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Roman silver spoon and fork. Source: Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain.

This Roman Gadget Was Clearly Designed to Impress (Video)

In the realm of the Roman era, renowned for its grand architecture and sculptures, it's the everyday artifacts that resonate on a personal level. Amidst lavish dinner parties that characterized Roman...
17th Century Woman Being Dressed. Source: YouTube Screenshot / CrowsEyeProductions

The Meticulous Dressing Regime of a 17th Century Wealthy Dutch Woman (Video)

In 1665 Delft, the clothing of affluent women followed a meticulous process. It began with a linen or silk chemise , often adorned with lace cuffs. Petticoats were supported by a waist-tied hip pad,...
This 2,000-year-old villa had luxurious ancient Roman underfloor heating. Source: Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/dpa

2,000-Year-Old Roman Villa Found in Germany had Luxurious Underfloor Heating

In 15 BC the Roman Emperor Nero Claudius Drusus Germanicus, and his brother Tiberius attacked, subdued, and destroyed a Celtic settlement and founded the city of Cambodunum. Today, the foundations of...
The luxurious Islamic mansion found in the Negev desert also had a substantial subterranean portion, as this image reveals. Source: IAA

Lavish Early Islamic Mansion Found in Israel’s Negev Desert Astounds!

In the Bedouin town of Rahat, during pre-emptive excavations carried out before the building of a new neighborhood by the Israeli government, archaeologists stumbled upon a 1,200-year-old Islamic...
Natural pearls inside an oyster shell were a surprise in the ancient food sources of peoples living on the coast in the Persian Gulf and southern India and before long they were world famous elite gemstones. Source: valeriy555 / Adobe Stock

Hidden Gems: The Use of Pearls Throughout History

Pearls are one of the most beautiful gemstones in the world. Beyond their shimmering beauty, they also have a fascinating history in countless regions throughout the world. From religious texts to...
Henry VIII shares a drink with Anne Boleyn, after Daniel Maclise, but she was soon to lose her head as Henry revolted against Catholic divorce laws. (Mike Licht / CC BY 2.0)

Why is Henry VIII’s Tomb So Small When His Life Was So Very Opulent?

Hidden under the floor in St George’s Chapel in Windsor, England where thousands of people walk every day, a forgotten tomb lies. Its inhabitant was once one of England’s most exuberant kings, yet...
Luxurious Roman Villa On Display Under Lavish Modern Apartment Block

Luxurious Roman Villa On Display Under Lavish Modern Apartment Block

Rome is a place where many archaeological treasures and remains continue to be found. The latest discovery is a luxury villa with many remarkable artifacts and spectacular mosaics. This luxury Roman...
The ruins of the Baths of Caracalla in Rome, Italy

When in Rome, Even the Christian Pilgrims Enjoyed the Baths of Caracalla

When we think of the city of Rome, we can easily picture the wealth of ancient monuments from its imperial past. The Baths of Caracalla are perhaps as popular today as they were when they were used...
Death of Sardanapalus by Eugène Delacroix.

Did the Pleasure-Seeking Epicurus Really Prescribe Hedonistic Happiness?

Epicureanism is a philosophical system based on the teachings of Epicurus which is, in today’s world, often equated with hedonism. Whilst this may be true to some extent, it is an over-simplification...
Romano-British silver toothpick. (The British Museum) An ivory toothpick found in India. (The British Museum) A gold case with matching a tooth and earpicks.

The Strange History of the Toothpick: Neanderthal Tool, Deadly Weapon, and Luxury Possession

A toothpick – the go-to little tool you select after a meal of corn on the cob, an object you absentmindedly chew on while listening to an unremarkable conversation, the piece of wood you carelessly...
Archaeologists excavating in Yassitepe, Turkey have unearthed a Greek settlement consisting of luxurious houses. This suggests that luxury life began in Asia Minor almost 5,000 years ago.

Archaeologists Uncover Evidence of Luxurious Lifestyle 5,000 Years Ago in Turkey

Archaeologists excavating in Yassitepe, Turkey for the past seven years have unearthed an ancient Greek settlement consisting of luxurious houses. So far, the findings suggest that luxury life began...
A richly decorate vase in the National Archaeological Museum of Paestum, Italy.

Just How Rich Were the Inhabitants of Magna Graecia Really?

A team of archaeologists excavating in the Italian city of Paestum (Poseidonia), has uncovered the remnants of a palatial structure and indispensable ceramics. Almost 2,500 years ago, Poseidonia was...
Two Roman Ships that Were Lost in WWII: What Destroyed the Floating Palaces of Emperor Caligula?

Two Roman Ships that Were Lost in WWII: What Destroyed the Floating Palaces of Emperor Caligula?

This is one of the most tragic stories about remarkable ancient artifacts you will ever read. After reading this article, you may have dreams about impressive ancient Roman ships that survived many...
Mythbusting Ancient Rome – The Truth About the Vomitorium

Mythbusting Ancient Rome – The Truth About the Vomitorium

After gorging on a feast of sausages, blood pudding, young sow’s udder, sea bream, lobster, mullet, Attic honey, and Syrian dates, all washed down with a few glasses Falernian wine, it is little...
The Unusual Life and Death of Julia: A Woman Trapped in the Empirical Intrigues of Ancient Rome

The Unusual Life and Death of Julia: A Woman Trapped in the Empirical Intrigues of Ancient Rome

Although they could not officially hold public offices, there were many women who were able to influence the course of Roman history from a position behind the scenes. Julia, the only daughter of...
Viking boat

Was it treasured Walrus Ivory that drove Vikings to sail thousands of kilometers to Greenland?

One of the puzzling mysteries of the Viking settlement during the Nordic Middle Ages may be solved by archaeologists armed with a pioneering scientific method and some ancient walrus tusks. The...
Ruins of luxurious imperial Roman villa

Ruins of luxurious imperial Roman villa to share its majesty once again

The ruins of an imperial Roman luxury villa that had heated floors, lavishly decorated rooms and a dramatic marble staircase leading down to a beach, is ready to share its majesty with the world once...
Royal dogs in the ancient Forbidden City of China

The opulent life of royal dogs in the ancient Forbidden City of China

From specially-tailored dog outfits to slave eunuchs to serve their every need, the royal dogs of China’s Forbidden City had it all. Now researchers have revealed the opulent life of these royal...