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The Stone of the Pregnant Woman at Baalbek quarry. Source: Lodo27 / CC BY-SA 3.0

Baalbek’s Stone of the Pregnant Woman: How Was This 1000-Ton Megalith Moved?!

One of the biggest feats of Roman ingenuity lies in Lebanon’s historic Bekaa Valley, home to the ancient city of Heliopolis, now Baalbek. Here, the 2,000-year-old Temple of Jupiter was built on top...
Archaeology Magazine has published its top ten discoveries for 2021. Source: Gorodenkoff / Adobe Stock

Archaeology Magazine’s Top Ten Archaeological Discoveries 2021

The top 10 ancient discoveries for 2021 have been announced by Archaeology Magazine . For the last 70 years Archaeology Magazine has been published by the Archaeological Institute of America and this...
Baalbek Reborn: Virtual Tour Brings Roman Temples Back to Life

Baalbek Reborn: Virtual Tour Brings Roman Temples Back to Life

Baalbek in Lebanon has been known by many names, ruled by many different kings and emperors, and has been under the dominion of many faiths in its long and storied history. Some 2,000 years ago,...
2,000-Year-Old Limestone Pyramid Tomb Discovered in Lebanon

2,000-Year-Old Limestone Pyramid Tomb Discovered in Lebanon

An ancient pyramid-shaped megalithic burial has been discovered in North Lebanon dating back to 2,000 years before the pyramids of Egypt. What’s more, it is speculated that this, and other similar...
Reconstruction of the wine press at Tell el-Burak, looking from the south-east. Source: Tell el-Burak Archaeological Project; drawing by O.Bruderer; Antiquity

7th Century Press is a Major Discovery for the History of Phoenician Wine

The Phoenicians were paramount in the spread of wine throughout the Mediterranean region, which is why it is odd that there is strikingly little archaeological evidence of wine production in...
A Middle Bronze Age infant from the Lebanese site of Sidon buried in a large jar. (Claude Doumet-Serhal/ CC BY-NC-ND)

Babies Found in Jars Reveal Insights into Ancient Breastfeeding

Historians down the ages have examined the ebb and flow of populations in ancient societies. But most of these examinations have tended to focus on male dominated events – the wars, the politics, and...
The ancient Crusaders' DNA can help us understand historical events. Source: Alessandro Cristiano / Adobe.

A History of the Crusades As Told by Crusaders' DNA

History can tell us a lot about the Crusades , the series of religious wars fought between 1095 and 1291, in which Christian invaders tried to claim the Near East. But the DNA of nine 13th century...
Two of the jugs excavated from the hard to reach cave on the Israeli/Lebanon boarder.

Remote Israeli Cave Holds A Potted Mystery

Two ancient jars dated to over 2000-years-old are mystifying archaeologists, as they were lowered down an “almost totally inaccessible... sheer 30 meter cliff-face” and stashed inside a tiny cave in...
Archaeological site in Sidon, Lebanon, where a hidden room was recently discovered.

Secret chamber hidden beneath ancient temple in Lebanon surprises archaeologists

Nothing ignites archaeological and historical curiosity more than an unexpected and mysterious discovery. A secret room uncovered by researchers at a Bronze Age temple in Sidon, Lebanon, is such a...
‘Temple on Ganges in state of collapse, India, ca. 1906’ in the city of Varanasi, India. (Public Domain) Lijing Gate in Luoyang, Henan, China. (CC BY SA 2.0) Quarantal Monastery, Jericho, Palestine. (Tamar Hayardeni/CC BY 3.0) The alleged ‘Abraham house’ in Ur city, Dhi Qar, southern Iraq. (Aziz1005/CC BY 4.0) ‘The Acropolis at Athens’ (1846) by Leo von Klenze. (Public Domain) A traditional (at least for the 19th century) lebanese house on the seafront near Byblos Castle, Byblos, Lebanon. (CC BY SA 3.0)

11 of the Most Ancient and Continually Occupied Cities in the World

Time travel is one of the most intriguing scenarios humans have ever fantasized about, but unfortunately for those curious minds and wild dreamers out there, many modern physicists claim that outside...
Four heads have been pieced together from shards of pottery at ancient Porphyreon in Lebanon. Top image is of the best preserved. Another is partially complete, and the other two are very incomplete.

2,400-Year-Old Goddess Statues Found Dumped in Ancient City on Lebanon’s Coast

Polish archaeologists studying the ancient city of Porphyreon in Lebanon have pieced together the broken parts of ceramic heads to remake what they think are statues of goddesses. One of the 2,400-...
Unravelling the Mystery of the Maronite Mummies: Why Were Medieval Mummies Hidden in a Cave?

Unravelling the Mystery of the Maronite Mummies: Why Were Medieval Mummies Hidden in a Cave?

When archaeologists found a cache of medieval mummies in a Lebanese cave, the amazing discovery took their breath away. The remarkably well-preserved bodies of eight people who were buried in Qadisha...
How the 1,000-Year-Old Mystery of the Druze People’s Origin Was Solved

How the 1,000-Year-Old Mystery of the Druze People’s Origin Was Solved

For 1,000 years, the mysterious origin of the Druze people – who live almost exclusively in the mountains of Syria, Lebanon and Israel – has captivated linguists, historians, and sociologists. There...
The Abduction of Europa, 1716, Jean Francois de Troy.

The Phoenician city of Tyre - A rich history of industry, mythology and conflict

According to tradition, the city of Tyre was founded in 2750 B.C., and is considered one of the world’s oldest metropolises. For much of its history, Tyre has played an important role in the region...
Largest known megalithic block from antiquity revealed at Baalbek

Largest known megalithic block from antiquity revealed at Baalbek

A new analysis conducted by the German Archaeological Institute at the ancient stone quarry of Baalbek/Ancient Heliopolis, in Lebanon, has calculated the size and weight of an enormous monolith, and...
Stones of Baalbek, Lebanon

The Forgotten Stones of Baalbek, Lebanon

Read Part 1 - Forgotten Stones: Secrets of the Megalithic Quarries ‘The Stone of the South’ at Baalbek, Lebanon is the largest worked monolith on Earth, weighing in at a staggering 1242 tons. It is...
Treasure trove of ancient Phoenician artifacts uncovered in Lebanon

Treasure trove of ancient Phoenician artifacts uncovered in Lebanon

Archaeologists have unearthed a treasure trove of ancient Phoenician artifacts at an archaeological site in the southern Lebanese city of Sidon, according to a news report in The Daily Star of...
Baalbek - Heliopolis lebanon

The Monumental Baalbek – The largest building blocks on Earth

In Lebanon, at an altitude of approximately 1,170 meters in Beqaa valley stands the famous Baalbek or known in Roman times as Heliopolis. Baalbek is an ancient site that has been used since the...