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Left; A turquoise mask representing the god Tezcatlipoca.  Right;Tezcatlipoca with all 20-day signs, symbolizing the divine calendar. Source: Left; CC BY-SA 2.5, Right; Public Domain

Tezcatlipoca, Prime God of the Aztecs, Compared to Other Omnipotent Deities

The god Tezcatlipoca was a major Aztec deity who was worshiped in east-west facing temples in many Mesoamerican city-states under the influence of the Aztecs, particularly Texcoco. He was considered...
A religious leader talks to hundreds of people. Source: ZaYoNiXx/Adobe Stock

Seven Great Religious Leaders in History (Video)

Seven significant historical religious leaders have profoundly impacted the development of faith traditions worldwide. Moses Maimonides, born in 1135 AD in Spain, was a distinguished Jewish...
The infant Heracles strangling the snakes sent by the goddess Hera (a woman protects Iphiclyse on the right).	Source: Public Domain

Surprising Mythological Stories From Around the World (Video)

Exploring mythological stories from diverse cultures unveils a rich tapestry of beliefs and narratives deeply embedded in human history. For instance, the Hawaiian tradition embodied in the kumulipo...
Statue of Hindu God Shiva Nataraja in the cosmic dance. Source: Elena Kovaleva/Adobe Stock

Shiva, One of the Oldest Gods in the World

Shiva, one of the principal deities in Hinduism, is a complex and multifaceted figure whose significance extends far beyond the bounds of religious worship. Revered as the god of destruction and...
Ancient World mythologies. Source: filmmaster/Adobe Stock

Beyond Reality: 5 Common Themes in World Mythologies

Across the world we have different myths and legends from the elephant god Ganesha to the Maya Jaguar gods to different types of angels, goblins, and fairy like figures that have different names, but...
Hindi culture is rich in traditions of sacred dance. Source: mihail / Adobe Stock

Embracing the Divine: Eight Sacred Dances in Hindu Rituals

Sacred dance has always been an integral part of Hinduism, intricately woven into rituals and spiritual practices. The Vedas , the holy texts of Hinduism, intermingle performance arts with rituals,...
Tibetan horse saddle. Metropolitan Museum of Art / Public Domain.

How This Ornate Saddle Reflects Traditional Tibetan Culture (Video)

This intricate saddle serves as a remarkable embodiment of traditional Tibetan culture , transcending the Western stereotype of Tibet as solely defined by Buddhism . Rooted in a rich historical...
Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple. Source: lizavetta / Adobe Stock.

Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple: The 700-Year-Old Temple of Colors (Video)

The Sri Ranganathaswamy Temple in southern India is an exceptional record of history, offering a window into the past that extends across 700 years. The temple's striking exterior is a melange of...
Kathakali eye dancer. Source: Grigory Kubatyan / Adobe Stock.

Eye Dancing and India’s Ancient Art of Kathakali (Video)

Kathakali, the captivating traditional Indian dance originating from Kerala , unveils a mesmerizing world where stories from Hindu epics come alive. This art form transcends mere movements and steps...
Largest handwritten family tree in the world. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Great Big Story.

The Largest Handwritten Family Tree in the World (Video)

In the sacred grounds of Haridwar, India, beside the flowing Ganges , lies an extraordinary marvel. This remarkable marvel is the largest handwritten family tree globally. Maintained by dedicated...
Representation of Dwarka underwater. Source:  Amith / Adobe Stock.

Dwarka's Submerged Secret: Finding the Lost Kingdom of Krishna (Video)

Dwarka , a city steeped in mythical and historical significance, holds a unique place among the seven holy pilgrimage centers of India. Its prominence lies in its association with the ancient kingdom...
Representational image of an Aghori. Source: Dondon Gigantone / Adobe Stock.

