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  • Reply to: People in the Southwestern United States drank caffeinated drinks in 750 AD   8 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: TruthHunter

    Cocoa contains some Caffeine as well as Theobromine.

    Cabeza De Vaca, the Spanish explorer who traveled from Florida to Mexico in the
    early 16th century described the ritualistic use of Ilex. The Indians would drink large
    quantities of tea, then vomit it. They absorbed enough caffeine to keep them dancing
    through the night.

  • Reply to: People in the Southwestern United States drank caffeinated drinks in 750 AD   8 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: Colin Berry

    Yes, there's a caffeine-like xanthine-based alkaloid in cocoa, chocolate etc called theobromine (though it was spelled theobromin when I was attending chemistry lectures some 50 years ago, and preferable in my view, given there's no bromine in the molecule).

    It differs from caffeine only in the degree of methylation (-CH3 groups) and also has stimulant properties, as I can personally attest (daren't drink coffee or cocoa after 6pm !).

  • Reply to: People in the Southwestern United States drank caffeinated drinks in 750 AD   8 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: Kelley Elkins

    So, is caffeine found in cocoa... or is it xantheine? Not that it makes a lot of difference.. Xantheine, caffeine, nicotine are all similar and yet different... so which was it?

  • Reply to: King Solomon’s Mines Discovered: Kings and Pharaohs - Part I   8 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: Bonusje

    The Ship is also called Shining Beauty and Kabaa in the islam religion and is origine of the triangolo symbols and hats of the jews and the illuminati and the All Seeing Eye and it was reason the Piramids of Gizeh were built and pointed toward Orion.

    "WOULD BECOME Some like this:

    12 Then I saw Him open the sixth seal.(handling a controlpanel of course) A violent earthquake occurred; 14 the sky separated like a scroll being rolled up; and every mountain and island was moved from its place. 13 the stars of heaven fell to the earth as a fig tree drops its unripe figs when shaken by a high wind; 12 the entire moon became like blood; the sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair;

    This Makes More Sense in order of Consequense of the start of a FTL Ship until lightspeed as fenomena of a launch and extreme accelerating speed and reaching Lightspeed. Even Motor Cyclists already have the experience of hypnotic scrolling Sky when they are speeding

    NOV 8, 2014, 5:37 AM

  • Reply to: The Exodus – Scientific Evidence   8 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: Listen To Reason

    Why not believe God used natural processes to achieve His will? If God didn't use process then the Bible would be a very short book...

  • Reply to: The Vandals: The History and Legacy of Antiquity's Most Famous Barbarians   8 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: nordinened

    The Germanic tribes were never considered as barbarian in the antique time, it was later at the time of the renaissance (15 CE) when the western Europeans in quest for their historic identity, started the attribution of the term barbarians to the Germanic people and perhaps it was the Teutonic them self how established this auto-qualification after their great works of research in the Greek legacy and where they found the indications to the barbarians.
    The most important thing to retain is that the citations concerning the Barbars in the Greek literary dates in times that preceded the Romes civilization that taken effect only after (2nd BCE) when Carthage was invaded and destroyed therefore it will be simple to mention that the citation of the barbarians was also made by Herodotus that lived in the fourth century BCE thus no trace of Germanic tribes here.
    Actually the Greek history is the effectual cultural amalgamation of the archaic Aegean peoples and the phoenix of the western north Africa which were the true Barbars.

    The Vandals were simply a large nation of Aryans that taken advantage of the situation and got enforced when Rome entered from a long time in internal elitist conflicts that leaded to the division of its empire which concentrated all the prestige and advantage to the Byzantine the Eastern part.
    The Vandals even when succeeded invading the Carthaginian region in North Africa (5th CE) it was because of real conflict between the African and the European side of the western Roman empire that implicated conspiracy from Rome by fears of a coup from Hippo Regius.

  • Reply to: Did Ancient People Really Have Lifespans Longer Than 200 Years?   8 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: Ravisadana

    After researching the Vedic and Zorah scriptures for over twenty(20) years, I have found physiological and spiritual evidence  for long life and the ability to perform superphysical feats defying modern physical laws.

