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Asuka Nara and the Rock Ship of Masuda

The Mysterious Monoliths of Asuka Nara and the Rock Ship of Masuda

The village of  Asuka  is located in the Takaichi District of the Nara Prefecture in Japan. Asuka is an ancient land with historical interest. It has its origins in the Tumulus Period (250-552 AD),...
The thirteen towers of Chankillo, Peru

Chankillo: The Oldest Solar Observatory in the Americas

Located in the Peruvian coastal desert at the Casma-Sechin Oasis stands the incredible monumental complex of Chankillo. The archaeological site consists of a fort located on a hilltop and thirteen...
Prehistoric Calendar Revealed at Stonehenge

More Than Summer Solstice - Prehistoric Calendar Revealed at Stonehenge

As the Summer Solstice for the northern hemisphere has come around, the craving to celebrate at the world-famous Stonehenge Neolithic site has again proven irresistible to crowds of people wishing to...
Yazilikaya, Hittite sanctuary and astronomical observatory

Yazılıkaya: 3200-Year-Old Temple Reflects Hittite Views on Time and the Cosmos

Yazılıkaya is a 3,200-year-old building that was known to have been central in religious ceremonies in the capital city of the ancient Hittite Empire . But according to a team of researchers, it...
Exploded model of the cosmos gearing of the rebuilt Antikythera Mechanism.

The Rebuilt Antikythera Solves Secrets Of The World’s First Computer

The famous ancient Greek astronomical calculator known as the “Antikythera Mechanism” is a mechanical device created to predict astronomical events. Now, UCL scientists have recreated the tool which...
Roman dodecahedra

The Enigma of the Roman Dodecahedra

The Roman dodecahedron is a small, hollow object made of bronze or (more rarely) stone, with a geometrical shape that has 12 flat faces. Each face is a pentagon, a five-sided shape. The Roman...
Golden Age By Juan Carlos Barquet

Long Lost Golden Age - Just a Myth?

The myth and folklore of ancient cultures speak of a vast cycle of time with alternating dark and golden ages; Plato called it the Great Year. Most of us were taught that this cycle was just a myth...
The Nebra Sky Disk

Bombshell Study Calls Astronomical Theories of the Nebra Sky Disk “Obsolete”

Until today, the Nebra Sky Disk was known as the oldest concrete depiction of cosmic phenomena worldwide. Scholars believed it was a 3,600-year-old artifact depicting a sun or full moon, a lunar...
Bologna, San Petronio: Meridian of Giandomenico Cassini

Synchronizing Science and Religion? Why We Find Solar Observatories and Astronomical Features in Churches

It is often assumed that science and faith are always at loggerheads with each other. This, however, is a common misconception, as there are numerous instances demonstrating the co-existence and co-...
There is much debate between scholars to Jesus’ crucifixion date, but there is no real consensus. Is there anyway of us knowing the truth? Left: portrait of Sir Isaac Newton. (Public domain).     Right: representation of Jesus’ crucifixion. (Kovalenko I / Adobe stock)

Sir Isaac Newton’s Astronomical Dating of Christ's Crucifixion

Whether he existed as a physical person, or as some believe, was merely an archetype from Jewish mysticism, Jesus has taken the world by storm and according to the Complete Pilgrim , very rough...
Almendres Cromlech megalithic site, Portugal.

Almendres Cromlech: Rare Twin Megalithic Stone Circles of Portugal

Located on the slopes of the Monte dos Almendres in Portugal is the ancient megalithic site of Almendres Cromlech, also popularly known as the ‘hill of the stone amphorae.’ The stunningly well-...
New finds made at the latest Antikythera shipwreck search.  Source: Greek ministry of Culture

Obscure Objects Found at Antikythera Shipwreck

The Greek Ministry of Culture has announced a series of finds that were rescued from one of the world’s most famous shipwreck sites. Bones and a range of obscure objects were recovered from the...
Moon and Earth

Ancient Origins of the Moon: Was it Once Part of Earth?

The origin of the Moon has been a subject of research for many years and theories about its creation abound. Hypotheses vary from non-scientific proposals, such as that the Moon is a spaceship, to...
Carrowkeel Megalithic Cemetery.

Carrowkeel Megalithic Cemetery: Passage Tombs and An Astronomical Roofbox

Carrowkeel Megalithic Cemetery is a passage tomb complex dating to the Neolithic period. This cemetery is located in the south of County Sligo, in the western Irish province of Connacht. In...
Nabta Playa and the Ancient Astronomers of the Nubian Desert

Nabta Playa and the Ancient Astronomers of the Nubian Desert

Nabta Playa is a remarkable site composed of hundreds of prehistoric tumuli, stelae, and megalithic structures located in the Nubian Desert, approximately 100 kilometers west of Abu Simbel in...
The two lozenges found at the Bronze Age burial site Bush Barrow

Are There Hidden Depths to the Golden Lozenge of Stonehenge?

Stonehenge, the prehistoric monument in Wiltshire, England is famous throughout the world and it remains today a place of extreme reverence. The monument is constructed from huge megalithic stones,...
Ancient Observatory

Scientists Discover that Megalithic Site in India is Oldest Ancient Observatory in South Asia

A remarkable 7,000-year-old megalithic site that served as an astronomical observatory has been found in Muduma village in Telangana, India. The discovery has been hailed as one of the most...
Aboriginal rock paintings that show astronomical alignments

Stone Age Text Links Australia to Europe: Initial Evidence for Worldwide Travel by an Ancient Stone Age Civilization

Dr. Derek Cunningham has recently introduced a new intriguing theory to archaeology that many geometric patterns seen worldwide are a form of ancient text, with the angular writing based on the...
A color composite image of the Pleiades from the Digitized Sky Survey. Credit: NASA/ESA/AURA/Caltech. Inset: Sappho fresco

Scientists Use Advanced Astronomical Software to Date 2,500-Year-Old Lyric Poem

Physicists and astronomers from the University of Texas at Arlington have used advanced astronomical software to accurately date lyric poet Sappho's "Midnight Poem," which describes the night sky...
The Clay Tablet that reveals the Babylonians were using calculus to track the path of Jupiter.

Clay Tablet Reveals Ancient Babylonians Used Calculus to Track Jupiter 1,500 Years before Europeans

A new analysis of a set of ancient clay tablets has revealed that ancient astronomers of Babylonia used advanced geometrical methods to calculate the position of Jupiter – a conceptual leap that was...
Pyramids of Güímar - Tenerife

The Mystery of the Guanches and the Pyramids of Tenerife

Tenerife in the Canary Islands is well-known as a holiday destination, but many tourists visit the island unaware that there are pyramids there and an ongoing mystery. Who built the pyramids, when...
Table Rocks in Nabta Playa

Religion, Sacrifice, and the Mystery of the Table Rocks in Nabta Playa

Read Part 1 Nabta Playa is a remarkable site composed of hundreds of prehistoric tumuli, stelae, and megalithic structures located in the Nubian Desert, approximately 100 kilometers west of Abu...
The sun rises behind the Taj Mahal

Garden and pavilions of the Taj Mahal found to align with rays of the sun

New research has revealed that the gardens of the Taj Mahal, and the structures within it, align with the rising and setting sun during the summer and winter solstices. While the reason for...
Bronze Age Golden Hat

The Mystery of the Four Golden Hats of the Bronze Age

The relics and artifacts uncovered throughout the centuries have provided an immense knowledge base about how our ancient ancestors lived, what they believed in, and what skills they had...
