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Callanish Henge, Isle of Lewis, Scotland.  Source:  swen_stroop / Adobe Stock.

Stonehenge-like Structures Have Been Found All Over the World (Video)

Throughout history, our world has witnessed the emergence of colossal stone circles reminiscent of Stonehenge, dispersed across the globe. These megalithic structures , numbering around 50,000 solely...
Cromeleque dos Almendres, Portugal. Source: dudlajzov / Adobe Stock.

Neolithic Marvel: Almendres Megalithic Complex (Video)

The Cromlech of the Almendres in Evora, Portugal, stands as a remarkable testament to ancient civilizations and their profound connection with the cosmos. Dating back an astonishing 7,000 years, this...
Stone of Destiny, also known as Lia Fail. Hill of Tara. County Meath. Source: jamegaw/Adobe Stock

Vandal Strikes at Lia Fáil, Ireland’s Ancient Spiritual Heart

Ireland’s “Stone of Destiny” - the Lia Fáil - or Stone that Roared, has been defaced by a mindless vandal. Although mindless isn’t quite right, at they actually seem to have thought about what they...
New research helped identify Carraig á Mhaistin, the Rostellan dolmen, more definitively as a Stone Age megalithic tomb.         Source: Howard Goldbaum / CC BY NC 4.0

Cork Harbor Rock Structure Declared A Stone Age Tomb

Ever since the discovery of a stone dolmen on the eastern shore of Cork Harbor in southern Ireland many years ago, archaeological opinion has been divided over the exact nature of the Carraig á...
omputer image of Australia’s Stonehenge Site, Mullumbimby NSW by Richard Patterson.

Ancient Stones of Australia: Rock Arrangements that Defy Conventional Historical Accounts

My son Evan and I have written extensively about the site Frederic Slater, President of the Australian Archaeological Education and Research Society, proposed was “Australia’s Stonehenge,” which we...
Ishi-no-Hoden: Japan’s Colossal Floating “Anti-epidemic” Megalith

Ishi-no-Hoden: Japan’s Colossal Floating “Anti-epidemic” Megalith

Ishi-no-Hoden is one of Japan's most mysterious and bewildering monuments, a gigantic stone structure in the shape of an old tube TV almost 6 meters (20 ft) high and 500 tons (560 US tons) in weight...
Top left: Cuzco, Peru. Top right: Western Italy. Bottom left: Alaca Hoyuk, Turkey. Bottom right: Casing stones on pyramid on Giza plateau.

Did Megalithic Sites in Turkey and Peru Share the Same Architects?

6,500 years before Stonehenge and 7,000 years before the pyramids were constructed, a cult megalithic complex sat atop the hills near current day Sanliurfa, in southeast Turkey. Göbekli Tepe was...
Excavations at the megalithic cemetery found in south-central Poland. Source: J.Bulas

Major Megalithic Cemetery Discovered with Dozens of Tombs

Archaeologists have discovered a large and unique megalithic cemetery in south-central Poland. It has been dated to 5,500 years old, contains dozens of tombs, and researchers say, “a similar...
2,000-Year-Old Limestone Pyramid Tomb Discovered in Lebanon

2,000-Year-Old Limestone Pyramid Tomb Discovered in Lebanon

An ancient pyramid-shaped megalithic burial has been discovered in North Lebanon dating back to 2,000 years before the pyramids of Egypt. What’s more, it is speculated that this, and other similar...
Skara Brae

Stepping Back in Time at Skara Brae: A Neolithic Settlement in the Heart of Prehistoric Orkney

In 1850, a fierce storm hit the Bay o’ Skaill on the main island of the Orkney island archipelago. In doing so, it ripped grass from a hill, then known as Skerrabra, to reveal the remnants of an...
Corsica. The Statue of Filitosa

Two Very Different Interpretations of Corsica’s Filitosa Menhirs

Corsica, situated in the Mediterranean Sea, is a fascinating island with beautiful beaches, a place where you can hear the natives speak Corsu, and of course, it is well known for being the...
Breakthrough Discovery: Karahan Tepe is Older Than Göbekli Tepe

Breakthrough Discovery: Karahan Tepe is Older Than Göbekli Tepe

Researchers in Turkey are about to embark on an excavation at the ancient site of Karahan Tepe and they believe it’s much older than Göbekli Tepe, the famous “zero point of world history.” Until now...
One of the so-called dragon houses (drakospita)

The Megalithic Mystery of the Greek Dragon Houses

Mt. Olympus, the Peloponnesian War, Pericles, Athens, and, of course, the Parthenon. When one considers ancient Greece, these are only a few of the topics that usually spring to mind. The heroic age...
Bronze Horseman on Thunder Stone Monolith Pedestal

The Thunder Stone and Bronze Horseman: The Monolithic Savior of St Petersburg?

