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  • Reply to: Marguerite de La Rocque: 16th Century Noblewoman Stranded on the Isle of Demons   9 years 3 months ago
    Comment Author: hp

    When I read the title, I thought for sure you were referencing England..

  • Reply to: The Lost Treasure of Oak Island and the Centuries-Old Quest to Find It   9 years 3 months ago
    Comment Author: Morn1960

    i really wish that people would stop trying to prove the knights Templar did anything in North America until actually evidence is proven, which to my knowledge has never happened. all those who keep pushing the KT just sound like looney tunes and characters out of a really bad DB novel. I hope when the discovery channels series comes back they will kick the nutters out and concentrate on what they know and can find out and not some bs conspiracy theories put forth by attention seekers

  • Reply to: Thoth Hermes Trismegistus and his Ancient School of Mysteries   9 years 3 months ago
    Comment Author: dfht

    Trismegistus Trinity

    Tri is me gist us

    Three is Me Christ

    3 Our Creator – Christ – Creatures

    Christ Chi Ri esta ie Given by God Our Creator or Bringer of Life

    megistus ma gistus magister

    Christ the Embodiment of God or Servant of the Will and Works of God ie Leading among others Concerning the Restoration and Evolution of the more than 1,2 billion Species God Created in the Universe of which Mankind in One.

  • Reply to: Is the Danube Valley Civilization script the oldest writing in the world?   9 years 3 months ago
    Comment Author: LAszlo

    Just to let you know guys,, the first writing is the Hungarian rovat script ,, what is founding the pyramid in Bosnia .all over in chines pyramids ,, and all he way back to 40.000 BC, If you could found on the net an English researcher who told this after found the Hungarian rovat , on some enchain 12.000 years old,bottles,, the writing is 85% matching up ,and only readable, with the Hungarian rovat script,, if the aliens are existing ,,the Hungarians are those , Hungarians lived in europe, then muved to asia, around 10.000bc .,,inland ,they become the scheetas ,with 7 tribe, then after Mongolians over taking ,we moved back to europe,,left groups behind ,, expl.. Bulgarians,,arrived back 1200 Bc ,, the 3 king who went to see Jesus,wore magars,, on my language magyars,, for some reason , about 150 years earlier the Hapsburg,s got some idea ,to take the Hungarians proud away ,they changed our history ,no to b proud of,,
    BUg the New DNA testing dose not ling , and the 40.000 yars old Hungarian writing dose not lying,, eather , just check on yourself,

  • Reply to: Muslims: The Origins of Human Beings   9 years 3 months ago
    Comment Author: Al Quran With T...

    nice post frnds i really like for this post

  • Reply to: The Norse Legend of the World Tree - Yggdrasil   9 years 3 months ago
    Comment Author: Justbod

    Lovely article - thank you! Particularly liked the quote from Artur Lundkvist.

    The idea of having a tree in the centre of the community resonated and reminded me of similar practises amongst Iron Age 'Celtic' tribes with their 'Crann Bethadh.' I also grew up in a small village in England with an enormous tree on a green as the centre of the community.

    Thanks again!

  • Reply to: The Legendary Queen of Sheba and Her Iconic Visit with King Solomon   9 years 3 months ago
    Comment Author: the Oracle

    Your link didn't work.

  • Reply to: The Legendary Queen of Sheba and Her Iconic Visit with King Solomon   9 years 3 months ago
    Comment Author: Arie Uittenbogaard
  • Reply to: The origins of the ancient Coptic Church of Egypt   9 years 3 months ago
    Comment Author: Robert W Ahrens

    Stop putting words in my mouth. I am merely repeating what I have read and studied, pointing out where scholars more educated and knowledgable than I have debunked apologists' arguments. That is NOT saying that I am the only one who knows something, it just shows that I've read a few more things than you have!

    Something you can correct by more reading.

    I get the feeling from your reply that you aren't interested in a discussion, but you want to be taken as an authority because you read more than one language. Sorry, bud, but lots of other people read more than one language, and apparently read more ancient stuff than you do.

    Go out and read some sources that don't agree with you and learn some things, then come back and we can have a more nuanced discussion, if you dare.

    Otherwise, you leaving matches how almost every other apologist reacts in similar circumstances - you all run away when you have no answers.

  • Reply to: Unidentified Flying Objects – The Reality, the Cover-Up and the Truth   9 years 3 months ago
    Comment Author: Penny Betteridge

    Many years ago, around 1973-74, my husband and I were living at a place called Toniva Beach, which is on Bougainville Island. Our little flat faced towards the Pacific Ocean in a north-easterly direction.

    One evening at sundown, we saw an object drift up over the horizon and 'meander' across the sky towards us. It made no noise, had no wings or rotors, and could hover or move off at will. The craft was so close we plainly saw that it was cone-shaped. It came directly above our flat where we could see that it had a front section which was divided into three, each with a window. This front piece was moveable because it would rotate every few minutes, presumably to allow each window access to a particular view. The windows were lit up, but we couldn't tell if the craft was manned.

    Not only did this strange craft appear on this particular occasion, but it did the same thing each evening for about a week. Other people saw it too, and it was written up in a local newsletter. A few years ago I read where a former American president reported seeing the same as us, round about the same time. I only mention it to show we can't all be delusional!

