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Chan Chan, Peru. Source: gavioneta / Adobe Stock.

The Tragic Story of Chan Chan, Peru's Lost City (Video)

In the vast expanse of the Peruvian desert, lies the remains of one of the greatest cities of human history: Chan Chan. Built over a thousand years ago, the city was once the thriving capital of the...
The most mystifying grave found during the July-August dig season at Pampa La Cruz in northern Peru held five children in a circle with their heads almost touching. Source: andina / Huanchaco Archaeological Program

76 Pre-Inca Child Sacrifices Found at Peru’s Pampa La Cruz site

Archaeologists working at the pre-Inca Pampa La Cruz site in Peru have found even more evidence of Chimu child sacrifice practices. The sacrificial remains of 76 more children have been discovered at...
The Moon god of the Chimu and Moche cultures rising behind the Andes Mountains and used as a calendar.		Source: Aliaksei / Adobe Stock

The Case for the Moon: Si, Supreme Ruler of the Gods, Sky and Earth

Si is an androgenous moon god chosen as the leader of the major South American Chimú and Moche culture pantheon, bucking the trend in world mythology where the moon god is both feminine and inferior...
The recently discovered elite Chan Chan mass grave burial ground near Trujillo, Peru.		Source: Peru News Agency - ANDINA

25 Elite Skeletons Unearthed From Chan Chan Mass Grave, Peru

Archaeologists exploring the ancient Peruvian city of Chan Chan have uncovered the skeletal remains of 25 people in one medium-sized burial site. The men, women, and children interred there would...
The Great Inca Emperor Pachacuti: The Famous “Earth Shaker” Of Peru

The Great Inca Emperor Pachacuti: The Famous “Earth Shaker” Of Peru

Embarking on the journey of establishing your very own empire is without a doubt a hefty and daunting task. But for the famous Inca ruler Pachacuti, it was a fated endeavor. Through ruthless conquest...
Rare Pre-Hispanic Chimú Burial Discovered In Peru

Rare Pre-Hispanic Chimú Burial Discovered In Peru

Archaeologists in northern Peru have unearthed a rare Chimú culture body with three sacred vessels. The Chimú culture existed from approximately 900 AD until 1470 AD and inhabited the northern coast...
The enigmatic 1,200-year-old telephone made by the Chimu people

1,200-Year-Old Telephone, Amazing Invention of the Ancient Chimu Civilization

A 1,200-year-old telephone, a marvel of ancient invention, surprises almost all who hear about it. Reportedly found in in the ruins of Chan Chan, Peru, the delicate communication artifact is known as...
art of the megalithic temple excavation site at Huaca el Toro in Peru. Source: EFE

Water Cult’s Megalithic Temple in Peru was Re-Purposed for Death

A megalithic temple found near the springs of the Zaña Valley river in Peru is an interesting find for several reasons. First, it’s the only known megalithic architecture in the Lambayeque region...
Traditional totora reed raft usage is fading away.  Source: ecuadorquerido / Adobe Stock

Riding Peruvian Waves for 2000 Years on the Totora Reed Raft

Traveling on the dry windswept northern coast of Peru, beside a spectacular landscape, one finds interesting ways whereby people make a living. That’s how we stumbled on a strange little raft made of...
Skull of a child sacrifice at Huanchaquito-Las Llamas in Peru.

Hundreds of Children were Sacrificed in Peru, But Why?

Archaeologists and anthropologists excavating in the north of Peru have made the horrifying discovery of more than 227 child burials near Huanchaco. This is added to the “140 children, three adults,...
The Inca tomb found at Mata Indio archaeological site.

Incan Tomb Containing Elite Person and Sacrificed Children Unearthed in Peru

Archaeologists have announced that they have made an important discovery that will add to our knowledge of Inca society and culture in a remote area of northern Peru. They have found a tomb of a...
At Chan Chan statues thought to be marking tombs have been found.

Oldest Statues Ever Found At Chan Chan Have Been Saved From the Claws of Climate Change

Archeologists excavating in Peru, at the largest pre-Columbian ancient site in the America’s, have saved 20 wooden statues dated to around 800-years-old from encroaching weather fronts. Culture...
Excavating one of the Pre-Inca tombs.

Newly Unearthed Pre-Inca Tombs Show Ancient Chimú Practiced Child Sacrifice

12 children have been identified amongst the 50 individuals buried in 47 Pre-Inca tombs at a recently unearthed site in Peru. Archaeologists believe the children were sacrificial offerings. A wealth...
Main: The ancient city of Chan Chan. Inset: One of the newly-discovered wooden sculptures

Peculiar Wooden Sculptures Discovered at Chan Chan in Peru and May Mark the Graves of Ancient VIPs

Archaeologists excavating the site of the ancient city of Chan Chan in Peru have just announced the discovery of four intriguing wooden sculptures (three male and one female), and an untouched tomb...
Graves Hinting at Child Sacrifice Found Near Temple Ruins in Peru

Graves Hinting at Child Sacrifice Found Near Temple Ruins in Peru

Archaeologists excavating a Pre-Hispanic site in the northern Lambayeque region of Peru have recently unearthed a group of 17 graves. Both adult and child remains were found, of which some show...
Moche Sacrifice Illustration

By the Cut of a Tumi: An Iconic Ceremonial Artifact of Ancient Peru

The tumi was a ceremonial knife used by several pre-Columbian cultures that inhabited the Peruvian coast, including the Moche, Sicán, Chimu, and Inca cultures, to carry out blood sacrifice and...
Photo of one of the burials discovered at Chan Chan, Peru.

Thirty Two Pre-Hispanic Mummies Uncovered in Peru

A team of Peruvian archaeologists have discovered 32 pre-Hispanic mummies at two separate sites located between La Libertad and Lima. The burials revealed skeletal remains, jewelry, textiles, and...
Gold earrings, two knives, a collection of shells, and ceramic containers were uncovered from a flooded Lambayeque tomb.

DNA tests to unravel mystery of Peruvian priestess and burial companions

About 800 years ago, a high status Peruvian woman was buried with seven people and a llama. Some theorize that her burial companions were her relatives, while others maintain they were servants. Now...
4,000-Year-Old Mochica Temple and Tombs Unearthed in Peru

4,000-Year-Old Mochica Temple and Tombs Unearthed in Peru

A 4,000-year-old temple and tombs of 14 ancient Peruvians have been excavated at an ongoing archaeological dig in the Lambayeque area. The temple belongs to the mysterious Moche civilization, while...
Ancient ritual sacrifice of children and llamas unearthed in PeruAncient ritual sacrifice of children and llamas unearthed in Peru

Ancient ritual sacrifice of children and llamas unearthed in Peru

Archaeologists in Peru have announced the rare discovery of a ritual sacrifice of children and young llamas dating back 600 years. The finding is believed to be linked with the Chimú culture, which...
Tomb in Peru

Archaeologists discover tomb of ancient Peruvian culture

Archaeologists in Peru have discovered a tomb containing multiple burials belonging to the Chimú culture in the Samanco archaeological complex, a small urban trading town located in the lower Nepeña...