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Almendres Cromlech megalithic site, Portugal.

Almendres Cromlech: Rare Twin Megalithic Stone Circles of Portugal

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Located on the slopes of the Monte dos Almendres in Portugal is the ancient megalithic site of Almendres Cromlech, also popularly known as the ‘hill of the stone amphorae.’ The stunningly well-preserved site is the most important megalithic arrangement in Portugal and is also believed to be one of the oldest stone circles in Europe.

Almendres Cromlech, known locally as Cromeleque Dos Almendres, is located close to the city of Évora in the Alentejo region of Portugal. Despite being just a short distance from Évora, transport to the site is difficult, making it an unpopular destination for tourists. Consequently, this special site remains free and open at all times. No fences or ropes keep visitors back, and it is possible to freely wander around the site and even touch the stones, a rare experience for such a historically important place.

Almendres Cromlech, Portugal. (Armando Frazão /

The Twin Circles of Almendres Cromlech

Yet, Almendres Cromlech is not just any megalithic site. Consisting of over 90 granite standing stones, it is the largest megalithic site in the Iberian Peninsula, and one of the largest in Europe as well. The stones are arranged in two ‘twin’ circles.

The ring to the east is circular in shape and the smaller of the two. It contains the oldest stones, which have been dated to the Early Neolithic period (6000 BC). The ring to the west, on the other hand, is elliptical in shape, and is believed to have been built during the Middle Neolithic period (5000 BC).

Ancient Astronomical Observatory

It is believed that around 3000 BC many of the stones were repositioned to align with the celestial bodies – the sun, moon, and stars. Therefore, it has been speculated that Almendres Cromlech may have functioned as a sort of astronomical observatory.

For instance, if a line were to be plotted from the solitary Menhir of Almendres (a single granite monolith rising to a height of around 4.5 meters (14.76 ft.)) to the center of the Almendres Cromlech, it would point towards the sunrise on the Winter solstice. And the Midsummer solstice also draws in a crowd to experience the celestial event as well. Although there are trees in the way now, The Independent reports that the Neolithic builders of the site would have watched “the sun rise over the left-hand monolith at midsummer and then see it move gradually, over six months, to rise over the right-hand, southerly, monolith at midwinter.”

The Menhir of Almendres. (Benshot /Adobe Stock)

With its location on the eastern slope of the hill, the Almendres Cromlech faces sunrise and it is aligned to the spring and autumn equinoxes. On those dates, when the day and night has an equal length, the sun and moon rise at the same point on the monument’s axis.

Sunrise view on the menhirs stones in megalithic monument of Cromelech dos Almendres in Portugal. (rh2010 /Adobe Stock)

Ceremonial Site and Symbols

Others have speculated that the site had some ritual or religious significance for those living around it. This may be supported by the engravings found on some of the stones at Almendres Cromlech. Stone 56, for instance, is recorded as having a depiction of a human face, and is considered to be a menhir statue.

It has been suggested that the statues might be a representation of an ancient god or deity. Some people today still regard the site as ritually or religiously important, and are known to practice their form of belief at the site.

Engravings on one of the megaliths. (Helissa /Adobe Stock)

Another popular design found on the stones is the shepherd’s crook – a straight line with a curved hook at the top of it. The Independent reports that the symbol is a sign of the community’s main interest, “This was a society of sheep herders, as it still is today.”

Nevertheless, like many other such sites, the exact function of Almendres Cromlech is still a mystery, and will probably continue to puzzle us for some time to come. Moreover, this site entered the knowledge of modern humans only relatively recently, as it was re-discovered only in the 20th century.

Over the millennia since they were erected, the stones became neglected, many of them toppling over and sunk into the ground. It was only in the 1960s that a geologist, Henrique Leonor Pina, stumbled upon the site while conducting fieldwork in the area. Following extensive excavations to reveal the site, the stones were unearthed and reset in their proper positions – for the most part, one is said to have the shepherd’s crook engraving facing the wrong direction.

Almendres cromlech. Evora, Portugal. It is one of the most important megalithic monuments of the Iberian Peninsula. (Juanamari Gonzalez /Adobe Stock)

There is probably still much more that archaeologists can learn from this interesting prehistoric site. Furthermore, given the fact that there are not many tourists visiting the site, it is hoped that Almendres Cromlech, unlike many other ancient sites, will retain its present character.

Top Image: The Almendres Cromlech, Alentejo, Portugal. Source: eranyardeni /Adobe Stock

By Ḏḥwty


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Available at:, 2015. Almendres Cromlech. [Online]
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Travel in Portugal, 2015. Almendres Cromlech. [Online]
Available at:, 2015. Almendres Cromlech, Evora. [Online]
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Brilliant article. Well researched.

Hello! The circles intend to represent the eyes, so do archaeologists say.
You might be also interested in getting to know better the ancient megalithic culture in southern Portugal. We provide you with ideas for alternative tours for you to plan your own tailor-made trips to these interesting sites. Have more information at the Alternative Tours here!evora-day-tours/c1u20

I'm missing the face image on the menhir. All i see are 2 circles (1 partial) and a crack.

Could someone explain how it is estimated that these circles represent a face?

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Wu Mingren (‘Dhwty’) has a Bachelor of Arts in Ancient History and Archaeology. Although his primary interest is in the ancient civilizations of the Near East, he is also interested in other geographical regions, as well as other time periods.... Read More

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