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AI image of ancient Egyptian temple ruins.

Fickle Sovereignty: Exploring Egypt's Third Intermediate Period

Characterized by political fragmentation and foreign rule, the Third Intermediate Period in Egypt saw a country divided among competing nations and religious adversaries, ushering in an era founded...

The Architectural Evolution of Egyptian Temples - The Marvels of Ancient Engineering

The architectural evolution of Egyptian temples is a critical glimpse into the ingenuity, religious fervor, and artistic prowess of one of the world's oldest and most enduring civilizations...
Left; Image of Khufu’s Queen’s chamber and Right; a view of Khufu’s pyramid.                   Source:  Provided by Author, Right, Gary Todd/ CC0

A Watery Solution to the Enigmas of Khufu Pyramid’s Queen’s Chamber

Following up on my recent article on the ante-chamber in the Khufu pyramid, published on Ancient Origins public site , in which I argued it was a device designed to open and close more than once,...
The Bent Pyramid in Dahshur, Egypt.		Source: WitR/Adobe Stock

The Bent Pyramid’s Light Magic - An Intentional Phenomenon?

King Sneferu (Snofru, Seneferu) was the father of Khufu and is famous for being responsible for two pyramids, plus finishing his predecessor’s at Meidum. His two pyramids at Dashur lie within sight...
Image of a fortune teller gazing into a glowing orb, zodiac symbols orbiting around, divining the future amidst the cosmos.            Source: Jenjira/Adobe Stock

The Past and the Future: Origins of the Oldest Divination Techniques

The act of divination is believed to be one of the earliest forms of religious activity, with a rich history dating back thousands of years and across multiple civilizations. The word itself, rooted...
Baba Vanga, attributed mystic and healer who claimed to have foreseen the future and the Cave of Bastet in Bulgaria. Source: /CC-BY-SA-3.0, Natalya/Adobe Stock

The Expedition Sparked by the Cryptic Tale of Baba Vanga's Prophecy

Shortly before her death, the Bulgarian prophetess Baba Vanga is said to have whispered an enigmatic prophecy: “ The time of miracles will come, and science will make great discoveries in the field...
The teenage girl, who was not more than 17 years old, was buried alongside the decapitated baby in a tomb. This led experts to speculate that she might have been unaware of her pregnancy with twins. Right; Rradiograph of mummified fetus found lodged within the teenage girl’s pelvis.  Source: Francine Margolis, David R. Hunt/

Teenage Mummy Found with Fetus Trapped in Her Pelvis Shows Harsh Reality of Childbirth

The full tragic story revealed by mummified remains of a female teenage mummy of just 14-17 years old, who died during childbirth, has been discovered by archaeologists in Egypt. What makes the find...
A majestic sculpture of Pharaoh Akhenaten under the sun disc of Aten. Source:  y EOL STUDIOS /Adobe Stock

How Akhenaten Demolished Centuries of Egyptian Tradition (Video)

In the historical upheaval orchestrated by Pharaoh Akhenaten , the once polytheistic tapestry of Egyptian beliefs unraveled. Akhenaten, a radical monarch, discarded centuries-old traditions by...
Uluburun, ancient wealthiest shipwreck

Uluburun, One of the Oldest and Wealthiest Shipwrecks Ever Discovered

The Uluburun is a 3,300-year-old shipwreck discovered off the coast of Uluburun (Grand Cape), near Kaş in south-western Turkey. It is among the oldest ships ever discovered and contained one of the...
Ancient frescoes often depict scenes from the daily life, religious rituals, or important events of an Egyptian Pharaoh. Source: EdNurg/Adobe Stock

A Day in the Life of an Egyptian Pharaoh

Ancient Egypt, one of the greatest civilizations to have ever existed, spanned a vast timeline, lasting for approximately 3,000 years. For much of that time, it was ruled over by god-kings known as...
Famous phalluses in history. Source: Hannes Wiedmann, CC BY-SA 4.0, saiko3p / AdobeStock, Dorset Council / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0, Vindolanda Charitable Trust, Árbore Arqueoloxía S.Coop.Galega, David Perez / CC BY 4.0

8 Famous Phalluses from History and What They Represent

When it comes to phalluses, a lot of people think it’s the size that matters. Others think it’s how the phallus is used. But any archaeologist or historian worth their salt knows the truth, it’s the...
Egyptian Symbols Found in the U.S. Source: YouTube Screenshot / History.

