The Monumental Baalbek – The largest building blocks on Earth
In Lebanon, at an altitude of approximately 1,170 meters in Beqaa valley stands the famous Baalbek or known in Roman times as Heliopolis. Baalbek is an ancient site that has been used since the Bronze Age with a history of at least 9,000 years, according to evidence found during the German archaeological expedition in 1898.
Baalbek was an ancient Phoenician city that was named by the name of the sky God Baal. The name ‘Baal’ in the Phoenician language meant ‘lord’ or ‘god’. Legends abound around Baalbek with some of them mentioning that Baalbek was the place where Baal first arrived on Earth and thus ancient alien theorists suggest that the initial building was probably built as a platform to be used for sky God Baal to ‘land’ and ‘take off’.
Part of this suggestion is because Heliopolis was built on a massive platform that probably was built in pre-roman times for the initial temple or city of Baal - Baalbek. If you look at the picture it becomes obvious that different civilizations have built different parts of what is now known as Heliopolis. However beyond theories, the actual purpose of this structure as well as who has built it are completely unknown. Massive stone blocks have been used with the largest of the stones to be approximately 1,500 tons and a size of 68x14x14 feet. Those are the largest building blocks that have ever existed in the whole world.
The way that those stones were cut and moved has fascinated researchers for many years now. Because of the existence of ancient texts referring to Baalbek as a landing place the speculations about pre-existing advanced civilizations that we do not know about, as well as alien intervention, have flourished. We need to make clear that those stones are not made by the Romans as many debunkers try to propose. However even if we could hypothesize that it was Romans that did built the whole site including the platform, even Romans with their advanced technology while they could probably explain how the smaller stones of 2 to 3 tons could be cut and moved it WOULDN’T explain how they could cut and move 1,500 tons blocks.
It is possible that the platform below the Heliopolis was built as the base of another older temple that probably the Egyptians or the Romans destroyed to build Heliopolis (a name given by Alexander the Great when he conquered the area). The area was previously used also by the Egyptians to worship Ra. Which makes you wonder why they would build another temple on the same place and multiple civilizations use the same exact spot, unless that place was important for some reason. It is also interesting to mention that in Heliopolis Baal was also worshiped as well as other Greek and Roman Gods. Over the ruins of the pre-roman site a massive temple of Jupiter, the largest temple of its kind, as well as smaller temples for Venus and Mercury were built by the Romans.
The quarry that was used was situated about ¼ mile away from the area. So not only did they transfer those massive stones that distance but they also placed them together in such a precise way that not a sheet of paper can fit between the stones. That is another point that the debunkers fail to reply to - even if the stones were carried in the ways they suggest, how could they place rectangle stone blocks in such a precise way next to each other?
Another interesting point is that if the Romans/Greeks have built such a massive platform why there is no reference at all as to how that was built since it is the only place in the world (and consequently in the Roman Empire) that such a monumental work has been done.
In another context, biblical archaeologists have connected Baalbek to Baalgad that is mentioned in the Bible.
So Joshua took all that land, the hill country and all the Negeb and all the land of Goshen and the lowland and the Arabah and the hill country of Israel and its lowland from Mount Halak, which rises toward Seir, as far as Baal-gad in the Valley of Lebanon below Mount Hermon. And he captured all their kings and struck them and put them to death. Joshua 11:16-11:17
Although not all archaeologists agree with that theory, it is obvious that there are huge similarities between a) the Baal-gad, a sanctuary of Baal and b) Baalbek also a temple for Baal according to the legends (before it was named Heliopolis and new temples were built) and both in the same area in Lebanon.
In the Bible there is another name that appears related to Baal, which is Baalath, a town of the tribe of Dan, which was fortified by King Solomon in 970 BC where again Baal was worshiped with the permission of Solomon. It is worth mentioning here that even in the temple of Solomon, Baal was a deity that was allowed to be worshiped in the temple.
