected to King Tutankhamun’s tomb? Just when we think the story reaches a conclusion a new study emerges throwing the mystery back into the...
Ankhesenamun Hands Tutankhamun an Arrow.

Tomb Could Be That of Tutankhamun’s Wife and Egyptian Leading Lady Ankhesenamun

Egyptologists believe they may be on the verge of a major discovery related to a leading lady of ancient Egypt. A new tomb found in the Valley of the Kings may have been created as the final resting...
Two Mysterious Cavities Found Inside Great Pyramid May Be Secret Rooms

Two Mysterious Cavities Found Inside Great Pyramid May Be Secret Rooms

A team of researchers that have used cutting edge technology to scan the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt have discovered two previously unknown cavities inside the world-famous monument. Are they...
Bust of Nefertiti, the Egyptian Queen for whom a tomb has yet to be found.

The Search Continues: Scientists to Use Radar in Hunt for the Tomb of Nefertiti

Egyptologists have been given the green light to use non-invasive radar to see if the chamber hidden behind a wall in King Tutankhamun’s tomb in the Valley of the Kings really does belong to...