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  • Reply to: Ten Bizarre Mysteries Across Time and Space   5 years 1 day ago
    Comment Author: Gary Moran

    Curious, George put comment on wrong article? or something at AO send it to wrong one? Anyhow, the article was interesting, many more mysteries out there.

  • Reply to: The Enigmatic and Undeciphered Voynich Manuscript Unlikely to be a Hoax   5 years 1 day ago
    Comment Author: JeffAdd

    What do you expect someone who gets payed to analyze the text to say? That it's a hoax so please stop funding my useless research?

  • Reply to: Ten Bizarre Mysteries Across Time and Space   5 years 1 day ago
    Comment Author: George Metaxas

    As about the Cart Ruts, curiously 140 cm is the standard railway gauge! And if the source of this gauge was the width of two horses side by side pulling a cart a little wider than the horses for practical reasons (as the myth goes), then one may imagine a similar use (initially) for the Cart Ruts. As about the depth, the ruts could be deepened later when their use was changed. The often meaningless tracking may be the result of later geological agitation.

  • Reply to: Can Jewish People be a Nation, and a Religion, and a Race?   5 years 1 day ago
    Comment Author: CW Boogaart

    Agree with your statements.

  • Reply to: Can Jewish People be a Nation, and a Religion, and a Race?   5 years 1 day ago
    Comment Author: CW Boogaart

    it matters not if you consider yourself being a jew (religion) only if you have palestinian ancestry whether palestinian jew, - christian or - muslim. In 1920 Palestinian census there were just 120.000 Palestinian Jews, they have a right to call it their country, like with the palestinians with christian-muslim religion who live there for 100's of years. Not jews (religion) from where ever they come from from other countries.

  • Reply to: Can Jewish People be a Nation, and a Religion, and a Race?   5 years 1 day ago
    Comment Author: jschwa

    its too bad you write like you speak. if you took the time to write by the rules as taught, i would be more inclined to listen with respect. but looking past your literary shortcomings: that information regarding the palestinian haplogroup j1 is solid basis for geographic roots in the region. hearing that Pharoah knew Palestine 1100 years BCE shows that the nation has been there for millennia and its people have a genetic signature. what you say about Israelis having no distinct haplotype is telling. now, in my case, i had my DNA analyzed by the National Geographic genome project. their findings mirrored what my family had been telling me all my life. I am genetically about 46% european jew. specifically from latvia, confirmed by an ancestyr/ geneology search. which probably means Ashkenazi, given this rabbi's categories, above. in reading his various analyses by category, i had to look at myself and ponder each of his considerations: am i a jew? my DNA says i am, but not quite half. am i a jew by religion? i wasnt raised observing the jewish calendar. didnt get instructed in the torah or kabbala. wasnt bas mitzvahed. we didnt eat jewish foods---not unless you count lox and bagels at my uncle's on rare visits. my jewish relatives dont look at me and my sister as fellow them, we're oddballs, unfamiliar beasts. i havent gone out with particularly jewish guys. my name looks jewish. but its not my true ancestry. the customs man changed it at Ellis Island, because it was spelled in Cyrillic. so am i jew? well? i guess you could say i am, but based on these truths: i have the jewish beliefs. i honestly do feel i answer, personally, to the One God of Israel. i have the jewish sense of morality. i feel the pressure to continually strive to be better. i have the jewish guilt. i definitely have the jewish sense of humor, both the light, the dark, the sarcastic, and the absurd. i have the philosophical questioning. i have the obsession for argument, even with God. we're allowed to argue with Him; he understands why we do it. i definitely have the acceptance of the long suffering, persecuted, ostracized, libeled, scapegoated, martyred sense of being unjustly accused, evicted, and have wondered at the strange animosity i have felt with no reason. if there's a test for whether i'm a jew or not, between my DNA and how i act, i guess i fit in better there than i do among any of the others. i certainly ache to know if there's a land i can go home to. i am definitely waiting for the messiah to come and set this terrible world straight---to throw out the crooked and vindicate the righteous. i know that the laws of man are easy to make and break, but the Laws of God are unbreakable. no one escapes them. so regardless of your historical facts, there is a de facto identity that comes with jewish experience, but only those who've lived it, know it. it takes one to know one.

  • Reply to: Homer’s Iliad Casts Doubt on the Aegean Location of Troy   5 years 2 days ago
    Comment Author: arafax

    I agree. I thought the evidence in the book was so compelling it convinced me. A visit to local museums around Cambridge where the author contends the action took place will reveal a wealth of Bronze Age weaponry with no record of relevant wars.  I thought Wilkins book the most convincing, but the other book referred to in the previous post was good too – it at confirmed that a highly developed Bronze Age civilisation existed in the UK and norther Europe. 

