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Modern and old money

From Shells to Crypto: The Evolution of Money and Currencies

Money, in its various forms, has been an integral part of human civilization for millennia. From the earliest systems of trade to the digital currencies of today, the evolution of money reflects the...
Left; Byzantine silverware, Right; Medieval silver coins from the study.	Source: Left; Johnbod/CC BY-SA 4.0, Right; Antiquity Publications Ltd

Medieval England’s Sudden Silver Currency Conversion Solved

After years of speculation, researchers have finally traced the origins of Europe's revolutionary adoption of silver coins in the mid-7th century, uncovering a tale of economic evolution and...
Tulips carried astonishing value in the 1600s. Source: master1305 / Adobe Stock.

How Tulips Became the Bitcoin of the 1600s (Video)

In the 1600s, before Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, Europe experienced a unique phenomenon known as tulip mania . Amsterdam's wealthy merchants assigned astonishing value to exotic tulips, reaching up...
Silver denarii coins played a crucial role in Roman inflation and the collapse of the Roman empire. Source: Glevalex / Adobe Stock

The Devaluation of Rome: Roman Inflation and the Demise of the Empire

Inflation is a common economic phenomenon that can have a significant impact on the stability of a country's economy and social structures. This was certainly true for the Roman Empire, which...
Hyperinflation is commonly caused by rapidly printing currency, and the Yuan dynasty printed non-stop to fund war. Shown: Bills from the Xuantong era (1909-1911) Source: Public Domain

Did the Yuan Dynasty's Use of Paper Money Cause Hyperinflation?

Although China’s pre-revolution hyperinflation during the 1940s is the one that one often hears about, there is a less-documented hyperinflation that occurred in ancient China. The first civilization...
A Pompeii brothel mural.

Spintriae, The Roman Sex Coins That Showed What Was on The Menu

There is a curiosity that belongs to ancient Roman history which historians are yet to solve; there exists a collection of Roman brass coins or tokens that depict sexual acts on one side and a...
Chinese knife money. Source: sytilin / Adobe Stock

Chinese Knife Money: Making Markets feel Murderous?

The days of ‘cash as king’ are fading. Today, credit, debit, and digital currency have begun to slowly replace cash as the primary forms of payment, but it was not always so. For centuries, paper...
Saffron has always been a luxury because it is so labor intensive but saffron money was all the rage as a way for medieval English elites to show off until Puritan values began to weigh against this odd currency that was even used to pay the rent!	Source: Marco Verch Professional Photographer / CC BY 2.0

Medieval Cambridge Elites Used Saffron to Pay Rent

The world’s most expensive spice by weight, saffron, has been valued and coveted by many ancient civilizations for a multitude of purposes, and debates over its origins still continue. Worth its...
The nine classes of gold objects from Bronze Age Britain analyzed in the study. Source: © The Trustees of the British Museum, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 / Antiquity Publications Ltd

Gold Not Used as Money in Bronze Age Britain, Claims New Study

In Bronze Age Britain (2,500 to 800 BC), gold was frequently mined and used to manufacture a range of decorative and ceremonial objects. But in contrast to other areas, it seems that people of that...
Sarmatia bronze dolphin coins, 5th-4th century BC, from the ancient city of Olbia, which was first Greek, and then Scythian and then Roman. Source: catawiki

Olbia: Greek, Scythian, Roman Trade Center That Had Dolphin Money

Olbia (also spelled Olvia) began as an ancient Greek colony on the northern coast of the Black Sea, in the southern part of modern-day Ukraine. Olbia was famous as an emporium, and the importance of...
Great Wall of China, China.

8 Ancient Chinese Inventions the West Had Not Imagined

According to the statistics provided by the World Economic Forum, nowadays China can boast its position as the world’s second largest spender on scientific research and development, yielding only to...
HS2 Excavation Hillingdon Hoard of Potins a “Once-In-A-Lifetime Find”

HS2 Excavation Hillingdon Hoard of Potins a “Once-In-A-Lifetime Find”

While searching for artifacts in a secluded spot in the West London borough of Hillingdon in August 2020, a team of archaeologists assigned to the HS2 high-speed rail project hit the jackpot, both...
A hacksilber hoard dated to the middle of the eleventh century BC found by the Leon Levy Expedition to Ashkelon.       Source: We are grateful to L. E. Stager and D. Master, directors of the Leon Levy Expedition to Ashkelon, and to D. T. Ariel, for allowing us to publish these photographs.