Aghori: Exploring the Bizarre World of Extreme Asceticism (Video)

The Aghori are an intriguing sect of Hinduism known for their unconventional practices and ascetic way of life. They seek spiritual liberation through intense discipline and the transcendence of...
Medieval monk praying with a Bible and a rosary.	Source: Nomad_Soul / Adobe Stock

Medieval Monks: The Life and Times of God’s Men in Robes

Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a medieval monk? Perhaps you’ve wondered about the reasons behind becoming a monk, or what they do on a daily basis. Monasticism has existed for...
The Coming Gnostic Civilization, and his most recent book, Sedona: City of the Star People.

The Truth Behind the Christ Myth: Ancient Origins of the Often Used Legend – Part I

What is the origin of the legend of the Christed Son who was born of a virgin on December 25th? I am sure you are familiar with his legend which states that he was born in a manger surrounded by...
Hindu Gods And Their Counterparts: Ubiquitous In A Global Sphere

Hindu Gods And Their Counterparts: Ubiquitous In A Global Sphere

Modern Hinduism is likely the most difficult modern religious schemata in the world to define, due to its countless number of sects and influences, and its philosophical additions and interpretations...
Ancient Bengali Buddhists helped spread the religion to Tibet.

How Ancient Bengalis Established Buddhism in Tibet

The history of the Indian sub-continent’s Bengal region dates back to ancient times. This long history includes India’s most famous epic stories including the Ramayana and the Mahabharata . Ancient...
Kedarnath temple is the first on the Panch Kedar pilgrimage and is visited by thousands of pilgrims every year. Source: Sushant Pandey / Knowledge of India

Atoning for Your Sins in the Himalayas: The Panch Kedar Pilgrimage

India is generally associated with two remarkable features: the vast Himalayan mountain range, which hosts some of the highest peaks in the world, and for being the birthplace of religions. Hinduism...
Deciphering the Deities of Hinduism

Deciphering the Deities of Hinduism

There are no ancient civilizations that have not practiced some kind of religion. When we study the history of the oldest and the earliest civilizations, we do not find exact dates or traces of...
Discoveries made at the Ayodhya excavation site.     Source: Shri Ram Janmbhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust

Can Ancient Temples Unearthed in Ayodhya Put Religious Dispute to Bed?

In India , the remnants of ancient temples have been uncovered during construction work on a new religious complex. It is almost certain that they are Hindu temples, and they have already yielded...
Makara statue found in Phnom Kulen National Park  Source: Ministry of the Environment / Khmer Times

Never Seen Before Makara Statue Found in Cambodia

In Cambodia, a magnificent but mysterious statue has been found in a forested area in a national park. The statue is of a mythical creature known as Makara. This discovery is like nothing else that...
The ruins of the temple sanctuary at Vat Phou, Laos

The Stunning Vat Phou Temple Tells Secrets of Laos' Past

Laos is a country that we know little about, it is only in recent years that the nation has opened to the outside world. But the country has many important archaeological sites, amongst the most...
Nayanar statue of the Bhakti movement. Source: Lightofchairat / Adobe Stock.

Who Were the Tamil Saints of the Bhakti Movement?

Broadly speaking, the Tamil saints refers to the holy men and women of Hinduism who lived in Tamilakam, the geographical area inhabited by the ancient Tamil people which covers the southern tip of...
The Meditation on the Passion by Vittore Carpaccio (1510) (Public Domain)

Contemplating the Navel: The Origins of Ancient Mindfulness

The words of the 16th-century Bishop of Geneva, Saint Francis de Sales, are truer today than ever before: “ Half an hour's meditation each day is essential, except when you are busy. Then a full hour...
The Vedas: Ancient Mystical Texts Offer Charms, Incantations, Mythological Accounts and Formulas for Enlightenment

The Hindu Vedas: Charms, Myths, and Formulas for Enlightenment

The Vedas are the sacred scriptures of Hinduism and are regarded as the oldest religious texts in the world. Thought to have been composed at least 3,500 years ago, the Vedas are a collection of...
