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Big Bang

Space Discovery Draws Big Bang into Question

A team of astronomers have observed an object in space whose existence draws into question the reality of the big bang theory. The structure is a large quasar group (LQG) composed of 73 quasars,...
Dwarf stars

White Dwarf Stars May Be Best Chance for Discovering Extra-terrestrial Life

A new study titled, "Detecting Bio-Markers In Habitable-Zone Earths Transiting White Dwarfs", published by the Royal Astronomical Society, has concluded that dying White Dwarf systems could host...
Shaman stones found in Panama

Old Shaman Stones, Panama

In December 2012, a publication came out regarding significant findings in the area of Panama where archaeologists discovered shaman stones in a cave that date back more than 4000 years. The cave is...

Desert Find Provides Evidence of Advanced Prehistoric Civilisation

A remarkable discovery in the middle of the Saudi Arabian desert in Al Magar provides evidence of a previously unknown civilisation. The archaeological find uncovered more than 300 stone objects...
Mining Asteroids

Mining Metals on Asteroids Could Begin Within 2 Years

A remarkable development in space technology involving the use of unmanned ships to intercept small asteroids and mine for useful ores and minerals could by operational as early as 2015. The...
Temple of Fire, Peru

Ancient Mysteries Unveiled at the Temple of Fire (Peru)

Archaeologists have made a surprising discovery in the El Paraiso archaeological complex in the Chillon valley, located just outside the Peruvian capital. A rectangular structure with a ceremonial...
Habitable Planet

Habitable Planets May Not Be as Far Away as First Thought

New research has shown that earth-like planets may not be as far away as previously thought. Prior research had indicated that the ‘habitable zone’ where water is capable of existing, was around 300-...

Theories about Neanderthals May Need to be Revised

A new study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal may lead to a revision in current understanding about when the last Neanderthals walked the Earth. Neanderthal...
Extraterresterial Life Exists, Scientist Chandra Wickramasinghe Claims

Extraterrestrial Life Exists, Scientist Chandra Wickramasinghe Claims

If a group of scientists are correct, tiny fossils uncovered inside a meteorite found in Sri Lanka in December are proof of extraterrestrial life. In a detailed paper called "Fossil Diatoms In A New...
Scientists claim meteorite fossils indicate extraterrestrial life

Scientists claim meteorite fossils indicate extraterrestrial life

Scientists published a paper on January 10 in the online Journal of Cosmology in which they claim that a meteorite discovered in Sri Lanka contains evidence of extraterrestrial life. The paper,...
Ancient Mound At Poverty Point, La. Built With Surprising Speed, Archaeologists Say

Ancient Mound At Poverty Point, La. Built With Surprising Speed, Archaeologists Say

The enormous earthen monument Poverty Point, built on a Mississippi River bayou some 3,200 years ago, is an impressive feat of engineering. Hunter-gatherers moved more than 26.5 million cubic feet (...
Archaeologists unearth 3,000-year-old Egyptian tombs

Archaeologists unearth 3,000-year-old Egyptian tombs

A group of Italian archaeologists have made an extraordinary find in the Egyptian city of Luxor, unearthing several tombs that are thought to be over 3,000 years old. Egypt’s Antiquities Minister...
Archaeological Find Suggests Ancient Israel's Capital Was Burned

Archaeological Find Suggests Ancient Israel's Capital Was Burned

An archaeological dig has uncovered what appears to be evidence that Shiloh, the ancient capital of Israel that was once the site where the Tabernacle and Ark of the Covenant could be found, was...
ET Discovery Could Happen Within 10 Years: World Economic Forum

ET Discovery Could Happen Within 10 Years: World Economic Forum

The discovery of alien life or Earth-like planets and the implications to the world was a crucial item on the agenda at the annual World Economic Forum, or WEF, in Davos, Switzerland. World business...
300-Million Mechanical Part Found in Russian Coal

300-Million Mechanical Part Found in Russian Coal

The Earth was so young 300 million years ago, the first land animals had yet to evolve into dinosaurs, most scientists believe. If that's the case, how do you explain the discovery in Russia of a...
Timaeus and Critias


A lost continent that may have existed many thousands of years ago and has become the topic of numerous studies, books and movies, is still to be found: the lost continent of Atlantis. The legend of...
The story of Jonah

The story of Jonah

One of the many peculiar stories of the Bible is the story of Jonah and the Whale . The word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai: Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because...
Pharaoh Akhenaton

Pharaoh Akhenaten

Pharaoh Amenhotep IV was one of the most puzzling pharaohs of Egypt, also mentioned as the ‘Heretic Pharaoh’ or ‘Rebel Pharaoh’. His father was Amenhotep III , the King of the 18 th dynasty when...
Great Pyramids - Egypt

Great Pyramids - Egypt

When you say the word pyramid, Egypt immediately comes to mind. Of the 138 pyramids identified in Egypt—many of which are world-renowned pyramids —the three pyramids of Giza are certainly at the top...
Kaimanawa wall - New Zealand

Kaimanawa wall - New Zealand

Near Lake Taupo in New Zealand is an enigmatic wall called the Kaimanawa wall . It faces north and consists of smooth, megalithic stone blocks with symmetrical corners. The blocks form perfectly...
Sam Osmanagich, Ph.D.

Sam Osmanagich, Ph.D.

Sam Osmanagich, Ph.D., Anthropology Professor and director of Center for Anthropology and archaeology at the American University in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Foreign Member of the distinguished Russian...
Brien Foerster

Brien Foerster

Brien Foerster was born in Rochester, Minnesota, U.S.A. but grew up on the west coast of Canada. At age 11, he became fascinated with the Native art of the Haida native people, and began carving...
David Hatcher Childress

David Hatcher Childress

David Hatcher Childress , known as the real-life Indiana Jones to the many fans of his books, is a captivating speaker and the author or coauthor of over 20 books. He has traveled the world several...
The Hindu sacred texts about human origins

The Hindu sacred texts about human origins

Third in the list of major religions, with more than 870 million followers, is Hinduism. Hinduism goes back to 5000 BCE and is a compilation of many diverse traditions (in contrast to Christianity...
