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Egyptian sarcophagus of Pharaoh Tutankhamun isolated on black background. Source: Anna/Adobe Stock

The Cursed Search For King Tut's Tomb (Video)

The quest for King Tutankhamun's tomb stands as a pivotal moment in archaeological history, unraveling mysteries of an ancient civilization buried beneath the sands of time. Initially, the unearthing...
Various cultures have created jewelry and other talismans to protect themselves from the negative effects of what has come to be known as the evil eye. Source: Dennis Skley / CC BY ND 2.0

Warding Off the Evil Eye: Ancient Rings and Phallic Talismans

For thousands of years, people have been plagued by the haunting belief that envious or disdainful gazes could bring them harm, injury, bad luck or even death. In response, various cultures have...
Image of several members of the Terracotta Army in Xian. Source: lapas77 / Adobe Stock

Finders of the Terracotta Army Think They Are Cursed

Archaeology lovers around the world have undoubtedly heard of the famed Terracotta Army which was discovered in the 1970s in Xian, in northwest China, and attracts millions of visitors each year. But...
Is the terracotta army created to protect the Chinese emperor imbued with a deadly curse? Source: lapas77 / Adobe Stock

Qin Shi Huang and his Terracotta Army Are Guarded by a Deadly Curse

Archaeology lovers around the world have undoubtedly heard of the famed Terracotta Army which was discovered in the 1970s in Xian, in northwest China, which attracts millions of visitors each year...
The Hellfire Club building on Montpelier Hill, Dublin.  Source: © William Alexander

Exploring the Enigma of the Hellfire Club: Dublin's Haunted Secret

Mystical and occult places in the world have always attracted intrigued explorers and lovers of the odd and quirky. Often enough, such places are all around us, nestled in their enigma without us...
The Ice Maiden, or Ukok Princess. Source: Kobsev / Public Domain.

The 'Curse' of Siberia's 2,500-Year-Old 'Ice Maiden' (Video)

The discovery of the 2,500-year-old mummified remains of the 'Ukok Princess' in Siberia's frozen Ukok Plateau in 1993 was a remarkable archaeological find. While modern scientific techniques have...
The Mars lies at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, where it sank during a naval battle in 1564. Composite photograph by Tomasz Stachura , Ocean Discovery.

Cursed Shipwreck Yields Treasure and Human Remains (Video)

Deep beneath the dark waters of the Baltic Sea lies a time capsule, a frozen battlefield that has intrigued adventurers for centuries. It is the resting place of the legendary warship, Mars , whose...
The ruined remains of Kuldhara village in India. Source: bluesea / Adobe Stock

Abandoned for Love and Cursed for Eternity: What Happened in Kuldhara?

The Indian village of Kuldhara is shrouded in mystery. Once a prosperous and thriving community, the village was suddenly abandoned in the 19th century and has remained uninhabited ever since...
Hawaiian girls dancing in front of volcano (Julia Held/ Adobe Stock)

Returning Volcanic Rocks Of Pele, Ancient Fire Goddess Of Hawaii

Creation in action. That is how one Hawaiian resident describes the goddess Pele’s movement. The earth’s red blood issuing into the sky, creating new landmasses and changing the planet itself,...
The lead curse tablet found on Mount Ebal.	Source: Michael C. Luddeni | Associates for Biblical Research (ABR)

Curse Tablet Found on Mount Ebal Suggests Early Literacy Came to Israel

One of two mountains in the West Bank, Mount Ebal occupies a special place in the hearts and mythology of the Israelites, but not in the most positive light. In advance of the entry of the Jews into...
Curse of the Buried Pearl: Tomb Curses, Spirits and the Hunt for Ancient Treasures – Part I

Curse of the Buried Pearl: The Hunt for Ancient Treasures – Part I

In economics one hears talk of “the curse of oil” – and one might say wherever there is buried treasure there will be a curse, hyper-real or real. The most famous of all curses is of course that...

