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  • Reply to: Why Is This Mammoth Tusk In Deep Water Off the Californian Coast?   2 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: harlequin

    Ice rafting?

    It was uncovered and found by later Native Americans and it fell out of the boat?

  • Reply to: Rare Iron Roman Cavalry Face Mask Discovered At Hadrianopolis, Turkey   2 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Robertus

    This is a great find! Along with all the other finds and the site itself, it opens yet another window on the past. It's exciting. Apologies for stating the obvious, but this obviously provides more insight on the fascinating Roman and Byzantine empires, both of which had a major impact on our own civilization.

  • Reply to: Rare Iron Roman Cavalry Face Mask Discovered At Hadrianopolis, Turkey   2 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Robertus

    Regardless of who said it, the author of this article, or the Turkish researchers/government, it was Constantinople, not Istanbul. So the article should read "Constantinople (Istanbul)", NOT Istanbul (Byzantium)".

    Constantinople was the Roman, and later Byzantine (Eastern Roman) city, founded in 330 AD, and was a Christian city from its founding in 330 AD, until 1453 when it fell to the Muslim Turk invaders. It was finally renamed to Istanbul in 1930, 1600 years after its founding.

    Let's not obscure the facts. The Roman/Byzantine city and the later Muslim city are totally different in nature, just as the Roman/Byzantine empires were fundamentally different to the Ottoman empire.

    Perhaps this is an attempt by the Turkish scholars/government to claim Roman achievements as their own? It's just not true. Modern Turkey has nothing to do with Ancient Roman or Byzantine culture, which was finally destroyed in 1453 by the Ottoman empire, which then became modern Turkey.

  • Reply to: Spinal Missing Link Is Discovered Unifying Apes, Neanderthals and Us   2 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Robertus

    Correction: not shoes, but apes. Darn auto-correct.

    I typed the above on my phone can't scroll up and down to check my text. It's also not possible to edit a post.

  • Reply to: Spinal Missing Link Is Discovered Unifying Apes, Neanderthals and Us   2 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Robertus

    So, according to this paper, parts of a male spine and a female spine were virtually prepared to prove that modern Humans and Neanderthals are descended from a common ancestor who was descended from shoes and could both walk and climb trees equally well?

    What happened? Now we only have apes that can climb, and humans that can walk. Imagine what that creature could do on Everest, or working as a firefighter! In the meantime, those skills have been lost.

    Sounds like devolution to me.

  • Reply to: Where are Ashkenazi Jews from? Their Origins May Surprise You   2 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Zucchini

    Hi MountainGuardian,

    Like too wish you Happy Thanksgiving an if you go for Black Friday Shopping all I can say is Be Safe!

    I liked what you shared about yourself an the History of your family.

    In the Old days their maybe a few who still do this but, I can't speak for everybody on this subject but, a lot of African American's often claimed Indigenous People's Heritage because old school We wanted to be anything but, Black.

    Even the famous Supreme Court case of Virginia VS. Loving Mrs. Loving claimed Native American heritage as well.

    It also could have been a strategy I think because Virginia's Law Books there was something there that allowed Europeans to marry Indigenous Peoples; but, I thought they had too come from Pocahantas Bloodline through John Rolfe.

    Oh before I forget I'm African American. Thought I let you know I liked your dialogue too me. Goodbye for now.

  • Reply to: Ancient Judahites Performed Cannabis Ceremonies on the “High-Way” to Yahweh   2 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: MorningStar.69

    That goddess named above is holding a cannabis leaf.

  • Reply to: That Old “Second Sphinx” Chestnut Is Back – Is There or Is There Not A Hidden Sphinx?   2 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Barry Sears

    I believe that from a particular point if you look at the pyramids, the apex of the pyramids will line up with a constellation, of which, this should be Leo in the land of Leo. Due to the precession combined with the altering view point as a result of the cosmic drag theory, this viewpoint would move over time. The most logical position to align the pyramid apex's with a star formation would be from the sphinx. If proven true this would then allow another means for dating.
    “nothing to do with the original Sphinx.”
    If another statue was positioned here, surely there must be a connection to the sphinx and the pyramids. What was it of, I wonder?

  • Reply to: Why Did Richard III Spare Edward, Earl of Warwick?   2 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Robert105

    “Richard III, an adept strategist and decision maker if there ever was one, acted quickly to nullify this attempted coup.”

    The coup was Richard conspiring to deligitimise Edward V and his brother on a technicality devised after the capture of the 12-year-old, bringing him under his control, fraudulently gaining custody of the Duke of York, intimidating those around him to ‘insist’ that he be King as Richard III, and ultimately ordering the killing the princes. With no power base, the 8-year-old 17th Earl was not a threat – he was under attainder, and things were moving quickly. Not ‘easy’ to pass an Act to remove the attainder – support to initiate the Act was needed and anybody opposed to Richard seemed to meet an unhappy end.