    I’ve read many references to “siddhis” describing in Aramaic and Sanskrit languages the actual meditation, breath-control and concentration techniques to attain them. Sidhis are logic-defying physical feats. There are 8 major ones.

    Abraham and Mosses knew them and taught them to pupils. Kaballah is now setting up teaching centers for classes and demonstrations for the public.

    Vedic epics Mahabhatra and Ramayan are full of actual scenes where such feats were performed in full view, in battles and civil activities.

    Old construction sites being dugup by archeologists like Pyramids, Macchu Pichu, Pumu Punko etc. provide ample proof of the existence of “special knowledge” the old builders had, to build structures which we cannot build today with our modern technology.

    <strong>Most importantly,</strong> we cannot use the scientific principles we know today, to understand the “mental capabilities” of the long-past minds. They are two, entirely different mindsets, based on “specific paradigms” known to teachers of the day.

    That’s why science doesn’t even come as close as a light-year to explain how the old builders could do all that when all they had was a copper chisel in their tool-box. 

    We have lost these “mental powers and capabilities” over the years as modern science has progressed and replaced knowledge/logic in the human psyche, new over old. Surely science has done miracles in the understanding of how matter behaves, leading to discoveries for creature comforts and business effeiciencies. Technology of today.

    However, over the years, insidiously, the human mind has been conditioned by three (3) concepts, namely, “TIME” , “MONEY”, and "MATHEMATICS”. I’m not saying it's bad or good. This conditioning has altered the very nature of fundamentals. Not only the human mind, but also the scientific mind. 

    Today, Science is an end to itself. It preaches extreme materialism to the exclusion of immaterial factors. Think placebo effect and catalyses in chemistry. Science is also taking the human mind away from nature, according to Kaballah. There’s a movement afoot to remove the adjective “natural” in describing physiological and biological functions, like natural breast-feeding, natural passage through the birth-canal etc.

    If human mind is cutoff from nature, basic connections will be lost, according to  Kaballah, leading to  serious problems and crises for society. We are entering that period now.

    I have been actually practising some techniques I read about, on my own, over the last twenty (20) years. I’ve concrete proof of their validity.

    I am drawing up specific proposals for esoteric research. Getting funding is a problem as I don’t have academic affiliation in the US, where I live in retirement (sunny California).

    Am open to suggestions and proposals to commence this reseach.

    Ravi Sadana

    [email protected]


  • Reply to: 6 Advanced Ancient Inventions Beyond Modern Understanding   8 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: Joe Stitzel

    Moon landings were real. It would have taken far more to fake than to deploy. Besides, there is device on moon, planted directly back at earth, so back then was the first time a signal would bounce of moon then back, telling us first time that moons orbits were gaining distance from earth. Device only been placed there, by a man, just the precise angle.

  • Reply to: King Solomon’s Mines Discovered: Ancient Treasures - Part II   8 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: TruthHunter

    The Bible explains how Solomon's treasure ended up in Egypt.

    And it came to pass in the fifth year of king Rehoboam(son of Solomon)that Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem:

    26 And he took away the treasures of the house of the LORD, and the treasures of the king's house; he even took away all: and he took away all the shields of gold which Solomon had made.

    As for the source of the Gold: the Bible says the source was a place called Ophir. The Hebrew root for this is dust. In the South of Arabia there are ancient gold mines where the gold was "panned" using wind as there was no water. IMHO, this is likely the semi mythical Ophir.

  • Reply to: Research Decodes Ancient Celtic Astronomy Symbols and Links them to Jungian Archetypes   8 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: luvartifacts1

    Hello Tom,

    I reviewed the video at length and it is a fascinating perspective and the beautiful analemma has to be one of the most remarkable astronomical events in the sky.

    I looked closely at the its figure 8 arrangement and attempted to compare it to other patterns, motifs and symbols on our Celtic artifacts as well as artwork on the Newgrange Kerbstones and artifacts recovered from the Stonehenge area.

