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Artist’s impression of the remains of the village revealed by LiDAR.                 Source: Côtes d’Armor Departmental Council

The Remains of a Circular Iron Age Village Revealed in France

A major archaeological discovery has just been made at Cap d’Erquy, in the Côtes d’Armor. The remains of a circular Iron Age village have been unearthed using revolutionary satellite imaging...
Archaeological excavations at the Interamna Lirenas site in central Italy's Lazio region have revealed the prominent remains of a theater. Source: Alessandro Launaro

Interamna, An Obscure Roman Village Escaped 3rd Century Decline of Empire

Two thousand years ago, the ancient Roman settlement of Interamna Lirenas in central Italy’s Lazio region was a typical remote Empire town. It was believed to have suffered the same fate as so many...
Drone photograph of the Lerchenauer Feld excavation area where the Celtic village was discovered. Source: 3Archäologen / Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation

2,300-Year-Old Celtic Village Found in Northern Munich Suburb

While performing excavations in a suburban field north of Munich, archaeologists have uncovered the remains of an ancient Celtic village, along with artifacts linked to a later Roman settlement. This...
Burial of the adult from the Teotihuacan village in Mexico. Source: Marisol Bautista Roquez/ INAH

Archaeologists in Mexico Uncover Remains of a Teotihuacan Village Almost 1,600 Years Old

Archaeologists from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) have made a groundbreaking discovery in Mexico City's Tlatelolco area - the remains of a Teotihuacan village dating back...
Archaeologist John Maxwell passes up an artifact from the excavation site on Triquet Island. Some of the artifacts were dated to over 14,000 years ago, making it one of the oldest ever sites found in North America. Photo: Grant Callegari/Hakai Institute.

Lost World Revealed: 14,000-Year-Old Village on Triquet Island (Video)

Archaeologists recently made a groundbreaking discovery on Triquet Island , Canada, unearthing a 14,000-year-old village that sheds light on ancient human settlements. Nestled in a remote coastal...
Cliff dwellings in Kandovan village, Iran. Source: Left; knovakov / Adobe Stock, Right; naytoong/Adobe Stock

Kandovan: The Volcanic Cave Cut Village of Iran

Kandovan is a unique cave village located in the northwestern province of East Azerbaijan, Iran. The village is famous for its extraordinary architecture, where people have carved their homes into...
The ruined remains of Kuldhara village in India. Source: bluesea / Adobe Stock

Abandoned for Love and Cursed for Eternity: What Happened in Kuldhara?

The Indian village of Kuldhara is shrouded in mystery. Once a prosperous and thriving community, the village was suddenly abandoned in the 19th century and has remained uninhabited ever since...
The abandoned city of Craco, Italy. Source: Tupungato / Adobe Stock

14 Stunning Pictures of Ancient Ghost Towns

Whether the result of war, famine, disaster, or an empire’s downfall, hundreds of ancient and medieval towns and cities across the world have become deserted . Many of them remain today as abandoned...
The sunken village of Baitings and its famous packhorse bridge, pictured below the modern car bridge, have been exposed by record drought and heat for the first time since the mid-1950s. Source: YouTube screenshot / velomoho

Record UK Drought Exposes Ancient Sunken Village and Bridge

It’s almost out of a fairy tale, with the added caveat of having the dirty underbelly of global warming revealed yet again! A Yorkshire sunken village with Viking origins has re-emerged after water...
View of the Old Khndzoresk cave village. Source: EdNurg / Adobe Stock

Old Khndzoresk Cave Village: Armenia’s Abandoned City of Caves

In 2016, Armenia was included in National Geographic 's list of ten places that deserve more travelers. First on the list was Armenia, and amongst the locations they recommended travelers visit was...
This beautifully shaped ceramic vessel is just one of the many Roman artifacts and ruins found at the Blackgrounds HS2 project dig site, which was once the setting for a prosperous Roman British trading center.		Source: HS2

Artifact-Rich Ancient Roman Village Unearthed By UK Archaeologists

Archaeologists employed to search along the pathway of England’s new high speed 2 (HS2) railway line have unearthed an impressive bounty of artifacts, ruins, and other remnants of past cultures at...
The Lady of Lawers is said to haunt the village to this day. Source: Kim Traynor / CC BY-SA 4.0

For Sale: Abandoned Scottish Village “Haunted By A Seer”

The traditional loch-side home of a legendary Scottish prophet is up for sale in Scotland. While you can buy the Old Village of Lawers for around £125,000, you might have to deal with the Lady of...
How could an entire village disappear? Source: Ivan Kmit / Adobe Stock.

