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Saint Paul, surprised by Nero at the moment of converting Sabina Poppaea by Isidoro Lozano ca. 1858.

The Lady and the Emperor: The Dramatic Life and Death of Poppaea Sabina

Theatrics and excesses seem to run in the family of Nero, the emperor of Rome – that is, according to ancient authors such as Tacitus and Suetonius. Nero’s grandfather, Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus,...
An ancient Roman road at Leptis Magna, Libya

Ancient Journeys: What was Travel Like for the Romans?

It was not uncommon for the ancient Romans to travel long distances all across Europe. Actually during the Roman Empire, Rome had an incredible road network which extended from northern England all...
Silhouettes of African aborigines at sunset.

Ancient Historians and Their Tales of Bizarre Tribes

Ancient Greek and Roman historians captivated their audiences with accounts of bizarre tribes dwelling on the periphery of the known world. Their customs were odd and their appearances even more...
Temple of Aphrodite at Aphrodisias, Aydin, Turkey

Aphrodisias: Decoding the Secrets of a Roman Free City

Nestled in southwestern Türkiye’s Meander River valley, Aphrodisias stands as one of the region’s most impressive archaeological sites. This city, named after Aphrodite, flourished from the 2nd...
Roman Gladiator’s Sarcophagus Uncovered in Turkey’s Izmir

Roman Gladiator’s Sarcophagus Uncovered in Turkey’s Izmir

In the Selçuk district of western Turkiye’s İzmir, a sarcophagus believed to belong to a Roman gladiator from the third century BC was uncovered. This sarcophagus was later repurposed in the fifth...
Historical Scene of Ancient Slavery.

The Ethics of Slavery in Ancient Civilizations

Slavery, a practice that has existed in various forms throughout human history, was always a subject of significant ethical debate. In ancient civilizations, slavery was not only an economic and...
Silifke Castle Excavations Unearth Talismanic Grave Tablet

Silifke Castle Excavations Unearth Talismanic Grave Tablet

During ongoing excavations at Silifke Castle, located on a hilltop in the town of Silifke in Mersin Province, southern Türkiye, a mysterious burial tablet believed to date back to the Byzantine...
Bustling Roman marketplace.

The Realities of Daily Life for Common People in Ancient Egypt versus Ancient Rome

The civilizations of Ancient Egypt and Ancient Rome stand as two of the most influential cultures in human history, each leaving a profound legacy in politics, architecture, religion, and social...
Marble statue of Antonia Minor.

Antonia, Life and Death of the Matriarch of Rome

In 40 BC, Mark Antony married Octavia , sister of Octavian (later known as Emperor Augustus). It was a political marriage approved by the Roman Senate to strengthen the alliance between Octavian and...
Pont Du Gard, Nimes, France.

The Wonders of Ancient Engineering: 15 Most Amazing Ancient Aqueducts

Throughout history, aqueducts have stood as monumental testaments to human ingenuity, engineering prowess, and the enduring quest for survival and prosperity. These marvels of ancient and modern...
Return of the warrior. Detail of fresco from early 4th century BC

Echoes of the Picentes: The Rise and Fall of an Italic People

The Picentes, also known as Piceni, were an ancient Italic people who inhabited the central Adriatic coast of Italy. Flourishing from the early Iron Age until their eventual conquest by the Roman...
Roman Fury: Crushing the Bar Kokhba Revolt

Roman Fury: Crushing the Bar Kokhba Revolt

The Bar Kokhba Revolt (132–136 AD) was the final major conflict between the Jewish people and the Roman Empire. Following earlier confrontations, including the destruction of the Second Temple in 70...
AI image of a beautiful woman with a gladiator.

The Three Husbands of Fulvia, the Leading Lady of the Ancient Roman Elites

Modern readers perhaps know Fulvia primarily as the cuckolded wife of Mark Antony and Cleopatra's love rival. But this description falls far short of her figure. In fact, Fulvia was one of the most...
AI image of a South American man preparing for a traditional ceremony at an Aztec pyramid.

The Medical Practices and Treatments in Ancient Civilizations

The worn-out pages of human history are replete with fascinating insights into the medical practices and treatments of ancient civilizations. From the rudimentary healing methods of prehistoric...
AI image of Hannibal crossing the Alps with his army.

The Carthaginian Military and the Punic Wars

The Carthaginian military, renowned for its strategic ingenuity and formidable prowess, played a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of ancient Mediterranean history. Central to this historical...
AI portrait of a beautiful middle aged Roman woman.

Cornelia Africana and the Stories of Ancient Roman Womanhood

One of the many celebrated paintings by Swiss painter Angelica Kauffman (1741-1807) is titled “Cornelia, Mother of the Gracchi”. Conveying the message of the importance of family above all else, the...
AI portrait of Roman conqueror.

Struggles in Ancient Religious Reform: The Rise and Fall of the Cult of Elagabalus

In the ancient chronicles of Rome, few figures evoke as much intrigue and controversy as Elagabalus, the teenage youthful emperor whose rule in the early 3rd century AD was defined by ambitious...
The assassination of Caesar on the Ides of March

The History of Espionage in Ancient Rome

If one is to briefly define the term of espionage , it would be described as the planning, the collection, the analysis, and dissemination of information as related to forces, nations, or coalitions...
The Roman sarcophagus found on a Varna beach, Bulgaria.

Appearance of Sarcophagus on Beach Has Experts Pondering Its Origin

In a bizarre find, a vacationer came across a Roman sarcophagus on the northern Bulgarian Black Sea coast near Varna. The find was reported to the local authorities, leading to a swift response by...
AI portrait of King Alfred the Great

Cunobeline: The Historical King Who Inspired Shakespeare's Cymbeline

To write his plays, William Shakespeare looked for inspiration in a wide variety of sources, including myths, history, and popular stories of his day. Among Shakespeare’s inspirations were two...
An aerial view of the 1,700-year-old Roman site.

Archaeologists discover Roman settlement on the Palomba-Catenanuova route

Archaeologists working with the civil engineering company, Italferr, have unearthed a Roman settlement and necropolis in Sicily during the construction of the new Palermo-Catania-Messina railway link...
A view of the excavation in Macerata

Archaeologists have discovered the only brewery belonging to the Roman era in Italy

Archaeologists from the Università di Macerata have discovered the only brewery dating to the Roman era in region of Macerata and at the sites of Urbs Salvia and Villamagna. It is the only one found...
A recreation of the original Roman sandal. Source: Courtesy of the Bavarian State Office for Monument Protection.

Archaeologists Discover a 2,000-year-old Roman Military Sandal with Nails for Traction

Archaeologists have unearthed the remains of a 2,000-year-old Roman sandal near an ancient military fort in Oberstimm, Bavaria in Germany. The discovery was made while conducting excavation work at a...
Roman Elites Alone Wore Tyrian Purple, Maintaining Social Hierarchy

Roman Elites Alone Wore Tyrian Purple, Maintaining Social Hierarchy

Throughout history, the rich and powerful have attempted to control access to items considered luxurious or status symbols. Today, this is done through marketing and price setting (a prominent...
