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Painting by Englishman John White of Sir Walter Raleigh’s 1590 Expedition to Roanoke Island to find the Lost Colony, where they found “Croatoan” carved on a tree. This may refer to either Croatoan Island or the Croatoan people. Source: Public Domain

The Mystery of Roanoke Colony’s Disappearance (Video)

The Roanoke Colony's mysterious disappearance, led by John White, stands as a profound enigma in the annals of early American history. Embarking on multiple expeditions to the New World, White and...
The Age of Discovery, a time when Portuguese explorers journeyed across the world. Source: oleskalashnik/Adobe Stock

Portuguese Empire and the Age of Exploration (Video)

During the Age of Exploration , Portugal's strategic location and maritime expertise propelled it to the forefront of global exploration and trade. With its extensive coastline and rich fishing...
Indigenous victims (likely smallpox), Florentine Codex (compiled 1540–1585) Source: Public Domain

The Mysterious Disease That Wiped Out the Aztecs (Video)

The Aztecs , a once-flourishing civilization in central Mexico, faced a devastating onslaught in the mid-16th century. While initially attributed to European diseases like smallpox, recent DNA...
Photograph of the Pocahontas statue in Historic Jamestown, Virginia, USA.                            Source: I, Rolfmueller/CC BY-SA 3.0

The Real Pocahontas: Tragedy Beneath the Jamestown Sky (Video)

The historical narrative of Pocahontas , popularized through the writings of English explorer John Smith, presents a complex and contested tale. Smith, a key figure in Jamestown's early days,...
Great Zimbabwe wall and tower. Source: Jan Van Der Voort/Adobe Stock

Reclaiming African History- The Lost City Of Zimbabwe (Video)

In the heart of southern Africa lies Great Zimbabwe , a silent witness to the intricate tapestry of an ancient civilization. Initially dubbed the work of a mythical white society by colonialists, the...
Ancient mud-brick city of Timbuktu, the most important center of the Malian Empire. Source: Uolir/Adobe Stock

The Malian Empire and the Richest Man in History (Video)

In 1235 AD, the Malian Empire emerged from the shadows of the fallen Ghanan Empire, its epic origins recounted in the oral tradition of West Africa. Sundiata Keita , the Lion King, plays a central...
Kilwa Kisiwani. Source: renatehenkel / Adobe Stock.

Kilwa Kisiwani: The Ruins of a Medieval East African Empire (Video)

Nestled on an island off the Tanzanian coast lies the captivating ruins of Kilwa Kisiwani, a once-prosperous city that thrived as a vital global trade hub during the Kilwa Sultanate , until European...
The British Museum. Source: Sammy / Adobe Stock.

The British Museum is Full of Stolen Artifacts (Video)

The British Museum , the world's largest world history museum, houses over 8 million cultural and historical artifacts from around the world. However, nearly half of the highlighted pieces face...
Haida mask. Source: Fiona M. Donnelly / Adobe Stock.

Haida Resilience: The Untold Saga of Canada's Coastal Warriors (Video)

The Haida people of Canada have a rich history that dates back over 10,000 years. They were known for their naval power and their strategic use of the ocean, which sustained them through trade and...
Portrait of Looty the Pekingese lion dog, commissioned by Queen Victoria and painted by Friedrich Wilhelm Keyl. Source: Public domain

Queen Victoria’s Dog Was Stolen from Chinese Emperor and Mockingly Called ‘Looty’

What at first glance appears to be an unexceptional dog , actually started out its life in the household of the Chinese emperor before being looted by the English during their sacking of the Old...
Mictlantecuhtli, the Aztec god of the dead, was quite busy in 15th century. The cocoliztli epidemic may have killed up to 15 million people! Source: Ivan / Adobe Stock

What was the Deadly Cocoliztli Disease that Decimated Aztec Society?

When the Spanish crossed the Atlantic and started arriving in hordes to begin their conquest and plunder of the Americas, they had a weapon in their arsenal that they had not anticipated: disease...
Segment from a political cartoon depicting the practice of scalp bounties for Native American scalps in North America. Source: Public domain

European Governments Offered Rewards for Native American Scalps

If watching The English , the Prime Video series, you may have been surprised at the depiction of a chilling character named Black-Eyed Mog. An English settler who decorated her wall with Native...
A mummified individual discovered in Chauchilla, Nazca, Peru, with traditional pre-Columbian burial dress and goods. One of the recently discovered mummies was holding a cross, supporting an estimated date in the colonial period. Source: Gerardo Daniel / Adobe Stock

Archaeologists in Peru Unearth Eight Colonial Era Skeletons

Archaeologists in Peru have unearthed the bodily remains of three children and five adults. This adds to bodies discovered at this site in August, the researchers suspect they've identified a rare...
Portrait of Tee Yee Ho Ga Row, baptized as Hendrick Tejonihokarawa, during his visit as part of the Four Indian Kings to Queen Anne in London in 1710, by Jan Verelst. Source: Public domain

Four Native American Kings Visited Queen Anne in London With a Special Request

The visit of four Native American “Kings” to London in 1710 caused quite a stir. While this wasn’t the first time that Native Americans had been on English soil, it was the first time that they were...
A closeup of the Blackboy statue in Stroud, England that may or may not be removed because it relates to English colonialism and racism.	Source: Brian Robert Marshall / Blackboy, Blackboy's School building, Stroud

Controversial Blackboy Statue Set for Removal

After more than a year-and-a-half of study and contemplation, the District Council that governs Stroud, Gloucestershire, England has voted to seek the removal of a controversial statue from its perch...
Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II is the current king of what is left of the Asante Empire. Source: Asante Kingdom

The Asante Empire of Ghana and the Anglo-Asante Wars

The Asante Empire (also known as the Ashanti Empire) was an African state that existed between the 18th and 20th centuries. This empire occupied the area of modern-day Ghana and benefitted greatly...
A conjectural drawing of the St. Mary's Fort settlement in Maryland in 1634.             Source: Jeffrey R. Parno / Historic St. Mary's City

Remains Of Legendary St. Mary’s Fort Finally Found in Maryland

Archaeologists associated with the preservation organization Historic St. Mary’s City have just announced a major discovery, which they recently unearthed at one of the most heavily explored sites in...
Edward Colston Statue in Bristol City Centre Has Been Toppled   Source: CC BY-SA 2.0

Edward Colston Statue Sunk in Bristol Harbor

A historic but very controversial statue has been toppled in Bristol, England. Black Lives Matter (BLM) protestors pulled down a statue of a figure who was prominent in the development of the...
Chevalier Tristan Bréville, owner and curator of the Photography Museum of Mauritius Source: Courtesy Micki Pistorius

The First Newspaper in the Southern Hemisphere

In 1773 the first printed newspaper in the Southern Hemisphere was published in Mauritius. The tiny island of Mauritius may only seem like a verdant dot in the azure blue Indian Ocean, yet this...