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Re-creation of the port at Eridu, an ancient “Court of the King of the World”.

The Royal Road of the King of the World, and the Ancient Center of the Earth

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The Royal Road of the King of the World is a 20-degree band around the Earth that has 30 degrees north latitude as its center. This band is not, technically, the geographical center of the Earth, which is marked by the equator. But when the square miles of land south of 30 degrees’ north latitude are counted together (not including the Arctic or Antarctica), and the square miles of land north of 30 degrees north latitude are similarly tabulated, both equal approximately 26 million square miles. Thus, the Royal Road of the King of the World exists at the very center of Earth’s landmass. In ancient times this central region was denominated by many civilizations living upon it as the “Center of the Earth.”   

Legendary King of the World

Along the Royal Road of the King of the World are “Courts of the King.” They are “imperial cities” at the “Center of the Earth” where the legendary King of the World installed his throne at the beginning of a cycle of time and then established a glorious center of culture, a “Garden of Eden,” where the sacred and mundane sciences could be taught. This legendary King of the World was once known all over the globe by a variety of royal names, including Sanat Kumara (India), Enki (Sumeria), Ptah-Osiris (Egypt), Masau’u (Hopi), Melchizedek (Palestine) and Tawsi Melek, the “Peacock Angel” (Yezidis).

According to their corresponding legends, many of these monarchs once traveled around the globe along the Royal Road while blessing our planet and spreading sacred rites and teachings designed to help humans worship and directly commune with God.   

Here are the co-ordinates of many ancient places within the 20-degree band that were once known as Gardens of Eden, Centers of the Earth and Courts of the King of the World:

Sedona, Arizona 34.8600 N, 111.7892 W 

Four Corners 36.9990 N, 109.0452 W 

Hopi Second Mesa 35.82 N, 110.50 W   

Mt. Kailash 31 N Lat 81 E Long 

Giza 30 N Lat, 31 E Long 

Lalish 36 N Lat, 43 E Long 

Eridu 30.8158 N Lat, 45.9961 E Long 

Jerusalem 32 N Lat, 34 E Long 

Kauai 22.0833 N Lat, 159.5000 W Long

Courts of the King of the World

Leading this list are Sedona, the Four Corners and the Hopi Mesas, all of which were once part of the territory of the Hopis. The ancient Hopis referred to their homeland as Tuwanasavi, the “Center of the Earth.” In this region Masau’u, the King of the World and principal patron of the Hopis, established his court at the imperial city of Palatkwapi, the “City of the Star People,” which is now known as Sedona.

The striking red stone of Cathedral Rock, Sedona, Arizona.

The striking red stone of Cathedral Rock, Sedona, Arizona. (CC BY 2.0)

Palatkwapi was a “Garden of Eden” for both the Hopis and Yavapai, which is a tribe of inner Earth people who after leaving their subterranean abode made Boynton Canyon in Sedona their first settlement on the surface of our planet. Masau’u also established a court in the Hopi Mesas in proximity to what is today known as the ancient Hopi village of Oraibi, the longest continually inhabited town in North America. Oraibi is short for Sip-Oraibi, meaning “the place where the Earth first became solid.”

The Hopi Reservation

The Hopi Reservation

As presented by Gary David in The Orion Zone, the Third Mesa that the town Oraibi sits upon is one of seven terrestrial landmarks that mirror the seven stars of the Orion constellation - the celestial home of the King of the World.  

Giza, Egypt and the nearby ancient metropolis of Memphis is another Court of the King located at the “Center of the World.” This truth was recently proven by the “archaeocryptologist” Carl Munck, who discovered that the ancients made Giza the crossing point of the earliest Prime Meridian of longitude and then measured all their temples and pyramids around the globe from it. During dynastic times, Giza and Memphis – known as HiKu-Ptah, the “mansion of the Ka of Ptah” - became the court of King of the World, PtahOsiris, the universal monarch who once encircled the globe upon his bull. Giza and Memphis reflect the Hopis’ Sip-Oraibi in a couple of important ways.

