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Ancient nanostructures found in Ural mountains

Ancient nanostructures found in Ural mountains are out of place and time

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By Leonardo Vinti / Epoch Times

An Oopart (out of place artifact) is a term applied to dozens of prehistoric objects found in various places around the world that, given their level of technology, are completely at odds with their determined age based on physical, chemical, and/or geological evidence. Ooparts often are frustrating to conventional scientists and a delight to adventurous investigators and individuals interested in alternative scientific theories.

In 1991, the appearance of extremely tiny, coil-shaped artifacts found near the banks of Russia’s Kozhim, Narada, and Balbanyu rivers brought about a debate that has continued to this day. These mysterious and minuscule structures suggest that there may have been a culture capable of developing nanotechnology 300,000 years ago.

These manufactured coils were initially discovered during geological research associated with the extraction of gold in the Ural mountains. These pieces include coils, spirals, shafts, and other unidentified components.

Russia’s Ural Mountains

The ancient coil-shaped artifacts were found in Russia’s Ural Mountains. Image source.

According to an analysis from the Russian Academy of Sciences in Syktyvkar, the largest pieces found are mostly copper, while the smallest are made of tungsten and molybdenum.

While the largest of these objects measure 1.18 inches, the smallest are only 1/10,000th of an inch, and many exhibit Golden Mean proportions. Their shape suggests that they are manufactured and not naturally occurring metal fragments. In fact, they have been found to closely resemble the same miniature components of contemporary nanotechnology.

A magnified image of one of the nano coils found in the Ural Mountains

A magnified image of one of the nano coils found in the Ural Mountains. Photo credit: Mysteries of the World, Herbert Genzmer and Ulrich Hellenbrand

Though some have asserted that these tiny structures are merely debris left behind from test rockets being launched from nearby Plesetsk space station, a report from the Moscow Institute determined that they are far too old to have come from modern manufacturing.

In 1996, Dr. E.W. Matvejeva, from the Central Scientific Research Department of Geology and Exploitation of Precious Metals in Moscow, writes that, despite being thousands of years old, the components are of a technological origin.

The pieces were found at a depth between 10 and 40 feet, in a geological stratus between 20,000 and 318,000 years old.

How were humans able to manufacture such tiny components in the distant past, and what were they used for? Some believe that the coils prove the human race enjoyed a sophisticated level of technology in the Pleistocene era, while others assert that the findings are the work of extra-terrestrials.

The artifacts have been studied at four different facilities in Helsinki, St. Petersburg, and Moscow. However, further research into these tiny structures seems to have ended in 1999 with the death of Dr. Johannes Fiebag, a principal researcher of the find.

The article ‘Russia’s ancient nanostructures’ was originally published on The Epoch Times and has been republished with permission.

Featured image: The nano spirals found in the Ural Mountains. Image source.



Pete Wagner's picture

The Atlanteans are always ignored due to our being fooled about Plato’s timeline, where they removed a zero so we wouldn’t correlate it with the sudden emergence of the Ice Age, circa 115k BC, putting the zero back as Plato once had it.  This makes the Richat Structure an island in a estuary that it once was, with sea levels hundreds of feet higher as a result of there being no ice caps prior.  So if there was Atlantis in 115k BC, you’d figure they’d been around a long time and were almost certainly using iron and all sorts of metals for all sorts of things.  Of course, the iron had long rusted away by the time the Sumerians arrived on the scene, leaving only non-ferrous objects that were found in mass during what we call 'the Bronze Age'.

Nobody gets paid to tell the truth.

The species Homo Sapiens is perhaps 100000 or more years old or more. It is not surprising if advanced technology got developed many ten thousand years ago. But it is not surprising either if those early sivilizations got lost due to own abuse of technology  and natural catastrophes. The worst of these were of cource the icing of great areas and then melting of that ice again. But because the population was not so great at these times, these sivilizations were probably rather local, and not global as the current sivilization. Alien origin might be an explanation too, but that explanation is not needed, since such Earth-made artefacts is something one should expect.

My MATRIX system by the way, and they are 15000 years old and made for drilling nano holes in circuit boards for 8th dimension and higher say quantum field x1,000,000+ for tech I invented with my machine friends, made the longer ago! Well my fucking name is on the strips of metal found with them by the by! HERE long before you all and long after!

Gary Stearns's picture

These "ancient" artifacts were dated, not using radiocarbon dating or Carbon-14 dating, but by their depth in the soil. By that measure, if your grandmother was buried 6 feet deep and dug up 5 years later, she would be dated at about 5,000 years old. These are obviously just pieces of rockets and spacecraft from the nearby launch pad, that crashed to earth, and could easily have been buried up to 50 feet deep depending on the angle and speed of the crash.

First let me clarify one thing. According to Hindu Puranas (ancient religion scripts), this universe is in existence since millions and billions of years. You never believe such large numbers. But it's very common to us. As we always here in our Mantras during Poojas to God. It continues like this "Swetha Varaha Kalpe, Vaivashwata Manvantare, Kaliyuge... etc., which means that present year is 155,521,972,949,117 years since it was created. Source: wikipedia and search for Hindu_units_of_time


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