    Ancient astronomers were very precise about their symbolic primary and enhanced artwork and would have specifically portrayed the analemma in a figure 8 arrangement if that is what they were intending to display, instead of a 3 swirl image. I do not think the swirl pattern was an analemma representation. In addition, if the figure 8 analemma had been something so meaningful that it would have been engraved on a Kerbstone, it would have also been placed on other stone monuments or artwork as well, which I do not see.

     I understand your rationale about the X being potentially representing  the equinox, but because the solar wheel symbol is so deeply associated with the sun’s orbit and solar deities, I do not believe it stood for the equinox.  Thank you for asking and the very best to you.

  • Reply to: The Biblical Witch of Endor: Contacting the Spirit of a Prophet   8 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: Joe Stitzel

    Please turn to Leviticus 19:31. 20: 27.

    God chose David to be next king, Saul was jealous, tries to kill David. 1 samuel 19. David spares Saul twice. Betraying against God, Saul's fate to lose his battle is sealed, being desperate he pursues a witch. Then Samuel rises and reminds him of his fate that he will lose his life. God demands for man to consult him, through chosen priest or chosen prophet, only. Any other way is deemed wicked, Ungodly. 1 Samuel 28:9. Saul cut off the spiritists from the land.. Now he consults one ??
    1 Samuel 14:24.

    Read all chapters 14 through 31.

  • Reply to: Europeans share more language and genes with Asia than previously thought   8 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: PalmtoHead

    Really, is that so! It seems to you that testing 8000 year old bones is a shot in the dark, well then these guys better take note because it seems to me you really know what you are talking about....palm to head moment!

  • Reply to: Boudicca, the Celtic Queen that unleashed fury on the Romans – Part 2   8 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: luvartifacts1

    Excellent  and innovative article on Queen Boudicca.

  • Reply to: King Solomon’s Mines Discovered: Kings and Pharaohs - Part I   8 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: zeek wolf0e

    Linking the two monarchies is interesting, but I saw no reference to David's predessor King Saul or to Israel's all-powerful prophet, Samuel the kingmaker.

  • Reply to: Scientists Believe they Have Found the Origins of the Unique Basque Culture   8 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: vmarip

    You know, I am over 60; and full Basque on either side of my family tree... and I am from California, which was settled by the Basque a long time ago... and as encroachment occurred, they moved out... and many assimilated into the hispanic culture just for survival in Los Angeles, SF, etc, because of the Prejudice, just like the Native Americans did, so I could not find any info on my own People for decades... the Basque have kept themselves isolated and protected their culture for survival... so now, all of a sudden; there are "experts" about my people everywhere you go... and none of you are even Basque; and most of you never even thought about Cultural Anthropology like I have been avidly studying since age 9.... so how could you know anything? The truth is you don't. So mind your own business, or keep quiet and learn from someone who does; the older gentleman who first posted, about HIS culture has it right; we have survived longer than anyone else but the Jews because we have maintained our culture through word of mouth; not through wanna-be know-it-alls... and my maiden name is Salazar; a very ancient and very Basque sir name, and it does not have any of the suffixes that that person listed... neither does Rodriguez, or Perez.... or we can keep going... Plus, if you even bothered to stay awake during World History 101; you would be able to ascertain that our Land, the Basque Nation has been shrinking for many centuries now; we have been fighting for autonomy since our Country was stolen from us by spain and France, and that is why it is considered as part of those countries... a lot like the American Indian Nations have going on now.

  • Reply to: Is This a Huge Million-Year-Old, Man-Made Underground Complex?   8 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: daniel brooks

    If there were dinasours roaming the earth a tunnel network would be a handy thing

  • Reply to: King Solomon’s Mines Discovered: Kings and Pharaohs - Part I   8 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: Bonusje

    There was an Israel where now at the turkish Van legue the City Van is 8000 years ago. The Exodus of Israel went into outer Space and that´s why there stil can be Lithium6 Found at Northern Syria Raqqa and on and around Ararat because of two Polonium Hydrogen explosions to stall the coming armies of farao Imhotep and to wipe out any evidence of hightech presence at Ararat where by the top went from 6,5 kilometer high to present hight.

