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Important Events

Here we feature some of the most seminal, historical, and influential events throughout history – both celebrated and unheralded – from the emergence of powerful civilizations and empires, to famous battles, great achievements, and events that have helped shape the world we currently know.

The people of Tournai bury victims of the Black Death, circa 1353. Source: Public Domain

Black Women Were Primary Victims of Black Death in Medieval London

When the Black Death or bubonic plague epidemic ravaged London between the autumn of 1348 and the spring of 1350, it may have wiped out as much as half the city’s population. While the victims of...
King Harold’s coronation sparked outrage. Source: Archivist / Adobe Stock.

Why King Harold's Rapid Coronation Sparked Outrage (Video)

In a remarkable turn of events on the 6th of January 1066 , England bore witness to a swift and controversial transition of power. King Harold's hasty coronation, occurring mere hours after the...
Recreation of an Egyptian war chariot from the Early New Kingdom by Angus McBride

An Ancient Egyptian Arms Race (Video)

Seqenenre Tao , a determined pharaoh of the Seventeenth Dynasty in ancient Egypt, played a pivotal role in the arms race against the Hyksos during the Second Intermediate Period. Faced with the...
King Harold was killed in the Battle of Hastings. Source: Sebastian / Adobe Stock.

The Brutal Battle that Killed King Harold of England (Video)

On October 14, 1066 , a fateful clash unfolded on the fields near Hastings that shift the fate of England dramatically. William the Conqueror’s forces, having landed at Pevensey, swiftly seized...
Baroque man looking very surprised at royal scandals. Source: ajr_images/Adobe Stock

Top 10 Royal Scandals That Left Society Aghast

Throughout history, royal families were often the image of the nations they ruled over. They were expected to conduct themselves with grace and dignity, to be shrewd and capable monarchs, and to lead...
Cleopatra giving a speech in Egypt. Source: unai / Adobe Stock.

44 BC was a Terrible Year for Cleopatra and Egypt (Video)

In 44 BC, Cleopatra and Egypt faced a catastrophic event that would shape their destiny. A volcanic eruption , with far-reaching global consequences, struck the world, impacting Egypt severely. The...
Remains of a man killed by Vesuvius eruption. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

How One Man Stood His Ground Against Mt. Vesuvius (Video)

In the shadow of the looming Mt. Vesuvius, amidst the chaos and impending doom, one lone figure defied the overwhelming odds . This individual, clad in a soldier's uniform, displayed remarkable...
St Patrick converting pagans. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Smithsonian Channel.

Is This the Reason Ireland Converted to Christianity? (Video)

The spread of Christianity in Ireland is often attributed to St. Patrick, but a deeper exploration of history and scientific findings dating back to 540 AD. Suggests a more intriguing perspective...
Tree rings. Source: tomeyk / Adobe Stock.

Can Tree Rings Explain the Demise of a Lost Civilization? (Video)

In the quest to uncover the mystery behind the fall of the once-vibrant Cahokia , archaeologists have turned to an unexpected source: tree ring records, aka dendrochronology. By 1150 AD, Cahokia,...
The nativity story depicting the birth of Jesus. Source:  Eric Wilcox / CC BY-NC 2.0)

The Nativity Story’s Timeless Message from Ancient Writings to Modern Day

Believe it or not, the Christmas holiday season is fast approaching, when homes will be adorned with twinkling lights and the spirit of giving fills the air. A timeless narrative unfolds—one that has...
Body collector during the plague. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Weird History.

What It Was Like to Be a Body Collector During the Black Death (Video)

Amid the Black Plague's devastating sweep from 1346 to 1353, a daunting profession emerged: that of the body collector. Their grim duty was unambiguous - to clear the streets and homes of the...
Constantine the Great. Source: SVasco / Adobe Stock.