    In more recent years when we moved back to Australia, in far northern NSW, we would look out at the night sky before the majority of stars lit up the sky and notice what appeared to be a satellite tracking along its ordained path. However, occasionally the "satellite" would stop, move in a different direction, sometimes even zig-zag for a while, and then melt into the background. Obviously not a satellite. We have seen this many times, so it is not such a novelty any more.

  • Reply to: Ancient nanostructures found in Ural mountains are out of place and time   9 years 3 months ago
    Comment Author: michael osborne

    MARIUSZ L - I thoughts exactly!! How hell did they stumble upon such things?? Still, it was a good article read.

  • Reply to: Long hidden Iron Age castle revealed in 3,000-year-old ruins in Van Province, Turkey   9 years 3 months ago
    Comment Author: Haigazuni

    Exactly!!! I don't know wether you are armenian or not, but your comments are spot on.
    Van was actually the oldest (official) capitol of Armenia, and my family name goes back to that time.
    I've read in Murat Yalcin's book ''You rejoice my heart'', that he once went to Ani, and they didn't allow cameras, because pictures might be used as documents to serve as evidence of what's been done to the ruins in the last century of turkish occupation.
    I strongly suggest that book. Bet you'll love it :)
    Best wishes!!

  • Reply to: The Legendary Queen of Sheba and Her Iconic Visit with King Solomon   9 years 3 months ago
    Comment Author: the Oracle

    Before razors, other methods were used to remove hair by women. Wax, honey, emory boards and such. However, removing hair is an easy way to look younger, especially pre-pubescent. That is itself is an odd taste, unless you want to emulate Muhammed.

  • Reply to: The Sumerian King List Reveals the Origin of Mesopotamian Kingship   9 years 3 months ago
    Comment Author: akhenaten

    20th and 21st century so called specialists in history and archeology are incredibility stupid and short sighted. We DO NOT KNOW how long humans REALLY existed in the past. All of their preconceived notions are based on Darwin whose theories are assumed to be correct for because some scientist says so. Or biased histories written by the greeks when these civilizations were already ancient even to them. Egypt and Sumeria are far older then the conventional wisdom allows for and so modern man can't even allow for a past that doesn't fit into their modern paradigms. Maybe early kings did rule for ten of thousand of years, How do we know they didnt? WE DON'T.

  • Reply to: Unravelling the Mysteries of Ancient Artifacts - Free Ebook   9 years 3 months ago
    Comment Author: Dane

    thanks this will be great.

  • Reply to: Initial DNA analysis of Paracas elongated skull released – with incredible results   9 years 3 months ago
    Comment Author: Poonchkie

    We are a self important species that has the temerity, hubris and based on fantastic ideas that there's a god or entity that "watches" over us and judges us. We believe that we are the only "intelligent" species in the Universe, a patently absurd notion. To infer that there's more to the Universe is to open oneself up to ridicule and attack from those locked into one opinion and afraid of ideas that don't fit with their beliefs. Because one doesn't believe, doesn't mean it's not true.

  • Reply to: The origins of the ancient Coptic Church of Egypt   9 years 3 months ago
    Comment Author: Ara Dembekjian

    With all due respect Robert, I have noticed from your comments that you are the only one who tells the truth and knows the facts. All of us are either liars or ignorant.
    Anyway, I will stick to my readings in languages which I know.
    I will not participate in those arguments, discussions, comments where you, with my respect, trying to show you're the only one who knows everything and we all are wrong.

  • Reply to: The origins of the ancient Coptic Church of Egypt   9 years 3 months ago
    Comment Author: Robert W Ahrens

    Ok, I got it to work on the computer instead of the iPad.

    Virtually all of the sources mentioned do not mention Jesus by name, only by title, which could well have been referring to a mythical figure. Not proof of historicity.

    Jewish Talmuds were not in evidence at the time of Jesus death, not like they are today, and the first versions were not canonized until over a hundred years later, when his name would have been well in circulation by that time.

    If you want a source to be a true source, it MUST mention Jesus by name, because the title Christ (or variations thereof) were in use long before his birth and referred often to other figures. It must also be written within a small span of years past his death to be considered a true source.

    Additionally, it is hard to find true eyewitness sources to a lot of history at the time, because ancient writers were not as concerned with "truth" as we demand it in written sources today. It was common to write using another's name, or putting words in their mouth, or omitting embarrassing stuff, etc.

    Rumors were often passed off as fact.

    What you need to understand is that NO true critical scholar will admit to there being any such real sources about Jesus before the writings of Paul. They do not exist. The sources cited on the page you referred to are common among apologists, but they do not hold water to historians at all, for various reasons.

    There may be other reasons to suppose a possibility for a historical Christ (and Carrier even gives that at least a 30% chance of being the case), but contemporary written sources are not among them.

  • Reply to: Thoth Hermes Trismegistus and his Ancient School of Mysteries   9 years 3 months ago
    Comment Author: Sunniva1947

    I also tried for so many years to understand. It really seems we are getting nowhere. If we are the second or third or whatever great civilization, it seems logical that after us  everything will start all over again. So why?

    Maybe only a few of us make it, but why should it go slow then? 


  • Reply to: Thoth Hermes Trismegistus and his Ancient School of Mysteries   9 years 3 months ago
    Comment Author: Sunniva1947

    Who says so?  Why do we have to struggle through darkness to achieve this knowledge again.

    And then..will we lose it again and the whole thing starts anew?