    The Arc was a pendle at level of the culture of that time to prevent shock that pendled between Israel and the Spaceship called Throne of God Morninglight City in the Sky and Sea of Glass in the several religieus works of Mankind and harbored high at Ararat as Beacon for the Refugees A Tetrahydron Battleship with sides of 1000 meters existing completely out of Diamond and brought the Kaukasian White NONE jew Israeli to a Destination far beyond Orion and Betelgeuse to Have a New Life. It stil is in Orbit around the Sun .. Waiting .. what Destiny Mankind shall Choose.

    There Never was a moses and an exodus by him. the Story was simply stolen to infiltrate Europe and steal Noah´s Identity. As they also stole Mohammed´s and Christ´s Identities and works for evil and submission into slavery.

  • Reply to: King Solomon’s Mines Discovered: Kings and Pharaohs - Part I   8 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: Bonusje

    "But what if some of these Hyksos-Israelite refugees did not go all the way to Jerusalem, or came back to Egypt in later generations?"

    Hyksos yakhuber clan jacob clan sent to conquer and rule West coming from Palestina as outpost as base for the chinese empire who sent them as commonwealth rulers.

    These are now our rulers officials politicians industrials etc like reuben is moskowicz and asshers are a wealthy diamond mining and political family now and gad might be the family of bill gates and many more members.

  • Reply to: The Twin Tragedy of Tutankhamun: Death of a Dynasty   8 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: farang

    This is the king of Persia poisoned by Bagoas...the eunuch vizier. Asian Buddhists call Tut "That." Note the long neck on "Osiris": the Jewish sources label these "gods" the Anak...Ananaki...the long-necks that wear neck rings or necklaces...Hilltribe! That explains why a very long necked Yuya and his wife Thuja are wearing Hilltribe clothes on their mummies: she is the "mystery woman" of Amarna that Akhenaton built a house for...she is Kaikeya..."Kiya" the wife of Tushratta/ Dushartha he promised to place her offspring on throne. Smenkare and Tut...Chitrangda and Vishwavira...the Hindus say Chitrangda died battling a demon, and Vishwavira of TB. Yuya is Bagoas...aka Antigonas I...with very long neck. Osiris is Greek...his Egytian name is Ausar...Blue. Persians/Assyrians called him Asur...Azure...BLUE. The king in the stolen "Esther" tale is "Ahasureus"...actually it is Iah-Asureus...Blue Moon. Yuya stole the name of the mother goddess Iah...the moon. He is the green Osiris...he is king of the underworld: Cappadocia...where Antigonas I was king...of Phyrgia..."the man from Piggia" in the Indictment of Madduwatta." You can be sure the Hittite capital called "Bogas Koy" was Bagoas Bagoas. In fact they were Hilltribe bedouins..."Joseph the asefJa"...with his "coat of many colors." Yuya has a blond mummy...the Kaikeya creation myth is of a long neck...a golden dragon! I have images of Yuya...Yu'aa wearing his neck rings...from Sumeria to Egypt...where he was aka "Maya"...chief of the 12,000 priests of Sais and On...."Zion."...The original one. "Maya"...Illusion....Antigonas I was born in Greece: "Elimaea." Eli Maya...but the Illu of Sion myth is unraveling now...

  • Reply to: King Solomon’s Mines Discovered: Kings and Pharaohs - Part I   8 years 1 month ago
    Comment Author: farang

    Tushratta was the last "king of Mitanni" to use the "mes" title in his royal titulary. However his son, Ramses II did. Tushratta is Dushartha...the father of "Lord Rama." "Mitanni" is an Arabic bedouin word: "Two hundred sons." These are the offspring of "YWH" called the "Shasu of YWH" that terrorized the Levant. The "Shasu" are the Chasu...children. YWH's offspring. Yuya...Yu'aa...his capital was at the 2006 archaeological find of Jawa, Jordan. Go look it up...Jawa is YWH. The bedouin king called Daesh was his son Seti I/Tushratta. The Chinese king called "Yu the Great" was Yuya...Yu-Iah. Aka the vizier of the Persian dynasty of Egypt called "Bagoas."...the 18th dynasty of Egypt was actually in the 700s-600s B.C....if not later. And I have the proof...tons of it.
