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Pharaoh Senebkay was different to other Egyptian kings

This Abydos Pharaoh Was Unusual in Many Ways (Video)

The discovery of Pharaoh Senebkay‘s remains offers a unique glimpse into an unconventional Egyptian dynasty. Unlike typical pharaohs, Senebkay was a modest ruler, and his life was far from the...
1561 celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg as printed in an illustrated news notice (described by UFO enthusiasts as an aerial battle of extraterrestrial origin and considered a sun dog by skeptics) Source: Public Domain

Chariots of The Gods, Ships in The Sky: Unidentified Aerial Phenomena of the Past

For thousands of years, people have been describing unexplainable gleaming objects in the sky. Some aerial phenomena like comets, meteor showers, bolides , auroras or even earthquake lightning – all...
Roman historian Dr Simon Elliott critiques Roman Movies (YouTube Screenshot / History Hit)

From Gladiator to Ben Hur, Top Roman Historian Rates Famous Movie Scenes (Video)

Recently Dr. Simon Elliott, a highly respected Roman historian, archaeologist, and broadcaster was asked to share his thoughts on several famous films set during the ancient period. Starting with the...
The Siberian charioteer was discovered with a long metal rod with curved hooks on each end laying across the body’s waist area. Archaeologists believe this was once attached to a belt to help the charioteer tie the reins and free up their hands. Source: IAET SB RAS

3,000-Year-Old Grave of Charioteer Could Rewrite Siberian History

In the remote hinterlands of southern Siberia, Russian archaeologists recently unearthed something unprecedented. While performing excavations as part of a railway expansion project, they discovered...
Representational image of a ziggurat tower structure in ancient Mesopotamia. Source: top images / Adobe Stock

Five Surprising Ways Mesopotamia Shaped the World

One of the most fascinating and accomplished civilizations in history was the fruitful region of Mesopotamia. Frequently called the “Cradle of Civilization,” Mesopotamia was home to some of the...
Ancient Egyptian god Seth. Source: byerenyerli / Adobe Stock.

The Most Deadly Weapons of Ancient Egypt (Video)

The ancient Egyptians were masterful innovators when it came to warfare, with a diverse and deadly arsenal of weapons at their disposal. From the iconic khopesh sword, with its curved blade designed...
Detail depicting the unusual death of King Edmund Ironside as portrayed in a 13th-century illustrated Anglo-Norman manuscript of the Life of St Edward the Confessor. Source: Cambridge University Library / CC BY-NC 3.0

7 Amazing Ancient Technologies Too Advanced for Their Time (Video)

Throughout history, there have been many civilizations that have left their mark on the world through their impressive architectural feats, artistic creations, and innovative technologies. While some...
The chariot axle and the Iron Age pit in which it was found. Source: Cotswold Archaeology

Iron Age Chariot Axle Offers A Rare Example of Prehistoric Technology

An "exceptionally rare" Iron Age wooden axle from a chariot or cart has been found in a waterlogged pit in Eastbridge, Suffolk. The fragment was uncovered ahead of tree planting for the Sizewell C...
Valley of the Tower of Tombs, ruins of ancient Palmyra in Syrian desert   Source: Monik-a / Adobe Stock

Piecing Together the Lost Mitanni Empire

The Mitanni Empire was established in 1475 BC and was disestablished in 1260 BC. It was one of the biggest and most powerful nations of its time, and its influence spread far and wide. Yet you’ve...
Detail from Helios on His Chariot, a 17th century depiction of Helios the sun god of Greek mythology, by Hans Adam Weissenkircher. Source: Public domain

Deciphering the Role of Helios, the Sun God of Greek Mythology

An unpunished second-generation Titan of Greek mythology, Helios was a deity who was important, but not always recognized for his powers. Until his role was usurped by a newer god, Helios was the...
Modern depiction (1876) by Jean Léon Gérôme of a chariot race in Rome's Circus Maximus (Public Domain)

Top Roman Charioteer Was Worth More than Cristiano Ronaldo!

In 2020, Cristiano Ronaldo, a five-time FIFA player of the year became the first team-sport athlete to surpass $1 billion in career earnings. It is hard to imagine anyone topping that, but in the...
The common perception of the cherubim as baby-faced angels, as depicted in Pieter de Grebber’s Adoration of the Shepherds. Source: Public domain

Were the Cherubim of the Hebrew Bible the Chariots of the Gods?

