In North American history, an 800-year saga unfolds, echoing the clash for land and wealth. Indigenous nations battled each other and the encroaching Europeans, marking a defiant struggle for...
Kondiaronk was a legendary Native American Chief of the Wendat people in New France who faced the challenge of leading his people in the face of war and destruction. Through his leadership and...
On Friday, February 26 2021, a city park in Madison, Wisconsin will host a unique sporting competition . Newcomers and experienced practitioners alike will be given the opportunity to play snow snake...
New Cornell University research is producing a more accurate historical timeline for the occupation of Native American sites in upstate New York, based on radiocarbon dating of organic materials and...
Canada recognizes the contribution made by those who inhabited the country before the arrival of the Europeans. One of the most important First Nations is the Iroquois. Hochelaga village was an...
Every year, western scholars look with wonder to the ancient mythologies, ruins, and histories of such places as Egypt, Greece, and the Near East. Due to the considerable efforts of professional and...
According to legends, the Kingdom of Saguenay is a lost city supposedly ruled by blonde men rich with gold and jewels. No one knows if native Canadians in 1534 and 1535 hoaxed greedy Frenchmen and...