    Edward V was the son of the King Edward IV, was the direct heir to the throne, and was actually King for a short while upon Edward’s death, just not formally crowned in a coronation ceremony.



  • Reply to: The Enigmatic Devil's Arrows: The Tallest Standing Stones in Britain   2 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Guillaumé

    Why is it that when the purpose is a not known, they become religious. Yawn.


  • Reply to: Rh-Negative Blood: An Exotic Bloodline or Random Mutation?   2 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: MountainGuardian

    I assure you that my family and my wifes family are all of human descent… lol…  


    The wife and I both have A+ blood but we each carry an RH negative allel, me from my father and the wife from her mother.  Two of our six children are RH negative.  The rest are all A+ like us…


    My grandma was O- and grandpa A+.  My dad was A+ and carried one O- allele one A+ allel.  Mom was A+ and carried one O+ allel and one A+ allel.  I carry an A+ and an O-, my little brother has O+ blood and carries one O+ allel and one O-.


    The wife’s mother and all four of her brothers are all O-.  The wifes father is A+, she inherited an O- from her mom and an A+ from her dad.  As I noted two our children are O- and the other four are A+.

  • Reply to: Where are Ashkenazi Jews from? Their Origins May Surprise You   2 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: MountainGuardian

    According to the bible and oral traditions Abrahams son Isaac is the father of Hebrew people, and Abraham’s first born son Ishmael is the father of the Arab peoples.  According to the bible all people of Jewish descent and Arab descent should be directly descended from Abraham.

    I am of Sephardic Jewish descent myself, my great grandmother was a member of the Cherokee tribe.  Aunt Donna had a DNA test done expecting to prove her 33% Cherokee heritage, she was quite surprised when that 33% turned out to be a mixture of North African Berber, Egyptian, Arabic and Jewish instead… Not even 1% Native American DNA…

    Interestingly grandpa was always warning about ever being prjudiced against”anyone” but especially the Jewish people after he came back from WWII.  Knowing what I do now I think he was aware that he was Jewish but careful never to publicly state that fact. I believe great grandma Stella Mae Osbourn was a criptic Jew, especially considering my families darker skin tone, black hair and blue eyes.  That never made sense to me with great grandma being Native American.  Now I am of Native American descent on my mothers side and I do have the pretty brown eyes just like my mom had…

    Funny the surprises that come up with modern DNA tests..  Fascinating as well...

  • Reply to: The Evidence is Cut in Stone: A Compelling Argument for Lost High Technology in Ancient Egypt   2 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: MountainGuardian

    I found the idea of the feed rate of the core quite fascinating back when I first studied the subject 40 years ago.  At the time I had no doubt about the fact that the ancients used concentrated sunlight to disaggragate stone. 


    When faced with the mystery of thin strong hollow core drills I immediately went to the idea of how they may have incorporated the stone sunlight disagragation cutting method to core drilling.  This led to some interesting thoughts on how one would go about this.  


    Obviously you would have to transmit light into the hole to disagragate the stone, then you would have to eliminate the disagragated material.  But if you were cutting the stone with light rather than cutting with the core driller irself the material of the core drill doesn’t have to be all that tough now.  In fact all the core drill has to do is allow you to remove the disagragated material.

    Exactly how one would transmit light through a glass wall tube into a cut is not such a simple thing, but I have no doubt that a smart enough engineer could come up with a solution.  My thoughts have been two or three teeth angled forward with silvering or gold on the back side to reflect transmitted light into the cut path ahead of the teeth.  The teeh are then used to lift the disagrgated material rather than cutting.  Without the torsional forces of cutting the stone a core drill doesn’t have to be all that tough, in fact you might be able to make one out common glass, add in a little soda to harden it and voila.  Controlling the light to cut with that would be somewhat of a trickier proposition.


    Just my thoughts over the last 40 years on the core drilling feed rate mystery, and potentially why we have not found any of the core drills in the modern age.


    If I had to build a core cutter for stone in this modern age I would try to use compressed air to remove the disagragated material.  Even back then that would have been possible with a simple bellows so a core cutting device based on sunlight might not even require the strength to remove the disagragated material removed.

    I have never questioned the idea of sunlight used to cut, I am more interested in how they set it all up.  The sun moves across the horizon surprising fast, they had to have simple but effective methods of constantly tracking the sun.  They also would have needed fairly controllable cutting mechanisms for fine work. 

    As Einstein stated… “Genius is making complex ideas simple, not making simple ideas complex.”  The works and the means of accomplishing those works that the ancients created were nothing short of genius…

    As for the idea of disagrgating stone with light, geologist David Lindroth at the US Bureau of Mines, Twin Cities Research center used a 100 watt laser with a beam diameter of 2 mm to cut stone.  His cuts were only 2 mm wide and deep but with repeated passes he states that one can cut through any rock on earth.  At the height of summer the sun produces 1050 watts of light energy per square meter, that is enough power to utilize a 6.5 mm diameter beam to cut any stone on earth from a parabolic reflector less than 4 feet in diameter.