Ghosts in the Landscape: How Did the Village of Gainsthorpe Vanish?

There are many medieval villages in England that have disappeared throughout the years. However, one that remains more visible than most is the village of Gainsthorpe in Lincolnshire. When viewed...
7,000-Year-Old Seal Found in Israel Signed For Deliveries!

7,000-Year-Old Seal Found in Israel Signed For Deliveries!

Not everyone is well versed with the name Tel Tsaf, a prehistoric village in the stunning Beit She’an Valley in North Israel. They may be now, as some 150 clay sealings, dating back to 7,000 years...
Jet necklaces and bracelet discovered during the A75 Dunragit Bypass roadwork excavations in Scotland.

Scottish Roadwork Treasure Trove Now Revealed!

A treasure trove of artifacts was unearthed in Scotland during the building of the A75 Dunragit bypass, a new road in Wigtownshire, Scotland , back in 2014. According to The Scotsman , the discovery...
Italy’s Ancient Home Scheme: Buy A Medieval Property For €1!

Italy’s Ancient Home Scheme: Buy A Medieval Property For €1!

Remote Italian towns and historic villages have begun selling homes for €1 euro ($1.13) in a new governmental ancient home scheme to stop a severe drop in rural populations. But before you rush off...
Pied Piper of Hamelin

The Disturbing True Story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin

When, lo! as they reached the mountain-side, A wondrous portal opened wide, As if a cavern was suddenly hollowed; And the Piper advanced and the children followed, And when all were in to the very...
Megalithic Atlit Yam

The 9,000-year-old underground megalithic settlement of Atlit Yam

Not far off the coast of the village of Atlit in the Mediterranean Sea, near Haifa in Israel, lies the submerged ruins of the ancient Neolithic site of Atlit Yam. The prehistoric settlement, which...
Medieval village with key players from the hierarchy including: the king, queen, priests, monks and soldiers.   Source: Matrioshka / Adobe stock

Feudalism and the Medieval Village Hierarchy

Life in a medieval village was surely no fairytale. Hard work, poverty, uncertainty of life and its comforts, the iron fist of the feudal lord - the disadvantages were numerous, and benefits few and...
Representation of life in medieval Europe at a vineyard. Source: ruskpp /Adobe Stock

How Bad was Life in Medieval Europe Really?

When we think about the life in medieval Europe, we tend to conjure up grim and dismal images of war, poverty, sickness, and the Dark Ages . But was it truly so dark? Is there more to it, or are we...
Left: Before the damage was completed to the medieval village site in Withybrook, Warwickshire, in 2014. Right: After the damage more recently. The substantial work completed can be seen, e.g. creation of large track.	Source: 	Historic England

English Family Fined for ‘Cynical’ Destruction of Medieval Village

Historic England have announced the remains of Withybrook medieval village in Warwickshire have been irreparably damaged by a family, who wanted to graze horses. John Mac, 58, his wife Elizabeth and...
Remains of silos in Neolithic Egyptian village discovered in Tell el-Samara.

Archaeologists Unearth the Oldest Neolithic Settlement in Egypt

An Egyptian-French archaeological mission in Egypt has made a very rare discovery of a settlement from the Neolithic era, only the second known in the country. This is significant as it will add to...
Huqoq ancient synagogoue mosaic - inscription and face.

Mosaics Provide Clues on Life in an Ancient Galilean Jewish Village

Recent discoveries by a team of specialists and students at Huqoq in Israel's Galilee, led by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill professor Jodi Magness, shed new light on the life and...
Bones and stone tools found at the site of the Māori village

14th Century Maori Village Brought to Light by Logging Yard Project

Archaeologists in New Zealand have made a special discovery at Eastland Port in Gisborne. They have unearthed the indications of a 14th century Maori (Māori) village, a rare find for the area. The...
