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  • Reply to: The Origins of Human Beings According to Ancient Sumerian Texts   10 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: Xenophon

    Thanks! Reading your site now: not entirely convinced that all ancient cultures knew there were two hemispheres, and associated them with the Great God and Goddess respectively (my intuition tells me that seeing a single theory underlying all ancient cosmologies may be like building a house of cards; there's something there, but in my view it's often more fragmented, and the connections between them are often very difficult to discern), but I'm finding the inspiration theory (especially without mention of ancient astronauts!) particularly refreshing (the assumption that inspiration is impossible by academics who aren't interested in mysticism, leads them to construct circular theories that inevitably point away from the phenomenon, which makes them, and educated society as a whole, conclude that the evidence goes against it).

  • Reply to: The human skull that challenges the Out of Africa theory   10 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: Xenophon

    As Deb says above. Also, the latest DNA sequencing of Neanderthals seems to indicate that us Whiteys got our particularly light coloured skin from interbreeding with the Neanderthals (who'd had an evolutionary headstart to getting the pale skin useful for the latitude). The fact that this was downplayed (the headlines were talking about the genetic disease which came with it) makes me think this isn't some skin-colour conspiracy, as much as a reflection of insecurities living in a culture that prefers darker skin tones.

  • Reply to: The ancient wonder and veneration of the dog star Sirius   10 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: KundaliniRises

    Sorry for the pun.

    People interested in how the ancients thought about stars and constellations would do well to acquaint themselves with good explanations of how precession works.

    Precession is the phenomenon drived from a slight wobble in the Earth's axis that also causes different constellations to coincide with the solstices and equinoxes over time. The complete 360 degree rotation takes approximately 26,000 years.

    This is why we are entering the Age of Aquarius, because that constellation is assuming this important position.

    It also causes different stars to assume the position of "pole star" over time (i.e., the star to which the axis of the Earth points as it rotates). Today, Polaris is "pole star." In 3,000 BC Draco assumed pole position. Today it's Polaris. By 3,000 AD Gamma Cephie will be pole star. Around 12,000 years ago, bright star Deneb occupied pole position. Deneb is in the constellation Cygnus, so Cygnus was an important constellation at that time.

    People like Graham Hancock and John anthony West have used the alignment of certain major temple complexes with precessional/constellation relationships to redate these structures, the most famous being the Sphynx, the face of which would have pointed to the solstices in the Age of Leo, not the time when the pyramids were supposedly built. Geologist Robert Schoch confirmed this with the water weathering on the Sphynx and enclosure.

    I recommend Andrew Collins excellent book The Cygnus Mystery. Collins convincingly argues that the temple complex at Giza is a terrestrial reproduction of the bird-constellation Cygnus, whose major stars more perfectly match the slightly offset line of the three pyramids than Orion's belt (with which they've also been associated). Other major points of interest on the Giza plateau perfectly match the layout of Cygnus, including a formerly unknown cave near the pyramids that leads to a cave complext underneath the plateau. The cave was venerated in bird terms, according to inscriptions and objects found near its opening.

    Cross-shaped Cygnus has traditionally been thought of as a bird constellation, with the horizontal parts of the cross corresponding to wings. In deeply ancient times the bird was a vulture. Since vultures feed off the dead and migrate north, the ancients viewed them as carriers of the soul to the afterlife, somewhere in the north. This created a perfect association for them of the vulture and the constellation that occupied the northern pole position in those times.

    It's easy to imagine neolithic inhabitants of what is now Egypt venerating Cygnus and laying out its coordinates on the ground in what later became the temple complex of the Giza plateau. They first noticed an enormous and singular mound of rock that became a sacred object for them, pointing in the direction of the solstices where the constellation Leo rose on the horizon. They eventually carved the stone into the shape of a lion. They interpreted the opening of the bird cave as corresponding to another of the stars in Cygnus, so then set about building altars or placing sacred objects at the places that corresponded with the other stars in the constellation.

    In dynastic Egypt, the head of the Sphynx was recarved into the likeness of a pharoah, and the various sacred spots were further built up. Enormous pyramids were built in place of what might have been much smaller and simpler sacred buildings on the plateau.

  • Reply to: The Origins of Human Beings According to Ancient Sumerian Texts   10 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: Native

    The text formation in the comment box squeezes all text together regardingless of new paragraphs.


  • Reply to: The Origins of Human Beings According to Ancient Sumerian Texts   10 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: Native


    You asked/wrote:

    1) Could you explain some more about the primordial waters/Tiamat in relation to this, and are there any books/sites about it that you would recommend?

