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Six Blackfeet Chiefs painted by Paul Kane along the North Saskatchewan River in Saskatchewan, Canada. Source: Public Domain

What Really Happened When Europeans Landed In North America? (Video)

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In North American history, an 800-year saga unfolds, echoing the clash for land and wealth. Indigenous nations battled each other and the encroaching Europeans, marking a defiant struggle for survival by the 19th century. The initial encounter in the 10th century saw Norse raiders, armed with longships, altering the course of history. The Iroquois Confederacy, born from a visionary peacemaker, faced a new foe in 1609. As European powers entered, the fur trade became pivotal, with Samuel de Champlain's 1609 intervention shifting the balance, only for the Iroquois to rise armed by Dutch backers. The 17th century witnessed fierce struggles, alliances shifting with imperial conflicts in Europe.

The birth of the U.S. in 1783 marked a transformation in allegiances. On the plains, the Blackfoot and Iron Confederacy influenced politics through the fur trade, while the Metis emerged as a cultural bridge. The Pacific Northwest remained distant until the 19th century, lured by gold. Indigenous peoples faced conflicts with foreign miners, leading to the establishment of British Columbia in 1858. The prairies saw tragedy as famine and disease afflicted the Blackfoot and Iron Confederacy. In the final chapters, Canada's westward expansion met resistance, with the 1869 Metis rebellion echoing broader sentiments. The battles of 1885 reflected a spirit that endured, reshaped, and navigated the turbulent currents of North American history.

Top image: Six Blackfeet Chiefs painted by Paul Kane along the North Saskatchewan River in Saskatchewan, Canada. Source: Public Domain

By Robbie Mitchell

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I’m a graduate of History and Literature from The University of Manchester in England and a total history geek. Since a young age, I’ve been obsessed with history. The weirder the better. I spend my days working as a freelance... Read More

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