The Evil Eye in the Mediterranean: How to Avert Accidental Envy

The ancient Mediterranean belief of the evil eye still has its adherents today. Those who have the “eye” are thought to give bad luck unintentionally to anything or anyone that they are envious of...
Jacques de Molay cursed everyone who supported his death

The Powerful Curse of Jacques de Molay, the Last Grand Master of Templars

On March 18, 1314, Jacques de Molay and a few other Templars, after enduring torture and many other humiliations, were sent to death. De Molay was an old man, tired with life and proud of his...
Cassandra of Troy is a tragic figure within Greek mythology. Source: Maksim Šmeljov / Adobe Stock

The Ignored Prophet of Doom: The Curse of Cassandra of Troy

Best-known for her prophetic powers, within Greek mythology Cassandra is a princess of Troy who lived during the era of the Trojan War. Her gift of prophecy, however, was accompanied by a curse – no...
Witchcraft at the Agora, Athens Revealed in New Study

Witchcraft at the Agora, Athens Revealed in New Study

Witchcraft, as those who go beyond superficial Sabrina well knows, is all about “energy transferal.” This bizarre statement is made perfectly clear in the discovery of a jar containing a mutilated...
The Pharaoh’s parade is a stunningly inventive way to lift spirits during the Covid-19 pandemic, while transporting the remains of these ancient kings and queens to their new home.

Pharaoh’s Parade: Mummified Display of Egypt’s Glorious Past

When you utter the name “Egypt,” the first thing that comes to the mind is the storied past hidden in the deep recesses of fantastical pyramids. Not to forget, unending expanses of beautiful, golden...
The Curse of the Mijikenda Vigango Statues

The Curse of the Mijikenda Vigango Statues

During the 1980s, Coastal Kenya experienced the largest heist of ancestral artifacts in history. Over 300 wooden Vigango statues were taken from the sacred grounds of several Mijikenda tribes. These...
The Cursed Amethyst: Trail of Misfortune and Misery Follows Ancient Gem

The Cursed Amethyst: Trail of Misfortune and Misery Follows Ancient Gem

The ‘Cursed Amethyst’, also known as the Delhi Purple Sapphire was incorrectly identified as a sapphire in the nineteenth century. This legendary gemstone remained hidden for three centuries beneath...
Oval lead ‘coffin’ with a spell against Pytheas, ordered by an Pytheas' opponent in an Athenian law court. Source: Dr. Jutta Stroszeck / German Archaeological Institute.

Cursed Death Messages Surface From Poisoned Athens Well

A 2,500 year-old water well in Athens has been discovered holding dozens of curse tablets. The 30 small lead tablets were found engraved with ancient curses and hexes at the bottom of a 2,500 year-...
Witches across the United States join together to put a spell on Donald Trump. Source: Asta / Adobe Stock.

Witches ‘Spell’ President Trump In Pre-Halloween Showdown

Thousands of self-declared ‘ witches ’ will cast a unified ‘ spell ’ on POTUS Donald Trump this weekend and “yes” this news piece is a work of non-fiction and not a joke. It would appear that in the...
A dancers curse has been revealed on a Byzantine tablet.                  Source: par /Adobe Stock

Mysterious 1500-year-old Tablet Deciphered as Dancer’s Curse

An academic has finally deciphered the mysterious writings on a lead tablet after 70 years. They were shown to be a curse aimed at a dancer. The curse-tablet dates from the Byzantine era and is...
In the medieval England magic was a service industry. Source: Вероника Преображенс / Adobe Stock.

In Medieval England, Magic Was A Service Industry

Tabitha Stanmore / The Conversation Chances are that when you hear the words “ medieval magic ”, the image of a witch will spring to mind: wizened old crones huddled over a cauldron containing...
Atreus and Thyestes. Two members of the House of Atreus.

The Curse of the House of Atreus: A Dysfunctional Family Taken to Extremes

The Ancient Greeks often spoke of the Heroic Age, when nymphs and satyrs cultivated the mountains and gods played with mortals. Among the Greek myths that take place in the Heroic Age is the story of...
There are numerous hidden Romanian treasures. Source: samiramay / Adobe.

Hidden Romanian Treasures– A Cursed History

People have spoken of hidden Romanian treasures for generations. Some of these stories are terrible, but each tale involves mystery, curses , and legends. Some even speak of how entire subterranean...