And Baalath, and all the store cities that Solomon had, and all the chariot cities, and the cities of the horsemen, and all that Solomon desired to build in Jerusalem, and in Lebanon, and throughout all the land of his dominion. Chronicles 8:6
It has become obvious that Baalbek is a mysterious ancient city, used for thousands of years by many different civilizations. The Phoenicians, the Egyptians, the Greeks and the Romans all of them used it and all of them worshiped Baal. The origins are unknown and why the site was so important is also unknown. What is for sure is that the initial site wasn’t constructed by Romans, and before the Romans there was no known civilization that would have the technology to build such a massive monument. It makes sense that somehow they got the technology to do it and somehow Baal is related to that. The debunkers have not provided sufficient answers and the possibility of advanced civilizations being responsible for it, as mentioned in myths and legends, seems closer to reality.
By John Black
Related Links
Baalbek – Lebanon’s Sacred Fortress
The Mystery of the Stones at Baalbek
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Hi Mr. Tsururgi,
I read in Isaiah King James Bible and NIV Bible (New International Bible), My TEV Bible (Translated English Bible), and finally my RV Bible (Revised Standard Bible)
I did go back and I re-read my Bible's Isaiah chapter 14:12 and it reads "Oh How you have fallen; Oh Lucifer Son of the Morning ... So Lucifer is just Son of the Morning not son of the morning star. Thank you.
Also, in Revelation chapter 2:26-28 um this passage in Revelation is a Letter to the 3rd Church; out of The 7 Churches who are to receive these letters from John who writes Them on Behalf of The Risen Savior. Once again this is in Revelation chapter 2:26-28, and Jesus is addressing The Church Thyatira: "he who overcomes, and keeps My works until the end, to him I will give power over the nations--27 He shall rule them with a rod of iron; As the potter's vessels shall be broken to pieces as I have received from My Father; 28 and I will give him the morning star.
So thank you for the heads up. Oh right that reminds me that the Aztecs did say they worshipped a unique Serpent God that wound up becoming morning star somehow that serpent creature wound up operating from Venus that is according to The Aztecs astronomy so wasn't the son of the morning star or just the son of the morning. I do have conformation on that old serpent that is in Revelation chapter 12:9-10; 12:7-12. Let's see here this Bible Verse So the great Dragon was cast out, That Old Serpent of old, called The Devil and Satan, who deceives The Whole World; he was cast to Earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Ah one third of the angels fell with the serpent of old.
This was exciting to discuss hope to talk again Goodbye and thank you.
Hi Mr. Tsururgi,
I read in Isaiah King James Bible and NIV Bible (New International Bible), My TEV Bible (Translated English Bible), and finally my RV Bible (Revised Standard Bible)
I did go back and I re-read my Bible's Isaiah chapter 14:12 and it reads "Oh How you have fallen; Oh Lucifer Son of the Morning ... So Lucifer is just Son of the Morning not son of the morning star. Thank you.
Another, thing there's a unfamiliar name that I read in The Bible Book Jubilees this book was thrown out of The Bible as well Enoch and Jasher by the early church father's. What I wanted to make known that in Jubilees Lucifer is also referred to as the Prince mastemea there's some type of dash over the E and A. Any way that was all I will share with that name. All The Bible Books in side the current Bible as we know it call him Lucifer.
Also, in Revelation chapter 2:26-28 um this passage in Revelation is a Letter to the 3rd Church; out of The 7 Churches who are to receive these letters from John who writes Them on Behalf of The Risen Savior. Once again this is in Revelation chapter 2:26-28, and Jesus is addressing The Church Thyatira: "he who overcomes, and keeps My works until the end, to him I will give power over the nations--27 He shall rule them with a rod of iron; As the potter's vessels shall be broken to pieces as I have received from My Father; 28 and I will give him the morning star.
So thank you for the heads up. Oh right that reminds me that the Aztecs did say they worshipped a unique Serpent God that wound up becoming morning star somehow that serpent creature wound up operating from Venus that is according to The Aztecs astronomy so wasn't the son of the morning star or just the son of the morning. I do have conformation on that old serpent that is in Revelation chapter 12:9-10; 12:7-12. Let's see here this Bible Verse So the great Dragon was cast out, That Old Serpent of old, called The Devil and Satan, who deceives The Whole World; he was cast to Earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Ah one third of the angels fell with the serpent of old.
This was exciting to discuss hope to talk again Goodbye and thank you.