The cherubim are a somewhat mysterious topic that occurs numerous times in the Hebrew Bible, but is never truly explained. We are given only brief glimpses into their role and their nature. Since the...
The gilded side of the Trundholm Sun Chariot. Source: CC BY-SA 3.0

The Astronomy of the Trundholm Sun Chariot

The famous Trundholm Sun Chariot is a bronze and gold artifact pulled out of a bog in Denmark in 1902. Said to belong to the Nordic Bronze Age (c. 1700 to 500 BC), the so-called chariot consists of a...
The so-called Sivatherium of Kish (Field Museum of Natural History/Edwin H. Colbert) compared to a modern representation of a Sivatherium in the Warsaw Museum of Evolution. (Shalom/CC BY-SA 3.0)

The Sivatherium of Kish: Did Sumerians Tame a Prehistoric Giraffe?

The world is big. Even in this modern day and age, we still don’t have a clue about what lurks in the remote corners of this planet. The oceans, vast and enigmatic, have only been partially explored...
The Sintashta culture has been remembered for inventing war chariots. Source: Dark Heritage

Unravelling the Sintashta Culture: War Masters of the Eurasian Steppe

Understanding the mysterious origins of the Indo-Europeans, the emergence of the Indo-Iranian languages, and the earliest identities of associated peoples remain some of the burning questions in...
The ceremonial chariot discovered near Pompeii. Source: Pompeii Archaeological Park

Pompeii: First Ever Roman Ceremonial Chariot Discovered in Italy!

Archaeologists excavating the ruins of a settlement north of Pompeii have discovered an exceptional ceremonial chariot that is almost intact. The ancient carriage is made from iron, bronze and tin...
A burial pit full of grave goods. (Pierluigi Giorgi / © Antiquity Publications Ltd)

Pre-Roman Prince’s Tomb Packed With Treasures Found in Italy

In Italy, archaeologists have unearthed what they are calling a ‘prince’s tomb’, found using the latest non-invasive archaeological methods. The royal burial is believed to come from an enigmatic...
Roman chariot and horses. An ancient ritual horse burial has been discovered In Croatia. Source: Fernando Cortés / Adobe Stock.

1800-Year-Old Horse and Chariot Burial Discovered in Croatia

Archaeologists in Croatia have unearthed an 1,800 year-old fossil of a Roman chariot and two horses. Archaeologists from the City Museum Vinkovci and The Institute of Archaeology from Zagreb...
This bronze and enamel decoration would have been worn by one of the Celtic chariot's ponies.

Treasure Hunter Finds the First Celtic Chariot Burial in Wales, Rewrites Ancient History

A metal detectorist in Pembrokeshire in Wales has made a discovery that could change how we understand the history of the ancient Celts. The unearthing of a Celtic chariot burial in a Welsh field...
Two photos of the ancient wheel.

Enigmatic Ancient Wheel: The 300-Million-Year-Old Wheel and Anomalous Ancient Tracks Across the World

In 2008, a curious find was discovered down a coal mine in the Ukrainian city of Donetsk. As it could not be safely or successfully cut out due to the nature of the sandstone in which it was embedded...
General view of the coffin found at Sanauli

Sanauli Find Challenges Aryan Invasion Theory and Could Re-write Indian History

In the month of May 2018 various International and National News channels and Newspapers descended on the village Sanauli to report on a sensational discovery. Chariots and coffins were discovered...
This ancient Indian chariot was found at Baghpat and dates to the Bronze Age (2000-1800 BC).

Discovery of Three Chariots in India Suggests Warrior Class of Ancient Civilization

Archaeologists in India have unearthed three copper detailed chariots from the Bronze Age (2000-1800 BC). This is the first known example of this type of transport being found in India from that time...
Using Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI), this picture of the Antioch tablet was compiled. Source: Paula Artal-Isbrand, conservator at the Princeton Art Museums, with permission of Alexander Hollman

First Jewish Curse Found: Chariot Racer Hexed by Calling on Balaam’s Angel

Experts have made the remarkable discovery of a curse on a lead amulet from the Eastern Roman Empire. According to the Jerusalem Times, experts were shocked when they finally deciphered the message...
 Main: A scene of the Qing dynasty campaign against the Miao (Hunan) 1795 (public domain). Inset: Model of a Chinese South Pointing Chariot, an early navigational device using a differential gear.

The South-Pointing Chariot: This Ancient Chinese Invention Led Armies In a Unique and Impressive Way

The south-pointing chariot is a Chinese invention that functioned in a similar way to a compass. Instead of pointing north, however, this device could point south, or any other direction it was ‘...