  • Reply to: Babylonian Astrology: How Mesopotamian Priests Influenced Your Horoscope   5 years 2 days ago
    Comment Author: Julie Morgan

    I contacted __________________________ROBINSON.BUCKLER {@} YAHOO_COM and he told me that my ex will come back to me in the next 4days, ROBINSON.BUCKLER released him up to know how much i loved and wanted him. And opened his eyes to picture how much we have share together. My ex is now back to me again. As I`m writing this testimony right now I`m the most happiest Woman on earth and myself and my boyfriend are living a happy life and our love is now stronger than how it were even before our break up. All thanks goes to ROBINSON.BUCKLER for the excessive work that he has done for me by helping me to get back with my ex boyfriend.....................................................................

  • Reply to: Titans Under the Earth: Evidence for The Tall Ones, and the Mounds of Pennsylvania   5 years 2 days ago
    Comment Author: Dennis Scott Wallace

    to find Undocumented mounds and Earthworks USE Google Earth Pro Timeline to 1997 or 1994 for better view !
    From the Triangle Mound attached to End Moraine Negley Ohio , Draw a line south to Ohio river 11.5 miles roughly , Negley south end of valley draw line on west side of Solar Henge, Fredericktown Triangle Mound, Thompson park undocumented Earthworks, and Round Mound in East Liverpool will be in line. From the Negley Triangle Mound Draw a line East into Pennsylvania the Beaver River 11.5 miles roughly , the line will go through Indian Rock an Undocumented mound in south Beaver County a Round Mound 51 Constitution Blvd. Cuts Through the mound, which is beside a huge Earth works East of Darlington South of New Galilee each leg of earth work is 2600 ft long all in PA. were Damaged by strip cutting in the 1950's & 1960's BUT STILL THERE !

  • Reply to: Underwater Fortress Found: Ancient Fort Linked to Bloody Biblical Battles Found Off Coast of Israel   5 years 2 days ago
    Comment Author: Suzanne Tegart

    There is no book of Maccabees in the Bible.

  • Reply to: Help Find the Missing Corner of the Hopi Tablet To Prove Their Creation Story: Seeking Answers in the Chapel of the Tablet, Africa   5 years 2 days ago
    Comment Author: Gary J Meade

    Hi Thomas,

    Thank you for your reply. When I was given instructions about this pipestone and stem, I was told much the same story as your Lakota friend shared with you. It took me a long time to recover from the loss of direction, family, companionship and mentorship and so it took me a long time to begin the process of carving them. It took me almost five years to begin. Now that they are near complete I am looking for a place and time to awaken them. Thank you for the reminder as to when would be most beneficial to do so. Also, Thank you for letting me know that I may actually be welcomed by the Hopi should my life bring me back out west. Mid July will be my 49th birthday. I know that there are some schisms with the Hopi so I wouldn't know which mesa to travel to or who the speak to when I arrived but if it is meant to be that I will be there to gift them what I have both gathered and created to honor them, I am certain that a road will open up. Blessings to you and thank you again for your reply.


  • Reply to: Titans Under the Earth: Evidence for The Tall Ones, and the Mounds of Pennsylvania   5 years 2 days ago
    Comment Author: Dennis Scott Wallace

    We have found 9 undocumented Mounds and Earthworks between Pittsburgh and Cleveland and both city's are involved. use Google earth pro. draw line from Pittsburgh city center square or red dot to Cleveland city center square or red dot . Line goes through largest Mound in North America documented in 1914 Ohio Mound Atlas Columbiana county Middleton twp. Negley Ohio . and Connected by road to a Undocumented Equilateral slick sided Triangle Mound but separated by the village, at South end of wild & scenic river valley a undocumented Solar Henge for solar calculations from triangle pyramid mound. all incredible only one documented and never researched !

  • Reply to: Help Find the Missing Corner of the Hopi Tablet To Prove Their Creation Story: Seeking Answers in the Chapel of the Tablet, Africa   5 years 2 days ago
    Comment Author: Thomas O. Mills

    Morning Gary. I know form your comments that the Hopi would welcome you no mater how you look or what color your hair is. A Lakota friend just told me that the bowl of a pipe represents a female aspect and the stem of the pipe the male. Many Hopi would be interested in seeing your pipe. A good time to pray or smoke it may be December 21st at sunrise or on June 20th the summer solstice at sunrise and sunset. I watched the news last night and saw that we had massive flooding and over 400 tornadoes in the last two weeks but still no one is listening to the Hopi. It may be a good time to pray for strength and clarity. Thanks for your comment and July is a good month to go visit them. Good Things in Your Future. tom

  • Reply to: Lost Artifacts of the Great Pyramid: The Mysterious Case of the Dixon Relics   5 years 3 days ago
    Comment Author: Gary J Meade