The Bronze Horseman is a monument located in the Russian city of Saint Petersburg. The pedestal of this equestrian statue is known as the Thunder Stone, a monolith claimed to be the largest block of...
British archaeoastronomer claims that the Blidworth Druid Stone “might” have been deliberately aligned with the sun, and that it “may” have been a central feature in ancient druid rituals. But more archaeological study is needed before reaching any conclusions. Source: Deborah McDonald / CC BY-SA 2.0

Blidworth Druid Stone: Sacred Altar or Lifeless Rock?

Referred to locally as the “Druid Stone” or “Altar Stone,” this monumental stone stands about 4 meters (13 feet) high on private land in the village of Blidworth, England, and is viewable from a...
There is a new theory about how the huge stones got to Stonehenge. Source: Lisa /Adobe Stock

Everything Changes at Stonehenge as Pivotal Theory is “Totally Destroyed”

Scientists in England have determined Stonehenge's huge blocks were transported over land, rejecting the theory that Neolithic builders “floated” the huge slabs from Wales to the construction site at...
Inside the majestic chamber of Newgrange, one of the most iconic Irish megalith sites. Source: Cassidy et al./Ken Williams,

Signs of Dynastic Incest at Newgrange Reveal Secrets Behind Irish Megaliths

The European Neolithic era was a time of change. The first agricultural revolution saw people take a stronger interest in farming, small-scale communities grew, polished stone axes cleared forests,...
European standing stones: Rudston Monolith (CC0), Maen Llia (Tony Martin Long /Adobe Stock), Maen Madoc (Alan Bowring/CC BY SA 2.0), Kerloas Menhir (mariof /Adobe Stock), Riesenstein (Tecty/CC BY SA 4.0), Menir da Meada. (StockPhotosArt /Adobe Stock)

European Standing Stones: The Mute Witnesses of Forgotten Times

If we reach far back into the distant past of our ancestors, as far back as the Neolithic and the Bronze Age, we can get a critical glimpse into the lives and traditions of Europe’s ancient...
5 Lone Standing Stones of Europe – Our Old Menhir Warriors

5 Lone Standing Stones of Europe – Our Old Menhir Warriors

When it comes to the ancient beliefs and rituals of our earliest ancestors, nothing can be more captivating than standing stones and similar megalithic structures. Dating far back in time to the...
The mystique of megalithic Japan is largely misunderstood, and it seems that the government does not care to find out more. From Yonaguni to Ishi-no-Hoden, let’s delve deeper into the unknown. Pictured: Divers inspecting the underwater site of Yonaguni in Japan. Source: nudiblue / Adobe stock

Unravelling the Lesser-known Laser-sharp Cuts of Megalithic Japan

A hurdle in the way of many Western researchers of megalithic Japan is the mystique that surrounds the history of the combined 6,800 islands that piece together the archipelago of Nippon - a place...
Stone formation Ales Stenar in southern Sweden on the Baltic Sea coast.        Source: Fabian/ Adobe Stock

Ales Stenar, Sweden’s Stone Circle May Have More Secrets

Sweden is famous for the Northern lights, IKEA and their Vikings, known as Varangians. The country has a rich history and many heritage sites, one of which is the enigmatic Ales Stenar, (or Ale’s...
Close-up of the Göbekli Tepe site in central Turkey.    Source: Brian Weed / Adobe stock

Hidden Geometric Pattern Reveals Deeper Complexity of Göbekli Tepe

Does a “hidden-pattern” at Göbekli Tepe in central Turkey suggest 12,000-year-old hunter-gatherers knew rudimentary geometric principals, indicating a more complex society than previously assumed by...
Did Denisovan ancestry reach European megalith builders? Source: adrenalinapura / Adobe Stock

The Far-Reaching Realms of Denisovan Ancestry Stretch to Iceland

This week it was announced that a new genetic study published in the journal Nature shows that the genomes of over 27,000 Icelanders display an admixture of modern human and Neanderthal DNA, along...
A Bada Valley megalith, Indonesia.

Exploring the Mysterious Bada Valley Megaliths in Indonesia

Bada Valley (also known as Napu Valley) is a megalithic site situated in the Lore Lindu National Park, in the District of Poso, Central Sulawesi , Indonesia. Although the megaliths have yet to be...
