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ancient technology

Top image: The oldest stone needles that have been found in Tibet.	Source: Yun Chen/Sichuan University

World’s Oldest Ground Stone Needles Found in Tibet, Dated to 9,000 Years Old!

In 2020, archaeologists excavating near the shore of Lake Xiada Co in western Tibet uncovered six distinctive stone artifacts. Each artifact measured about half the length of a golf tee, featuring a...
Replica of the Baghdad Battery. Source: Researchgate/ CC BY-SA 3.0

Decoding the Baghdad Battery: Ancient Artifact or Medical Marvel?

Longstanding beliefs about ancient technological and medical knowledge were placed under scrutiny when Paul T. Keyser's published an article in the 1990s challenging the conventional narrative of...
Yakhchal cooling device in Kashan, Iran. Source: knovakov / Adobe Stock.

The Yakhchāl: Ancient Ice-Making Machines in the Desert (Video)

In the arid expanses of the Persian desert , an ingenious ancient technology known as the Yakhchāl has been discovered, revealing a sophisticated approach to ice-making dating back to 400 BC. These...
Ancient windmills, Iran. Source: ghiaseddin / Adobe Stock.

Watch 1,000-Year-Old Windmills in Action (Video)

Located in the remote Chiffon village in northeast Iran , a collection of 1,000-year-old windmills still stand tall and proud, their blades whirring steadily in the strong winds that blow across the...
Ancient Egypt landmark. Source: Andrii Vergeles / Adobe Stock.

What Did Ancient Egypt Really Look Like? A Visual Tour (Video)

Ancient Egypt, the cradle of civilization and one of the most fascinating cultures in human history, still captivates our imagination with its impressive architectural wonders, elaborate art , and...
Ancient Babylon. Source: Rick / Adobe Stock.

15 of History’s Most Advanced Ancient Civilizations (Video)

Over the course of our species' relatively short existence, a myriad of awe-inspiring civilizations have risen to great heights, only to crumble into the annals of history. From the Ancient Egyptians...
Detail depicting the unusual death of King Edmund Ironside as portrayed in a 13th-century illustrated Anglo-Norman manuscript of the Life of St Edward the Confessor. Source: Cambridge University Library / CC BY-NC 3.0

7 Amazing Ancient Technologies Too Advanced for Their Time (Video)

Throughout history, there have been many civilizations that have left their mark on the world through their impressive architectural feats, artistic creations, and innovative technologies. While some...
Nikola Tesla Revealed an Astounding Theory About the Pyramids (Video)

Nikola Tesla Revealed an Astounding Theory About the Pyramids (Video)

Nikola Tesla was a brilliant inventor whose contributions to the fields of electrical engineering and physics revolutionized the modern world. However, in addition to his many groundbreaking...
Ancient technology. Source: Pinon Road / Adobe Stock.

12 Most Mysterious Ancient Technologies Scientists Still Can't Explain (Video)

The sheer scale and complexity of historical structures such as palaces, temples and monuments can leave us in awe of the engineering, architectural feats, and ancient technology of our ancestors...
Artistic rendering of the Antikythera mechanism, the oldest analogue computer. Source: AkuAku / Adobe Stock.

The Ancient ‘Computer’ That Simply Shouldn’t Exist (Video)

When we think of ancient technology, we often imagine simple tools and primitive machinery. But what if we told you that over 2,000 years ago, the ancient Greeks had built the world’s oldest computer...
Grave Naiskos of an Enthroned Woman With An Attendant dates from around 100BC. Source: Digital image courtesy of the Getty's Open Content Program

8 Truly Puzzling Artworks Showing Ancient People Using Modern Tech!

How do we make sense of old and ancient artworks depicting laptops with USB ports, smartphones, spaceships, astronaut suits, and wrist watches? Historians say it is easy and that every one of these...
The steam-powered flying pigeon of Archytas. Source: YourForum

The Steam-Powered Pigeon of Archytas – The Flying Machine of Antiquity

Archytas was an ancient Greek philosopher, who was born in 428 BC in Tarentum, Magna Graecia, now southern Italy. In addition to being a philosopher, Archytas was also a mathematician, astronomer,...
Mirror magic, fortune telling and fulfillment of desires. Fantasy with a mirror, dark room, magical power, night view. (MiaStendal /Adobe Stock)

The Measure Of Ancient Mirrors: Planispheres, Phenakistoscopes And Telescopes

In some early texts concerning long-distance viewing, the term ‘mirror’ is used, but not as a device for simple reflection. Instead, the mirror takes on other powers, and the term seems to serve as...
Epistemology of Ancient Lost Technology

Epistemology of Ancient Lost Technology

What is “lost knowledge”? As human civilizations arise and develop, they accumulate knowledge. That knowledge has many forms, from the pragmatic to the theoretical. In most cultures, there is a...
Ancient Asian Technology: Chinese Mirrors And Forerunners Of The X-Ray

Ancient Asian Technology: Chinese Mirrors And Forerunners Of The X-Ray

Mirrors appear in a wide range of human cultures throughout history. The idea of an image somehow floating, disembodied and separate from the person looking — shining on a piece of polished stone or...
This diversion canal is part of the pre-Inca infiltration system during the dry season. Canals like this divert water during the wet season and could help stabilize the Peru water supply. Source: Musuq Briceño, CONDESAN, 2012. (Imperial College)

Ingenious Pre-Incan Hydrologic System Could Stabilize Modern Water Supply in Peru

The coastal region of Peru has one of the world’s least reliable water supplies, which dwindles dramatically during its dry season, meaning Lima especially struggles to supply water to its growing...
Was sophisticated Roman technology used in construction of the Roman Colosseum?

Romans Had Ancient Tech for Creating Seismic Invisibility Cloak Around Monuments

A team of civil engineers in France have revealed that the Romans had ancient technology for building structures that acted like modern-day electromagnetic cloaking devices. The pattern of...
Two small figures guard the table holding the Buddha’s relics. Are they spearmen, or robots?

Robots Guarded Buddha’s Relics in a Legend of Ancient India

As early as Homer, more than 2,500 years ago, Greek mythology explored the idea of automatons and self-moving devices. By the third century BC, engineers in Hellenistic Alexandria, in Egypt, were...
Was This Giant Stone Sphere Crafted by an Advanced Civilization of the Past or the Forces of Nature?

Was This Giant Stone Sphere Crafted by an Advanced Civilization of the Past or the Forces of Nature?

The Bosnian Indiana Jones has come into contact with a giant stone sphere. Like the famous movie counterpart, this large object is also bringing excitement along with it. The stone sphere discovered...
Antikythera Mechanism

New analysis of Antikythera Mechanism reveals clues to one of history’s greatest puzzles

A new study of the world famous Antikythera mechanism has revealed fascinating new information about the puzzling artifact, including that the maths used for its eclipse prediction appears to be...
Ancient nanostructures found in Ural mountains

Ancient nanostructures found in Ural mountains are out of place and time

By Leonardo Vinti / Epoch Times An Oopart (out of place artifact) is a term applied to dozens of prehistoric objects found in various places around the world that, given their level of technology,...
Egypt Khemitology

The Hidden History Of Egypt: Khemitology

Egypt is currently in the news, and not for the most pleasant of reasons. Political disturbances are being felt in isolated pockets of the country, yet are clearly overblown by western media, and...