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Kaimanawa wall - New Zealand

Kaimanawa wall - New Zealand

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Near Lake Taupo in New Zealand is an enigmatic wall called the Kaimanawa wall. It faces north and consists of smooth, megalithic stone blocks with symmetrical corners.  The blocks form perfectly together and are completely flat at the end. They also go upwards and backwards in blocks and levels.  Many hypotheses flourish concerning the origins of its stone blocks, in particular, whether the structure is man-made or a unique natural formation.

The controversial wall became a topic for debate in the early 1990s with Barry Brailsford’s publication of an article in the New Zealand Listener called “Megalith Mystery: Are giant stones in the Kaimanawa Forest Park evidence of an ancient New Zealand culture?". According to the article, the stone wall is at least 2000 years old and was created by the first settlers of New Zealand, the Waitaha, who were subsequently nearly exterminated by the Maoris, who arrived only 800 years ago. (Or perhaps by people who were here before the Waitaha).  Furthermore, Brailsford maintains that the wall could link New Zealand with Egypt, South America, and other ancient civilisations.  He lists twelve pieces of evidence for its construction, for example, the fact that the visible stones in the front are a uniform 1.9 metres wide by 1.6 metres tall, and one metre wide (deep).

However, politically, the view that civilizations existed in New Zealand before the Maori culture is not very popular with the local Maori people, the Department of Conservation archaeologists and geologists and to just about every political party in New Zealand, and the media attention following the publication of the article led to a complete ban on the area. 

New Zealand archaeologists and anthropologists, naturally enough, were not anxious to drastically revise their fundamental paradigm assigning the discovery and colonization of New Zealand to the Maori and ordered an investigation to be carried out on the rocks.  The conclusion made by the commissioned Geologists was that the wall is an outcrop of a large ignimbrite, a natural formation, created about 330,000 years ago. They claim that the block shapes were produced by fractures in the rock when the hot ignimbrite cooled. Displacement of the rocks may also be attributed to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and other natural events.

The official line is that the Kaimanawa wall has been proclaimed a "natural rock formation". But sceptics remain unpersuaded and many believe that archaeologists and political figures are biased in their investigations and not willing to revise old paradigms. 

A convincing explanation supported by evidence-based proof on either side of the argument has yet to be seen, but the controversy surrounding the Kaimanawa wall does raise important questions about how willing people really are to investigate the true origins of man and its early civilizations.

Related Links

The Kaimanawa Wall Earthcache

The Kaimanawa Wall structure, Lake Taupo - natural or man made?

Kaimanawa Wall

A New Age Myth: the Kaimanawa "Wall"

The Kaimanawa Wall - Images

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Wanna go for fun after niagara fall tours from new york to have more fun.

No one has the guts to in case it proves it's just a natural formation. Less talking, more digging...!

far out man just grab a chain saw and spayed and get to the bottom of it youself

I am a Maori, there is absolutely no truth in anyone saying that the local Maori community were against further investigation of this because of cultural issues. We wanted the real story and the truth about the origins of our land like everyone else would. I think its more like the academic and others who would rather hide this, as just another anomaly not to be investigated, else they will need to re-write all the bullshits in their textbooks.

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