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burial mound

Detail of the entrance to the barrow at the D35 Plotiště-Sadová highway site, Czech Republic.	Source: Department of Archaeology UHK

Monumental Long Barrow Burial Discovered in the Czech Republic

Recent archaeological research on the D35 Plotiště-Sadová highway in the Czech Republic has unveiled an extraordinary long barrow, shedding light on the funerary practices of the Eneolithic period...
New excavations of the 1,300-year-old pre-Viking ship burial, referred to as Herlaugshaugen. Source: Hanne Bryn / NTNU Science Museum

1,300-Year-Old Pre-Viking Ship Burial Rewrites History

The identification of a pre-Viking ship burial unearthed in Norway is helping rewrite history. A previously excavated mound, containing remnants of the oldest large ship ever buried, on the island of...
Representational image of an ancient meeting hall. Source: Sunshower Shots / Adobe Stock.

Colossal 3,000-Year-Old Monument Found in Germany May Be King Hinz Meeting Hall

In the historically rich soil of Brandenburg , Germany, archaeologists have unearthed a colossal Bronze Age building, thought to be the fabled meeting hall of King Hinz, a legendary figure purported...
Archaeologists have unearthed an adorned stela at Las Capellanías complex in Cañaveral de León, Spain.       Source: University of Durham

Newly Discovered 3,000-Year-Old Stela in Spain Upends Gender Stereotypes

Archaeologists performing excavations at the 3,000-year-old Las Capellanías funerary complex in southwestern Spain have uncovered a decorated stela (standing stone slab) that features a unique and...
Burial of teenage girl found with 180 sheep ankle bones. Credit: Kazakh Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

Bronze Age Teenager's Grave with 180 Sheep Ankle Bones Found in Kazakhstan

Archaeologists have unearthed a burial site from the Bronze Age, containing the remains of a teenage girl and numerous artifacts in Kazakhstan . Kazakhstan's premier English news source, The Astana...
An X-ray showing the relative size of the giant sword found in the Japanese tomb. Archaeological Institute of Kashihara in Nara Prefecture.

Giant 7-Foot Sword and Mirror for Demon Slaying found in Japan Tomb

Researchers in Japan were excavating an ancient kofun burial mound when they found an enormous shield-shaped bronze mirror and a giant 7-foot iron sword, the largest that have ever been discovered on...
The Pyramid of Djoser looms above the desert landscape in Saqqara necropolis, ancient burial ground of the elite. Source: marinadatsenko / Adobe Stock

Saqqara: A Stunning, Sprawling, Necropolis of Egypt

Picking the most important or the most interesting site in Egypt is next to impossible. The country is a treasure trove of ancient sites. While the Valley of the Kings and Pyramids of Giza get the...
Collective burial pit excavated at Krasnoyarsk, Siberia. 	Source: Dimitry Vinogradov/Haaretz

Which “Lost Culture” Created This 2,000-Year-Old Tomb?

An ancient burial mound excavated in Siberia was found to contain 50 bodies and numerous bronze tools and artifacts. This exciting discovery belongs to an as-yet unidentified culture. Krasnoyarsk is...
Representational image of the traces of gold discovered on the surfaces of tools that made up a 3,800-year-old toolkit found near Stonehenge over 200 years ago. Source: ninell / Adobe Stock

3,800-Year-Old Toolkit Unearthed Near Stonehenge Was Used to Work Gold

A team of archaeologists from the Universities of Leicester and Southampton in the United Kingdom have just published a study reporting that enigmatic artifacts recovered from a significant Bronze...
Left, Image of the church at Wiejkowo, the proposed site of the Harold Bluetooth burial. Right; Harald Bluetooth sketch representation. Source: Left; Marek Kryda, Right; Public Domain / The First News

Harald Bluetooth’s “Probable” Burial Mound Scanned By Satellites

The lost tomb of the 10th century Viking King, Harald Bluetooth, has “probably” been identified “again.” When Old King Gorm died around 935 AD, the new Viking ruler of Denmark and Norway became...
Does the fabled 1,000-ft White Pyramid of Xian in China really exist? Source: EvgeniyBobrov / Adobe Stock

In Search of the Fabled 1,000-ft White Pyramid of Xian in China

Scattered across an isolated, flat plain in Shaanxi Province, near the ancient capital of Xi’an, lie dozens of spectacular pyramid mounds that are little known outside of China. Mixed in with the...
The Chinese first emperor’s tomb was protected by the famed Terracotta Warriors. Source: Carlos Adampol Galindo / CC BY-SA 2.0