According to Egyptologist Robert Bauval in The Orion Mystery, seven strategic landmarks in Egypt are terrestrial reflections of the royal constellation of Orion. They include the three pyramids of Giza that reflect the three stars of Orion’s belt. Moreover, Memphis was built upon a primal mound that the ancient Egyptians identified as the first plot of solid land to emerge out of the sea that once covered Earth.  

Northeast of Giza is Lalish, another Center of the World, where Tawsi Melek the Peacock Angel and “Peacock King” first appeared and then covered the barren Earth with his etheric peacock plumes that would eventually crystallize to become all vegetative life forms on our planet. Some Faqirs, the record keepers of the Yezidis, contend that Lalish was the first solid land to emerge from the water that initially encircled our planet, thus making it an Asian counterpart of both Memphis and Hopis’ Sip-Oraibi. Lalish would eventually become the center of a Garden of Eden that encompassed the regions of northern Iraq and southern Turkey. Within this territory has been discovered Gobekli Tepe, the world’s oldest known archeological excavation that has been dated back to 10,000 BCE, or even earlier.  

Previous to the discovery of Gobekli Tepe, Eridu, the home of their King of the World Enki, was traditionally recognized as the original Garden of Eden. It is still considered by many to be the site of the Biblical Garden of Eden where Enki is said to have appeared to Adam and Eve in his form of the Serpent on the Tree. After that scenario Eridu became the Court of the King of the World and the headquarters of the world’s nascent government. A passage in the Sumerian King-List plainly states:

“When kingship from heaven was lowered, the kingship was in Eridu.” The translation of the name “Enki” is “Lord of the Earth.” 

Jerusalem was the ancient city of King Melchizedek, the Middle Eastern manifestation of the King of the World. Melchizedek was the King of Salem, which is an ancient name for both Jerusalem and the Earth in its entirety. Literally translated Salem simply means “Peace.” All the maps created in Europe during the Middle Ages placed Jerusalem in the Center of the World. In the middle of Jerusalem is the Eben Shetiya, the Stone of Foundation that unites Heaven and Earth.

Maps from the Middle Ages placed Jerusalem at the center of the earth.

Maps from the Middle Ages placed Jerusalem at the center of the earth. (Public Domain)

Today the Dome of the Rock encloses the Eben Shetiya, but in very ancient times the rock was surmounted by the Holy of Holies of Solomon’s Temple and its indwelling Ark of the Covenant.  

Stupas, with the north face of Mount Kailash in the background.

Stupas, with the north face of Mount Kailash in the background. (CC BY-SA 4.0)

Tibet’s Mount Kailash sits on the opposite side of the globe from the Hopis’ Center of the Earth, Tawanasavi. Kailash is the physical counterpart of legendary Mount Meru, the premier mountain at the Center of the Earth from which all other peaks around the globe were seeded. The Hindu Puranas maintain that Meru-Kailash once marked the middle of Jambu Dvipa, which is a name for both a legendary continent at the Center of the World as well as the Earth in its entirety. Similarly, the Persian history contained within the Aveinidad refer to Meru-Kailash as Hara Benzati, (shortened as Albourz or Elbourz), the Emerald Mountain at the Center of the Earth that once united Heaven and Earth and served as home to the Persians’ ancient King of the World, Mithra.  

The continent Jambu Dvipa is shown in the center of the chart, encircled by rings indicating oceans and landmasses.

The continent Jambu Dvipa is shown in the center of the chart, encircled by rings indicating oceans and landmasses. (Public Domain)

Many of the Asian peoples first appeared in the Garden of Eden that surrounds and includes Mount Kailash, including the Persians, Scythians, and the earliest Tibetans. The Bon Shamans of Tibet claim that the region was the site of their ancient Garden of Eden known as Olmolungring, while some of the Tibetan Buddhists identify the area as Shambhala, the location of the imperial city and throne of the King of the World. Hindus maintain that Mount Kailash is home to their Lord Shiva and his family, which includes King of the World Sanat Kumara. However, it can also be said that Sanat Kumara is Shiva. Shiva’s true nature is that of the transcendent, infinite Spirit that is beyond any form or limitation, and his limited, tangible form is his Son, Sanat Kumara (aka Rudra). 