    2) My reading of the Wikipedia translation was that it was describing the pole star (Nibiru)'s use in navigation, even, or maybe especially during rough seas (when you'd be more likely to lose your way)...

    AD 1: From "Tiamat, the saltwater sea, "she who bore them all"; they were "mixing their waters" - "She who bore them all" refers in my opinion not to the "saltwater sea" or the "primeval waters" but to the term of the Milky Way River Goddess from where everything in our glaxy is created and in this connection I can´t find any books, but I can recommend you to read here:

    AD 2: If carefully reading my text above you´ll see that we agree, just with the difference that I´m talking of the cosmological/cosmogonical meaning of the myth and as such a "creational chart" -  (And of course the starry night also later on is used to navigate the oceans on the Earth. So, this telling is both a part of the story of creation and (later) a navigational system.

  • Reply to: The Origins of Human Beings According to Ancient Sumerian Texts   10 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: Xenophon

    Could you explain some more about the primordial waters/Tiamat in relation to this, and are there any books/sites about it that you would recommend?

    My reading of the Wikipedia translation was that it was describing the pole star (Nibiru)'s use in navigation, even, or maybe especially during rough seas (when you'd be more likely to lose your way)...

  • Reply to: The Origins of Human Beings According to Ancient Sumerian Texts   10 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: ancient-origins

    Hi Native. What do you mean? Can you send us a screenshot?

  • Reply to: The Origins of Human Beings According to Ancient Sumerian Texts   10 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: Native


    Someone should check out the comment box formation which is really annoying and messy.

  • Reply to: The Origins of Human Beings According to Ancient Sumerian Texts   10 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: Native

    Quote:" Sumerian mythology claims that, in the beginning, human-like beings of extra-terrestrial origin ruled over Earth. Those beings, or gods, could travel through the sky in either round or rocket shaped vehicles. These beings toiled Earth’s soil, digging to make it habitable and mining its minerals".

    AD: "This "digging and toiling the Earth´s soil" rather than "dealing with the Earth", means "making the first firm soil" out from the basical elements, since the Earth wasn´t the first to be created in the Stories of Creations.

    I don´t know about "could travel through the sky in either round or rocket shaped vehicles" as such, but I do know that "deities" "travels" around in the Sky which the below description and explanation clearly says:

    “Nibiru, which is said to have occupied the passageways of heaven and earth, because everyone above and below asks Nibiru if they cannot find the passage.

    Nibiru is Marduk's star, which the gods in heaven caused to be visible. Nibiru stands as a post at the turning point. The others say of Nibiru the post: "The one who crosses the middle of the sea (Tiamat) without calm, may his name be Nibiru, for he takes up the center of it". The path of the stars of the sky should be kept unchanged”, unquote.

    Nibiru represents the celestial pole and the observable and circumpolar stars and constellations = “Nibiru stands as a post at the turning point” = the celestial pole, for “he takes up the center of it”. This cosmogonical/cosmological fact cannot be told much clearer.

    (Unfortunately, the Wikipedia author unreflected copy older misunderstandings of the mythical concept of the middle “Primordial Waters in the heavens-sea” with the mythical Sea/underworld Goddess, Tiamat that is a very common misunderstanding because authors and scholars haven´t the slightest clue of the Milky Way Mythology).

    Having explained Nibiru as Marduk´s celestial pole star on the northern hemisphere, the description above in # 6 logically fits into the overall picture: Because of the Earth rotation, the Milky Way Great God figure, Marduk in this case, seemingly revolves around the celestial pole star, Nibiru” and thus “guarding the celestial post” as mentioned here:

    “As the highest point in the paths of the planets, Nibiru was considered the seat of the summus deus (The supreme or highest good,) who pastures the stars like sheep, in Babylon identified with Marduk”.

    Conclusion: On the Earth hemispheres, the Milky Way contours represent the prime "god" and goddess" travels around the celestial poles on both their hemispheres, the Great God on the northern and the Great Goddess on the southern hemisphere  and both are directly connected to the Stories of Creation from all over the world.

  • Reply to: The ancient wonder and veneration of the dog star Sirius   10 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: Native


    It is my belief that Sirius in ancient times was used together with Vega in Lyra constellation as a ruler line in order to find the direction to the Milky Way center which mythologically was mentioned as "The Cosmic Womb" from where everything is created in our galaxy.
    Drawing a line from Sirius over the northern celestial pole to Vega and prolonging the line, this points toward /but a litte above) the galactic center and combining the tellings of the Milky Way Myths and the Stories of Creation, this gives origin to the mutual and very like cultural tellings from all over the World.

