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Comparative Religion

Comparative Religion at Compass Opposites

It is heard that the stories of Solomon is that of Suleiman. We will start this article out with the Song of Songs being attributed to Suleiman the Magnificent and also to King Solomon.

Points to consider, the Tyndale Bible 1494–1536

The translated fragment is the reading for July 2nd: ‘On the Visitation of Our Lady’ and contains two extracts from Song of Songs, 2:1-4 & from 2:10-14 which are as follows:
(1) I am the flower of the field, and the lilies of the valleys. As the lily among the thorns, so is my love among the daughters. As the apple tree among the trees of the wood so is my beloved among the sons: in his shadow was my desire to sit for his fruit was sweet to my mouth. He brought me into his wine-cellar and his behaviour to me-ward was lovely ...

(10) and Behold my beloved said to me: up and haste my love, my dove, my beautiful and come, for now is winter gone and rain departed and past. The flowers appear in our country and the time is come to cut the vines. The voice of the turtle dove is heard in our land. the figtree hath brought forth her figs, and the vine blossoms give a savour. Up, haste my love, my dove, in the holes of the rock and the secret and thy fashion beautiful.

This coincides with Suleiman the Magnificent 1520-1566. The story of the songs attributed to him could have been backlash for the translation of the Tyndale Bible in English that is viewed as western influence.

This aforementioned backlash could be the reason Suleiman was propelled to the status known today.  Suleiman would have gained a lot of Hebrew support, the Bible clearly states one word shall not be changed such as this translation would. This would have also reignited the devotion to the prophet Muhammad and bricking up the golden gate would have galvanized that not to mention the past credit of the Ottoman armies in conquering the Christian strongholds.

The precise point to make about Suleiman he was magnificent. He had many glorious achievements that stand alone. His attributes to Islam were very remarkable. In history, one could make the point he was the last of the truly great in ageless achievement. 

Solomon was also a significant King who built a house of G_d to reflect Moses's tabernacle. The point about his reign not having much archaeological evidence, I will have to add caution to.  After the Templar tunneling in 1118 and also after the reconstruction and the earlier excavation of the first temple in preparation of the second, there was a lot of things left unseen not to mention a total of three thousand years of man. There still is a lot of history that has not risen.

From the aforementioned, in a world view, the Prophet Muhammad lit the manifestation of King Arthur. As my opinion, none of these balances needs to be unique, it only authorizes darkness.

In a further weighing of other comparative theologies. There has always been this great struggle between light and darkness. Sharing this same base and the view of the combination thereof,

The Eye of Horus, represented the moon and the god Djehuti. His right eye was associated with the sun god Ra, a symbol of manifestation. Yin and yang can be thought of as complementary rather than opposing, in which the whole is greater than the disassembled parts. Alchemy is the art of life. It brings SOL and LUNA into the unity that is perfection. SOL(sun), also known as the archetypal masculine. LUNA(moon), also known as the archetypal feminine.

In closing,

The Greek translation (Septuagint) of the Bible happened oddly enough mid-third century BCE at the time of Cyrus's bloodline on the rise. One could believe that Xerxes was darkly influenced by this support and invaded Greece. - Frank A. Tytar

Many thanks

I'd like to take the time and thank the staff at Ancient Origins. Maintaining this site has to be arduous but, as a result I have really enjoyed the articles (as well as the posts) and look forward in the upcoming years composure of. Great job!