Unearthing Ancient Egyptian Glyphs in America (Video)

An extraordinary discovery has left experts perplexed—a 500-pound rock slab adorned with an ancient Egyptian symbol found in the U.S. desert. For two years, researchers have been grappling with its...
Nubian Queen. Source: Atelier Sommerland / Adobe Stock.

Never Mind Cleopatra – What About the Forgotten Queens of Nubia?

Jada Pinkett Smith’s new Netflix documentary series on Cleopatra aims to spotlight powerful African queens. “We don’t often get to see or hear stories about Black queens, and that was really...
Egyptian coffin. Source: George Bailey / Adobe Stock.

Unveiling the Forgotten: Opening Ancient Egyptian Coffins (Video)

In the heart of Thebes , modern-day Luxor, lies a collection of ancient coffins shrouded in mystery. For years, these enigmatic artifacts have been confined to vitrines, receiving only sporadic...
Egyptian mummy. Source: esebene / Adobe Stock.

The Accidental Mummy: How Did Mummification Begin? (Video)

Mummification has long been an area of interest in history, and the potential origins of this practice have been a subject of discussion for some time. A possible explanation was discovered in the...
Egyptian queen Cleopatra. Source: EmotionPhoto / Adobe Stock.

A Face to the Legend: The Quest to Reconstruct Cleopatra's Look (Video)

Cleopatra , the last pharaoh of Egypt, is one of the most iconic figures in history. She was known for her intelligence , beauty, and powerful political acumen. Despite her significance , historians...
Ancient Egypt hieroglyphics. Source: Andrii Vergeles / Adobe Stock.

15 Incredible Discoveries from Ancient Egypt (Video)

Egypt is a civilization that continues to fascinate, enlighten, and puzzle people to this day. Archaeologists are constantly discovering new artifacts and learning more about this ancient...
Some of the stages of skull photogrammetry and initial anatomical deformation (Moacir Elias Santos & Cicero Moraes /CC BY 4.0)

Digital Scientists Resurrect A 30,000-Year-Old Egyptian Man

Fusing scientific theory with artistry, a team of researchers has generated “stunning” 3D images of the oldest person ever discovered in Egypt. Using photogrammetry, a team of researchers have...
The columns of the Hypostyle Hall at the Karnak temple complex in Egypt. Source: whatafoto / Adobe Stock

The Awe-Inspiring Karnak Temple Complex and Vatican of Ancient Egypt

Karnak in Egypt is the largest known religious complex on Earth located on the east side of the River Nile at the ancient Egyptian city of Thebes. Referred to as the Vatican of ancient Egypt, many...
Egyptian mummified cat. Source: Andrea Izzotti / Adobe Stock

13 of the Coolest (and Creepiest!) Egyptian Animal Mummies

Ancient Egypt is well-known for its practice of mummification, but few realize the monumental scale in which they also mummified animals. A staggering 70 million mummified cats, dogs, birds, rodents...
Top image: An Egyptian mummy with a golden tongue (Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities)

Ancient Mummies Found in Egypt with Golden Tongues

Archaeologists excavating at Qwaisana Archaeological Compound in Egypt have unearthed numerous ancient mummies, and some of them had golden tongues! Egypt's Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities...
Ancient Egyptian amulet seal discovered in Turkey. Source: AA Photo

Mystical Egyptian Amulet Depicting Protective Deity Found in Turkey

Archaeologists excavating a Roman-era ruin in the ancient city of Amastris in Turkey have recently made the curious discovery of a talismanic amulet seal. The pyramid-shaped Egyptian amulet has...
The golden sarcophagus of Tutankhamun (David Biagi / Adobe Stock)

20 Awesome Sarcophagi of the Ancient World

A s arcophagus is a receptacle, usually made of stone, that is made to hold a coffin or corpse. Unlike coffins, which are buried, sarcophagi are usually displayed above the ground and for this reason...
Representation of ancient Egyptian military unit going to battle.        Source: Acrogame / Adobe Stock

Ancient Egyptian Military: Fiercest Fighting Force of the Ancient World

One of the key reasons that the study of history is vital is to ensure we learn from our past mistakes in order to improve. While this is true in all aspects of life, it is especially true for...