    Read more here:

  • Reply to: The ancient wonder and veneration of the dog star Sirius   10 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: Tatiana Danassis


  • Reply to: The Helix Staircase of the Loretto Chapel and Other Miracles   10 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: SJ Reidhead

    The Loretto Chapel staircase was built by a French immigrant, known as 'Frenchy' - Francois Jean Rochas. In 1885 he established a homestead in what is known as the Oliver Lee State Park, just outside of Alamogordo, NM. He was allegedly murdered by Oliver Lee about 9 years later. He was a master carpenter. In 1895, a death notice in the New Mexican named Rochas as the builder of the staircase.

  • Reply to: The ancient wonder and veneration of the dog star Sirius   10 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: Zuell

    It is where we came from and its where we're returning to...eventually

  • Reply to: The human skull that challenges the Out of Africa theory   10 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: antientarcana

    This may not be a well put together piece but it touches on something that needs looked into. Genetic research and history as shown that it is more possible that peple originated from Europe and traveled down through Africa. There are several books and research papers on this from credible sources. If you follow genetic traits the story will unfold for us all...for example, the oldest native tribe in China, recognized by it's own government, is a group/village in a very remote region, and they are all white/caucasian. They look nothing like Chinese people but have been in this region of China longer than any other group or village or family etc. Plus with all the great floods that happend all over the world it may be hard to prove where we all came from and if all human life came from one specific point on the globe. There were so many species of man a long time ago, and they did interbreed to give us humans of today.

  • Reply to: The Helix Staircase of the Loretto Chapel and Other Miracles   10 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: antientarcana

    This is a very interesting topic and article, in this case where miracle seems to be implied, it is simply physics, not to mention some quality craftsmenship but not a miracle. Also like the Shroud of Turin, not a miracle. There is a theory put out and the dates line up quite well that the shroud is from Jaques De Molay of the nights Templar. He was tortured and killed and his body wrapped in a Shroud. Shrouds were common practice in those days for covering their dead, and like Jesus, Molay was tortured, and on his head placed a crown of thorns, Molay also had a beard and fits the body size, beard, etc of the Turin almost, if not, perfectly. Plus the dating of the fabric and the design/strucure of the weaving matches with the time period put forth of the Medeval period and not of Jesus Christ.

  • Reply to: The Helix Staircase of the Loretto Chapel and Other Miracles   10 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: Roland Icban
  • Reply to: Ten Enduring Mysteries of China’s Longyou Caves   10 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: Veronica

    These walls look as tho they were scoured out with some kind of abrasive machining - I think this just goes back to the concept of many thousands of years ago there were highly civilized peoples in the world
    which would explain so much that had been discovered recently. I do not think we are the 'masters' of all that we think we are !!!

  • Reply to: The magic mirror of shaman Queen used in ancient Japanese rituals   10 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: T Englander

    Would it be such a stretch to think that perhaps these mirrors were most certainly not made IN china, but are Japanese/Jomon copies based on Chinese mirrors that may or may not have been part of the 100 mirrors given as a gift? is there some rule that says only Chinese mirror-makers could make stylistically Chinese mirrors? I can copy down works of Shakespeare, that doesnt make me Bill Shakespeare himself...

  • Reply to: The Mysterious 1561 Nuremberg Event ‘UFO Battle’   10 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: Zuell

    The discription of the event [to me] is of airborne craft in combat, yet if something had "crashed to the ground" I would think that there would be some type of collected evidence from the event?

  • Reply to: The human skull that challenges the Out of Africa theory   10 years 4 months ago
    Comment Author: deb burks

    The human genome has been sequenced. Millions have had their DNA tested. Every human tested so far can trace their original roots back to Africa, even the tens of thousands year old Neanderthal remains and Denisovan remains, that have been tested. This is science, presuming that this is some sort of political issue is denying facts.
    People in Africa have a variety of skin color. People closer to the equator all over the world tend to have darker skin, which might block harmful UV rays and provide camouflage, people in temperate and arctic zones tend to have lighter skin, which allows more vitamin D to be absorbed. Skin color is an adaptation to the environment.
    Maybe a two legged creature evolved somewhere other than Africa (Sasquatch?), but we haven't found the remains, and it is highly unlikely that the creature could breed with humans or their cousins because of the inability of the DNA to match up; which is why a dog and cat can't produce offspring as an example.
    Stating that these millions of human DNA tests (billions of dollars, tens of thousands of scientists from hundreds of universities and other scientific institutions such as National Geographic) are somehow a plot to give a certain group of humans "self-esteem" is ludicrous.
    You are right that everything in our evolution has not been written yet, but I do know that the earth isn't flat. Going backward because it "feels" better has no place in scientific discovery.
    The scientific method allows for you to have a different hypothesis: do the research and prove it.
