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Lewis Hales

Lewis Hales is a therapist, educator and journalist specializing in Celtic history and interpreting ancient Celtic symbolism. For the past 14 years, Lewis has been the CEO of a 501 (C) (3) nonprofit educational program and is credited for writing over 120 articles and research projects.  In 2011, Georgia Governor Deal awarded a commendation to the Celtic Collection Program for having made special educational contributions in Georgia.  Georgia Governor Perdue conferred an educational commendation to the corporation in 2008. Lewis Hales is a frequent guest speaker at Gordon State College Western Civilization classes teaching Celtic history and the interpretation of Celtic symbolism. Lewis holds a master’s degree in education and a master’s in counseling from Atlanta University.


Member for
8 years 10 months


Stone at Newgrange and Celtic with X symbol

Research Decodes Ancient Celtic Astronomy Symbols and Links them to Jungian Archetypes

My nonprofit educational corporation, The Celtic Collection Program, exhibits the largest privately owned collection of Celtic artifacts in the United States. When we started purchasing the artifacts...
Bronze Age pot of the proto-Celtic Urnfield culture, sporting ritualistic symbols and mathematical markings.

Urnfield Vase Reveals 3,300 Year Old Lunar and Metaphysical Encoding

A vase dating back to Bronze Age Europe has strange symbols and abstract markings. Examination of the pottery has revealed a prehistoric mathematical approach to sacred numbers, as well as a moon...