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Hello Mr. Tsururgi,
For me I was taught first Sunday School, then Vacation Bible School, followed by much later Sabbath School; that the reason for sacrificing the lambs on the Altar in seeking forgiveness for ones sins too God was to symbolize The sacrifice Christ made on The Cross to save The Whole World from Sin.
With Christ dying on the Cross the sacrificing of lambs for ones. Sins ended 32 A.D. Fulfilling "The Promise" or rather since The Bible uses the Word a lot "The Covenant" God made to Dad and Mom meaning Adam an Eve way back in Eden with The Promise of a Redeemer to save humanity from Sin.
You asked after The Aztecs and their daily religious ceremonies involving sacrificing people to their gods?
I'm a fledgling in this arena where the Aztecs are concerned which means I am gaining a little more insight with help from The Bible and I'm sure you're probably going to wonder how The Aztecs and The Bible are linked?
Here it goes...
The Aztecs worshipped a certain god that is described as a beautiful plumbed frilled a Serpent.
Apparently, the Serpent God could talk; accordingly as of today this particular Serpent deity sculpture is seen in various places throughout present day Mexico.
That background story by the Aztecs sounds quite innocent of course, until, a little more background was shared about this Serpent god.
Somehow this being, this Serpent in a moment of weakness incested it's sister oh by the way the snake god was Male. He felt guilt about this deed and someway committed suicide remember this is The Aztecs story so he committed suicide was resurrected and became The Morning Star and operated from Venus after his Redemption of incest.
If one practice Christianity, Islam, and Judaism your going to recognize that name Morning Star. Who is He? He is Lucifer Son of the Morning Star.
Lucifer the one who ignited the War in Heaven described in
Revelation chapter 12.He is referred to as "the Dragon, that old Ancient Serpent of Old called Satan, or The Devil.
Why did Lucifer start the War in Heaven, He wanted to be God. Lucifer wanted to take the throne from god. There is a Old Bible Book Enoch, in Enoch God warns Us that Lucifer Son of the Morning Star hadn't lost his cunning despite being cast out from Heaven.
The thing is The Aztecs saw Him They worshipped him. Jesus after his baptism was being tested in the Desert the last parting shot to the Savior is that All the kingdom's of The Earth will be yours if you bow down and worship me , Christ response "Away from me Satan for it is written Worship the Lord Serve only Him", so Lucifer Son of the Morning Star this is who the Aztecs were worshipping the whole time.
One more clue in Genesis it says Now the Serpent in The Garden of Eden was More Cunning than all The Beast that God had made in The Garden and He asked The Woman "did God really say ye shall not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?"
Yes I am saying that The Aztecs were worshipping Lucifer and through their Oral History their religious ceremonies They are Saying They Saw Him which also means there beautiful Serpent god could Talk.
That is basically all I have to say on the matter of sacrifice in The Bible and The manner of Worship with the Aztecs.
Okay, maybe I have 2 more thing's to add and they are...
In Job God has an meeting with his Angels Bible says Sons of God came to this meeting now these Angels in question were Representatives of other World's and Satan came with them claiming to Own Us as in Earth.
After, Adam and Eve Sinned that was True. I
In Old Testament Time's; Lucifer did Own Earth (or perhaps God allowed him to believe his own delusional power), Christ died on The Cross not only do we get the free gift of Salvation, but, Christ bought Earth back with His Blood; that was The Price of Sin, that was the price Christ was willing to pay to get Earth back.
Lastly, Revelation chapter 12 says that Lucifer and one third of the Heavenly angels were kicked out of Heaven one third ? That is 1000 wicked angels that was cast down to Earth so perhaps it was those 1000, Angels that The World's great Civilizations were actually worshipping and you're probably wondering why Human Sacrifices?
Well worst case example I can give is accept holding Themselves accountable for being kicked out of Heaven as a Consequence of the War they fought, against God They are in Turn blaming the People of the Earth so having human's kill each other is a great way for them to get back at God.
Well it was great talking to you Mr. Tsururgi and check it out about that serpent deity The Aztecs once revered and now in Present Day Mexico There All Catholic. Goodbye!