Mount Kailash’s status as being at the creative Center of the World and home to Sanat Kumara, the divine Son of Shiva and Shakti, is indicated by its shape: a gigantic Shiva Lingam.

A Shiva lingam in Linga Temple near Narsimha Statue, Badavilinga Temple, India.

A Shiva lingam in Linga Temple near Narsimha Statue, Badavilinga Temple, India. (Public Domain)

A Shiva Lingam represents the union of the male and female sexual organs and the creative power that results from this union. It is also the symbol of Sanat Kumara, the divine progeny conceived through the union of Shiva and Shakti.  

An illustration of the Hindu significance of Mount Kailash, depicting the holy family of Shiva, consisting of Shiva, Parvati, Ganesha and Kartikeya (Muruga).

An illustration of the Hindu significance of Mount Kailash, depicting the holy family of Shiva, consisting of Shiva, Parvati, Ganesha and Kartikeya (Muruga). (Public Domain)

Kauai, the oldest of the Hawaiian Islands, is said to be approximately six million years old. Esoterically, it is said that when Sanat Kumara first arrived on Earth he made Kauai one of his palatial courts and even projected his spirit into the island. Today, seven sequential temples of igneous rock marking his seven chakras ascend the volcanic island while his sacred bird, the cock or rooster, runs freely everywhere. In the 1970s Sivaya Subramuniyaswami was inwardly directed by Sanat Kumara to build a Hindu ashram over the island’s fifth chakra.  

Excerpted from Sedona: City of the Star People by Mark Amaru Pinkham Adventures Unlimited Publisher Kempton, IL 2015 

Featured image: Re-creation of the port at Eridu, an ancient “Court of the King of the World”. (Public Domain)

Some images courtesy author Mark Amaru Pinkham

By: Mark Amaru Pinkham



The Indian Yogi named Yogananda that moved near Hollywood left us a quote: "the whole world is Brahma's stage and we are all actors on that stage, he places us as he will, and we all play our parts." Sandyhook Elementary school was at 36 Yogananda Street...any "questions?" Brahma is "Abraham." Abram. No if ands or buts.

"Melchizedek" is Malik Zedek...King Zedek. Related to the Tawsi Melek of the Pelest. Sanaka is King Naga...Serpent/snake. Sanatana is King Natana..."Nathan." Sanandana is King Nandan...the Nantan/Nandan meteorite collected along the Silk Road and fashioned into the steel swords like the one found in Tut's tomb. Forged by "Vishnu" and given to Shiva...his Chandhrasa..."Moonblade." A "Celestial weapon" from the debris field between Jupiter and Saturn. Which leads to "OsirisPtah"...who is actually Asur the Assyrian deity and Ptah...which is avatar of Vishnu like Kumara the Turtle. This is all faked history and iconography by Lu Nammu...of Ur III...a Trickster/Illusionist and poisoner. You call him "Tushratta" but he is really Demetrios II. Thousand years disappear when the dots are connected...his father is "Enki"...Kain/Ea/Yuya/Antigonas I...the one-eyed. You are under A Spell.

Sanat Kumara literally means eternally young, his proper name is Datriputra which means son of Brahma, the king of this material world. In the Vedas, in the puranas and in the Srimad Baghavatan it is described how the first material being, Brahma, was created by Vishnu and was intructed to populate the material world and rule upon it.

Brahma then gave birth to the four kumaras, namely Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanandana and Sanat Kumara, and delegated to them the task to populate the world. The four Kumaras declined the household life and choose to live the holy life and became ascetics. Brahma become very angry and a red crying being sprung from him, Rudrá, derived from the "sanskrit" root rud- which means "to cry", Rudrá is better known today by the name Shiva Shankar.

Moonsong's picture

Would like to read more about the ‘King of the World’. Is this figure mentioned in any literary works or other legends?


- Moonsong
A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world ~ Oscar Wilde

MarkPinkham's picture

Mark Amaru Pinkham

Mark Amaru Pinkham

Mark Amaru Pinkham is an author and researcher who has published six books on the ancient mysteries of Earth and the evolution of humanity. His books include The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom Guardians of... Read More

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