Cosmic Rays Could Finally Reveal Structure of Mysterious Tomb of China’s First Emperor

For over two millennia, the tomb of China’s first emperor, Qin Shi Huang have been locked away, with scientists and historians the world over desperate to catch a glimpse of what really lies within...
Ukrainian Burial Mound Dig Reveals 5,500-Year-Old Stonehenge-like Structure

Ukrainian Burial Mound Dig Reveals 5,500-Year-Old Stonehenge-like Structure

Scythians and other warring cultures and the archaeological remnants of their history are under attack by developers in Ukraine looking to construct new luxury country homes. There are two roadblocks...
Ole Worm Illustrations Identify New Ship Burials at Danish Site

Ole Worm Illustrations Identify New Ship Burials at Danish Site

Archaeologists from Flinders University in Australia working on a Danish ship burial site on the ex-Viking island of Hjarnø , in modern-day Denmark , have created quite a stir in the field of history...
The most complete of the gold foil figures discovered at Aska in Sweden.

22 Gold Foil Embracing Figures Uncovered At Aska: Lovers, Gods or Giants?

A collection of rare ancient gold foil figures have been discovered at the archaeological site of Aska, approximately 36 kilometers (23 miles) from Sweden’s capital city, Stockholm . In 2014...
Is Jiroft Site in Iran a True Cradle of Civilization?

Is Jiroft Site in Iran a True Cradle of Civilization?

Archaeologists are preparing to launch the third major excavation of an important site on the Jiroft plain , in the Halil River valley of southeastern Iran . The Konar Sandal remains were exposed...
Ground-Penetrating Radar Locates Massive Viking Burial Mounds in Norway

Ground-Penetrating Radar Locates Massive Viking Burial Mounds in Norway

An extensive survey using ground penetrating radar in northern Norway has revealed the presence of 15 gigantic Viking burial mounds , along with other measurable remains of ongoing human activity...
Mound to Mountain: The Long Road to the Great Pyramid

Mound to Mountain: The Long Road to the Great Pyramid

Who built the Great Pyramid? Was it built by simple Egyptian farmers with mud ramps, or aliens, or a lost society from the last Ice Age? Did the ancient Egyptians inherit this massive stone building...
Recreating The Faces Of Two Scythian Empire Rulers With High Tech

Recreating The Faces Of Two Scythian Empire Rulers With High Tech

High technology has brought back a pair of super wealthy ancient nomadic Scythian Empire nobles discovered in a gold laden tomb in East Siberia. Described as a “Scythian King and Queen,” their...
The Viking sword discovery as it was found on the opposite side of a Norse warrior, before Astrid Kviseth placed it in specially prepared padded box.                        Source: Norwegian University of Science and Technology

South-Pawed Viking's Sword Discovered In 1000-Year-Old Burial Mound

Norwegian archaeologists have discovered a 1000-year-old grave containing a rare Viking sword next to the body of what must have been an equally rare left-handed (south-pawed) Norse warrior. Vinjeøra...
Prehistoric burial mound.     Source: Historic England

Chieftain and Seated Companion Illustrate Complex Prehistoric Burial Rituals

An elite prehistoric chieftain and possibly his older shaman have been discovered beside a sacred mound in southwest England’s most important prehistoric ritual center. During a new archaeological...
The oldest of the Viking boats of the boat burial is from the 8th century. Source: Arkikon / NTNU.

Extraordinary Twin Viking Boat Burial Found in Norway

Archaeologists in Norway have uncovered a particularly odd burial. They have found two Viking boats in one grave. The second burial was placed in the grave some 100 years after the first ship burial...
Inside the planned mid-England Barrow.

A Return to Ancient Burial Traditions: Want to Be Buried in a Barrow?

Humanity has buried their dead in a variety of ways, down the ages. In the distant past the dead were often buried in barrows. It has been many millennia since one of these burial sites has been...
The Viking ship was found by georadar at Viksletta right next to the monumental Jell Mound in Østfold.

Radar Reveals a Rare Viking Ship Burial in a Field of Archaeological Dreams

Norwegian archaeologists have announced a very rare and “incredibly exciting” find. They have used georadar equipment to identify structures and burials, including a buried Viking age ship. The find...
