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Garden of Eden

The Tigris River in Êlih-Hafizbiniyan. Source: CC BY-SA 3.0

Where the Garden of Eden Actually Could Have Been (Video)

The quest for the Garden of Eden, a mythical paradise mentioned in religious texts, leads us through a labyrinth of historical clues and archaeological findings. Genesis offers tantalizing but...
Krishna and Radha in the Garden ( SLRN / Adobe Stock)

Pushkar, India – Ticking The Boxes For The Location Of The Garden Of Eden

The Garden of Eden occupies a central position in the Biblical narrative but no place resembling it is found in West Asia, perhaps because the Garden could have been located at Pushkar in the state...
Pinpointing The Celestial Garden Of Eden By Hallowed Heavenly Writing

Pinpointing The Celestial Garden Of Eden By Hallowed Heavenly Writing

The historical existence of the Garden of Eden ( Genesis 2:4-3:24) remains a mystery. The Hebrew text depicts the Judaic Deity, Adam, Eve, and the villainous Serpent interacting within an intimate...
There is much debate between scholars to Jesus’ crucifixion date, but there is no real consensus. Is there anyway of us knowing the truth? Left: portrait of Sir Isaac Newton. (Public domain).     Right: representation of Jesus’ crucifixion. (Kovalenko I / Adobe stock)

Sir Isaac Newton’s Astronomical Dating of Christ's Crucifixion

Whether he existed as a physical person, or as some believe, was merely an archetype from Jewish mysticism, Jesus has taken the world by storm and according to the Complete Pilgrim , very rough...
Expulsion from Paradise, painting by James Jacques Joseph Tissot

Cursed Cain, the Master Architect. Paradise Lost Gives Rise to the Birth of City-States – Part I

Mankind has always endeavored to revive the paradise lost to Adam and Eve and in so doing managed to originate the concept of city-states. What is considered a State? According to the Concise Oxford...
How Europeans saw the Garden of Eden in the Middle Ages. Painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder (1472-1553)

Was the Garden of Eden a Real Place?

Mention the Garden of Eden to a group of friends and you are likely to get as many suggestions on its true location as people you ask, plus a fair number who will deny that it was ever a real place...
Re-creation of the port at Eridu, an ancient “Court of the King of the World”.

The Royal Road of the King of the World, and the Ancient Center of the Earth

The Royal Road of the King of the World is a 20-degree band around the Earth that has 30 degrees north latitude as its center. This band is not, technically, the geographical center of the Earth,...
The sun rises behind the Taj Mahal

Garden and pavilions of the Taj Mahal found to align with rays of the sun

New research has revealed that the gardens of the Taj Mahal, and the structures within it, align with the rising and setting sun during the summer and winter solstices. While the reason for...
Akhenaten and Nefertiti

Eden in Egypt – Part 2

( Read part 1 ) So if the Garden of Eden was located at Amarna, then what of Adam and Eve? The first thing to note is that Adam and Eve were the first man and first woman. But then so too were...

Eden in Egypt – Part 1

The location of the Garden of Eden and the whereabouts of the Tower of Babel have perplexed theologians and historians alike for hundreds if not thousands of years. And so sparse is the information...
Eden - Paradise lost

A Paradise Lost: In Search of Eden

Nothing else has fascinated both archaeologists and theologians alike more than the identity to the location of man’s paradise lost; that is, the Garden of Eden. Throughout history, the idea of a...