Constantine's Death Threatened to Split the Roman Empire (Video)

Constantine's demise in 337 AD marked a turning point in the Roman Empire's trajectory . After his death, the city of Constantinople, which he had fostered, thrived while Rome, the former capital in...
The Sertorian War saw Roman generals and forces clash with the rebel leader Sertorius in a prolonged struggle for control. Source: Hui / Adobe Stock

The Sertorian War: How Rebels Nearly Toppled Rome from Within

Even the greatest of empires and kingdoms can be weakened by internal strife and civil war. The formidable power of Rome was no exception. Throughout its history—from the Republic to the Empire days—...
Victim of the Battle of Visby in 1361. Source: Gotland Excursion

The Harrowing Remains of the Battle of Visby's Medieval Massacre

The Battle of Visby was a violent medieval battle near the town of Visby on the Swedish island of Gotland, fought between the inhabitants of Gotland and the Danes, with the latter emerging victorious...
Fleas on rats spread the plague. Source: kichigin19 / Adobe Stock.

What Hygiene Was Like During the Black Plague? (Video)

In the 14th century , European hygiene during the Black Plague was far from ideal. Bathing was infrequent, and people resorted to remedies like vinegar and even urine to combat the disease due to a...
From ancient to modern times the abominable violation of human rights has occurred. Referred today as human trafficking, it is nonetheless, a form of slavery, of human exploitation for personal or commercial gain. Source: Rick/Adobe Stock

From Sumerian Gods to Modern Day: The Long History of Slavery and Lost Children

The recent film Sound of Freedom is a fictionalized account of the true story of Tim Ballard, a former US Department of Homeland Security agent who founded the nonprofit organization Operation...
Europe was changed after the Black Death ended. Source: Alexander / Adobe Stock.

What Happened After the Black Death Ended? (Video)

After the Black Death's devastating toll on Europe, survivors faced daunting challenges. The plague's aftermath brought about a stark transformation. The immediate impact was an economic crisis, with...
Crusader knight. Source: vitanovski / Adobe Stock.

What Life Was Like for a Medieval Crusader (Video)

In the era between 1096 and 1271, the Crusades unfolded as a dynamic clash of cultures, reshaping two continents. Yet, life for a medieval Crusader was far from uniform. Noble knights and commoners...
The Black Plague. Source: illustrissima / Adobe Stock.

How You Could Have Survived the Black Plague (Video)

Surviving the Black Plague in the 14th-century Europe necessitated avoiding crowded areas, curtailing the spread of the Bubonic plague through airborne transmission. Keeping a safe distance from...
Medieval torture device, the rack. Source: Bildergarage / Adobe Stock.

Anne Askew - Stretched on the Rack Until Her Tendons Snapped (Video)

In a turbulent era under Henry VIII's rule, Anne Askew's tale unfolds as a beacon of unwavering courage in the face of oppression. Born into privilege, she embraced Protestant beliefs and shared her...
Guang bing Chinese bagel. Source: Kenishirotie / Adobe Stock.

How a 500-Year-Old Chinese ‘Bagel’ Helped Win a War (Video)

Today bagels are a staple snack for many of us, but did you know that hundreds of years ago a Chinese variation helped win a war? This remarkable creation, known as the guang-bing, holds the key to...
Kappeler Milchsuppe, Swiss Milk Soup. Source: tauav / Adobe Stock.

In 1529 AD, Soldier’s Called a Ceasefire Over Swiss Milk Soup (Video)

Kappeler Milchsuppe's historical significance resonates through time as a vivid illustration of the unifying power of food. Originating in 1529 during the First Kappel War, amidst the fervor of...
Representational image of the Gutian Invasion of the Akkadian Empire. Source: Francis Valadj / Adobe Stock

The Gutian Invasion: What Really Caused the Fall of the Akkadian Empire?

The Akkadian Empire, one of the first great empires in human history, thrived in ancient Mesopotamia under the rule of Sargon of Akkad. However, its reign eventually came to an end. For decades,...
Miniature in the 14th century Constantine Manasses Chronicle depicting the Bulgars led by Khan Krum pursuing the Byzantines during the Battle of Versinikia in 813. Source: Public domain

The Rise and Fall of the Mighty Bulgars and the First Bulgarian Empire

In the annals of history, the First Bulgarian Empire emerges as a captivating tale of rise, conquest and eventual decline. Founded by Khan Asparuh in the late 7th century, one of the early leaders of...
