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Photograph of the Pocahontas statue in Historic Jamestown, Virginia, USA.                            Source: I, Rolfmueller/CC BY-SA 3.0

The Real Pocahontas: Tragedy Beneath the Jamestown Sky (Video)

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The historical narrative of Pocahontas, popularized through the writings of English explorer John Smith, presents a complex and contested tale. Smith, a key figure in Jamestown's early days, narrates a dramatic rescue where Pocahontas intervenes to save him from imminent death.

However, skepticism surrounds this account, as it wasn't mentioned in Smith's initial works and was added later. Some argue it might be a ritualistic initiation rather than a factual event. Smith's writings reveal admiration for Pocahontas, emphasizing her wit and spirit from a young age. Despite rumors of a romantic relationship, Smith vehemently denies any such intentions.

The narrative takes a tragic turn when, in 1613, Pocahontas is abducted by English Captain Samuel Argall. Held captive in Jamestown, she is baptized, married to John Rolfe, and renamed Rebecca.

Pocahontas's later journey to England, where she encounters John Smith, adds a layer of emotional complexity. Her death in 1617 at the age of around twenty-one marks the end of a life that straddled two worlds.

In 1995 Disney released a highly romanticized version of the story. In the cinematic adaptation, Pocahontas is depicted as a romantic heroine who defies her people to save, and eventually fall in love with John Smith. This portrayal contrasts starkly with the complexities and tragedies present in the actual historical narrative, highlighting the influence of fictionalized versions on public perceptions of historical figures.

Top image: Photograph of the Pocahontas statue in Historic Jamestown, Virginia, USA.                            Source: I, Rolfmueller/CC BY-SA 3.0

By Robbie Mitchell

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I’m a graduate of History and Literature from The University of Manchester in England and a total history geek. Since a young age, I’ve been obsessed with history. The weirder the better. I spend my days working as a freelance... Read More

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