  • Reply to: The Evidence is Cut in Stone: A Compelling Argument for Lost High Technology in Ancient Egypt   2 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: MountainGuardian

    Dr Lopez was not an archaeologist he had Phd’s in mathematics, physics and Chemistry..  In my opinion that makes his theories far more credible than that of an archaeologist.

  • Reply to: A Forgotten Sphinx and Faked Cartouche: Changing the Course of Ancient Egyptian History?   2 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Barry Sears

    I would like to express the importance of the constellation of Leo for Egypt as you mention the connection. Nut lies over the body of Geb like a print. The zodiac belt then lies over the equatorial belt. The twelve zones around the equator have connections to an Earth zodiac the origin of the icons. This was an ancient scientific study, by learning about the Earth you could read the energy of the stars above.
    Egypt the land of Leo, Israel the land of Virgo. Libra Buddha, Cancer is Stonehenge, Taurus marked at Chaco canyon, Aries the head at Easter Island, the Merlion......The World body lies under the Celestial body and connects to our bodies
    The constellation of Leo when setting would be looking at the pyramids then, from the sphinx and so the apex of the pyramids would align with the stars of Leo. Perhaps the mound was the original position of alignment but was required to move. The three small pyramids would also align with Leo.

  • Reply to: Artist Recreates Tattoos of Ötzi the Iceman in Her Own Blood   2 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Robertus

    @Invisihole I like your comment overall, but as to the manner of death, I doubt it was an execution, mainly due to the location and position of the body. Of course, it's unlikely we will ever know the truth. The bog mummies, etcetera, show a more ritualised process for executions.

    As you speculated, it may have been a territorial dispute or similar. We do know how he died, and that along with the other facts we know about him is fascinating.

    Perhaps, thousands of years from now, someone will find a missing climber from our time and experience what we are now with the Iceman.

  • Reply to: Secret Stonehenge: Mounds, Artifacts, and Intrigue   2 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Cataibh

    Archaeology is too often stuck in perceived wisdom.

  • Reply to: The Mystery of the Screaming Mummy   2 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Robert105

    DNA testing was conducted in 2012 on the mummies of Ramesses III and mummy E, and do confirm that the two are related. The mummy of Tiye was not available for testing, but the paternal test data indicates the screaming man is Pentaware. An autopsy suggests Pentaware may have died from strangulation or hanging (suicide?). Alternatively, it is also believed by some he may have drunk poison.

    Additionally, Ramesses III was murdered by having his throat cut, confirmed by autopsy. 

    So we have the trial transcript and its verdicts, the mummy of Ramesses and Pentaware, and both their autopsies, quite surprising for an event from 3000 or so years ago.




  • Reply to: Legendary Locks: Can Hair Act as a Sixth Sense, Protecting us from Danger?   2 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: Common Sense

    The beating of the heart creates a magnetic field around us. The spine, the brain, skin and hair all interact with this magnetic field and with the Earths magnetic field for that matter. Apparently the spine is an antenna/receiver and sender for the 100 MHz FM band….

    Google: ‘Spinal Antenna’ or ‘Eye, hairs and dermatologic antenna in a brain-spinal cord-heart circuit’.

    We can sense disturbances in the magnetic field or our ‘comfort zone’… .In several martial arts the sensitivity of the electromagnetic field is used to sense the intention of the opponent.  Google for example: ‘sakki training’ and ‘ninja godan test’.

  • Reply to: Stone softening   2 years 6 months ago
    Comment Author: granbo

    I checked in on the vimana videos on Youtube and found out very interesting stuff on their machinery, i e also during different ages. The vedas translated by the Germans contain all about it. On a video on Pinterest nr 435 I found most useful hints on the machinery to fly in those various times, extraordinary introductions by several experts. There also was mentioned a plant. This plant in the vedas is called hauma or soma, slightly hallucinogetic, and is still grown around Afganhistan, has green stems and little red bulbs, no leaves, not unlike what you see on the stone reliefs being brought as introductory gift or means to get communication going or something by the birdlike guards and various gods, most plausible Ephedra. Maybe this plant on the reliefs is also for doing the melting, in that case it would have to be pretty much stronger than hauma or soma, that still exist today and is taken on and off. But anyway, an ancient plant….

    In addition some other video told that the melting in South America may have been done by the help of big focusing concave plates with a hole in the bottom to do the very cutting, lika a laser, a golden one found in a temple. Sounds plausible but very inpractical since there is still the problem of lifting the stones and steering that plate heat. You will find the video in question under vimanas or Ancient Incas.

    We keep looking, there must be a solution, of course different gravity be another factor too. Granbo for you!