Scientists Track Silver Trade From Trojan War to Roman Republic

A team of French, Australian, and Israeli scientists has collected evidence proving there was an active and thriving silver trade network in the eastern Mediterranean region in the Late Bronze Age...
Metal Fragments Found To Be Currency In Bronze Age Europe

Metal Fragments Found To Be Currency In Bronze Age Europe

Archaeologists from Germany and Italy have found convincing proof that people in Late Bronze Age Europe used metal scraps or fragments as a form of money . As excavations throughout Central Europe...
Ancient Submerged Factory Reveals A Maya Salt Currency

Ancient Submerged Factory Reveals A Maya Salt Currency

Long-term analysis of a submerged salt plant in Belize has revealed extensive and surprising details about the salt making practices of the great Maya civilization during its Classic Period, which...
The Shining History of Gold: From Ancient Treasure to Modern Tech

The Shining History of Gold: From Ancient Treasure to Modern Tech

Gold is arguably the human race’s most valued commodity and a lot could be written about the history of this metal. The luster, beauty, resistance to tarnishing, malleability, and overall brilliance...
Chumash Cash: The Saucers That Formed America’s First Economy

Chumash Cash: The Saucers That Formed America’s First Economy

A Californian researcher who studied tens of thousands of shells decorated by indigenous Chumash hunter-gatherers, has pushed back the origins of “cash” in the U.S. by over one thousand years. Dr...
More than 650 priceless ancient Roman coins have been unearthed at the Aizanoi archaeological site in Turkey. Source: Andalou Agency

Jug of Priceless Ancient Roman Coins Discovered in Special Turkish City

A “very special and unique collection” of ancient Roman coins have been unearthed at an equally special 5,000-year-old archaeological site in Turkey. More than 650 priceless coins were found at...
Stash of 7,000 Coins Found in Hungary, Revealing Story of National Trauma

Stash of 7,000 Coins Found in Hungary, Revealing Story of National Trauma

A recent post from a Hungarian museum curator on Facebook tells of the discovery of “rare treasures of magnitude,” relating to the Turkish devastation following the Battle of Mohács. The news...
Archaeologists Discover a Huge Stash of Medieval Coins in Hungary

Archaeologists Discover a Huge Stash of Medieval Coins in Hungary

Ongoing excavations at a rural spot near the village of Újlengyel in central Hungary recently struck gold, both figuratively and literally. Archaeologists armed with powerful metal detectors found a...
Mansa Musa: The Richest Man in History

Mansa Musa: The Richest Man in History

When people think of the richest people in history , more often than not they think of industrialists from the modern era, such as the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, or the Carnegies. Perhaps some...
Metal Detectorist Discovers Ultra-Rare Chinese Coin in England

Metal Detectorist Discovers Ultra-Rare Chinese Coin in England

An English metal detectorist hunting for treasure in Hampshire recently unearthed something rare and startling. While scouring a field near the bucolic village of Buriton, where medieval artifacts...
traditional craftsman creates silver money

Desperate, The Tribes of Israel Turned to "Fake Silver"

Iron Age silver forgeries have been identified by a team of Israeli researchers. This might illustrate the economic hardships of the Tribes of Israel and their decision to make fake silver...
Prof. Vasil Nikolov and his team of archaeologists at the Provadia-Saltworks found the ceramic artifact, believed to be a salt god, while excavating the bottom of a salt evaporation pool. Source: Provadia-Solnitsata

Unidentified Salt God Emerges from Ancient Bulgarian Cult Site

In the ancient world salt was so valuable that Roman soldiers were sometimes paid with salt instead of money . A monthly salt allowance was a salarium , and this Latin word seeds both the French word...