    The cedar rod had the ram horn affixed to it at the top, a second piece of cedar was crossed beneath it horizontally,and a third piece was attached at a forty-five degree angle between them. the granite ball was affixed to a hemp string and hung from the rams horn and the vertical cedar rod was held by the builder. it was used to establish all of his site work, site ascension of stars, measure shadows, and establish angles. The entire Gizah Plateau is a physical representation of man, the Earth and time as we consider it. Seven is the key to the pyramids. The Heptagon is the template for all three pyramids and the precision which was used to establish the heptagonal geometry was masterfully transcribed in stone upon the geographic center of the land masses of our planet. All of the numbers from 1-9 factor evenly in a circle of 360 degrees except 7. Seven is creation. 51.42857142857 degrees is the operative angle in a heptagon. the decimals are part of the harmonics known as the solfeggio tones. 174 285 396 417528 639 741 853 963. The space between these numbers is also a number. it is 111. There is a relationship between this place, this shape, these numbers and the nine pointed star or nonagon. 7 and 9 work together in a way. this harmonic plays out between them and many of these numbers are well established and encoded in the holy books and other places as well. 128 4/7 and 51 3/7 are in relationship with each other. So are 140 and 40. Pi and Phi Are also Key to understanding these shapes and relationships.

  • Reply to: Strange But Serious Medieval Animal Trials Were No Kangaroo Court!   5 years 3 days ago
    Comment Author: Tommy123

    I would like to report and have summonsed the blackbirds for always mocking me in their song. I feel helplessly terrorised and think they should pay dearly. Those tearaways!

  • Reply to: Help Find the Missing Corner of the Hopi Tablet To Prove Their Creation Story: Seeking Answers in the Chapel of the Tablet, Africa   5 years 3 days ago
    Comment Author: Gary J Meade


    I have nothing to bring to the Hopi or the rest of the world for that matter. I only know of the grid, the cycles, the frequencies of things and the point of perception and creation. It isn't something that can be spoken. It is known by experience alone. I cannot explain why I found two ancient pinecones in Chaco Canyon when there isn't a pine for a hundred miles of there. I cannot explain how I ended up being given pipestone from a Taino man (probably Heyoka) pouring Lakota / Cree sweatlodge in Ithaca New York or why that all fell apart. I cannot explain why I see all of the sacred numbers, or why I always understood parables or why I see that all of mans symbols come from the sacred tools of Creator. What I can say is that I think of the Hopi often. I think of the prophecy left with the Hopi to contemplate. I think of the Creator and what our purpose truly is. Now I look at my Pipe and Cottonwood Pipe stem and I wonder what Creator would have me do with what I have seen and what I have experienced. Much like you, I sometimes wish that the old ways were valued more. They seemed to have found balance and maintained it with integrity. I have longed to meet with the Hopi but I have stayed away because I do not think I would be accepted there among them after such harm has befallen them. Also because I have a very stern look about me and my red hair puts some people off. Several years ago, I was with a woman who came to Hopi to help a man named Alton. He is a Tewa Pottery artist. She was a fire sign and poured sweat lodge, and I was a water sign and her firekeeper. At one point she told me that her eldest son had found the stone corner. All of that is behind me now and remains a mystery to this day. The prophecy seems to touch even those of us who do not hold such an artifact, I think mostly because to us, even without the missing piece (the bottom left) (or right) depending on which side you are looking at, even without the actual piece, We, or at least I know that there is so much that has been hidden away from us from our past. Whatever happens in life now, for me, it will be about praying for strength, clarity and to slow things down and live very simply.


    Broken Wing

    Broken Arrow

  • Reply to: Did Supernovae Inspire Our Hominin Ancestors to Walk Upright?   5 years 3 days ago
    Comment Author: Ij

    Wow, science really grasps at straws these days.

  • Reply to: Why Are So Many Ancient Egyptian Statues Missing Their Noses?   5 years 3 days ago
    Comment Author: Danjy

    So what are you saying? That the Greeks, Romans and Persians were black? LMAO

  • Reply to: Why Are So Many Ancient Egyptian Statues Missing Their Noses?   5 years 3 days ago
    Comment Author: Ra88

    I agree with your assessment! The articles author at least had the guts to note the saying of vivant denon, but quickly delved right back into a denial archetype of saying that the other two great civilizations of the world have been historically and scientifically proved to be Caucasian. Which is not true being they were all originally African. Until the world is taught that the African is their forefather and creator of original civilizations, the quicker the madness can stop and everything return to a balance.

  • Reply to: Fingerprints of Ancient Masons Reveal Advanced Iron Age Construction Technique   5 years 3 days ago
    Comment Author: Arthur Hill

    As a " modern day" brickmaker I recognised the picture and subject instantaneously. Having been a mold maker and maintainer at Old Virginia brick factory in Salem,Va. I lamented its somewhat recent demolition wondering to myself how would my trade get passed on. Its reassuring to see at least some of the technology is being preserved at your website for future generations to learn of and see.
