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A Neanderthal premolar tooth from the Almonda cave system, Portugal. Source: João Zilhão/University of Southampton

Tooth Enamel Reveals Differences Between Neanderthal and Human Survival Tactics

A team of archaeologists and earth scientists from the United Kingdom and Portugal have just completed a comparative study of Neanderthals who lived in western Europe approximately 100,000 years ago...
snake venom Source: Mark Kostich / Adobe Stock

How Prehistoric Primates Survived Deadly Snake Venom

The story of human evolution is one peppered with the acquisition of a variety of adaptive traits that have been acquired over thousands of years. While we take many of these for granted today, each...
Homo Sapiens Creativity Genes: Our Ancient Secret Survival Weapon

Homo Sapiens Creativity Genes: Our Ancient Secret Survival Weapon

The study of the evolution of genetic networks of Homo sapiens creativity have unravelled the mystery behind the survival of the human race, and helped researchers identify the reason behind the...
Copper tools from the Old Copper Culture of the Great Lakes region.		Source: Michelle Bebber / Kent State University Eren Laboratory

Native North Americans Were Making Copper Tools in 7,500 BC

Refinements in radiocarbon dating technology have caused archaeologists, anthropologists, and ancient historians to modify their beliefs about the timeline of copper tools and the metalworking of the...
How Our Ancient Noses Drove Many Species to Extinction

How Our Ancient Noses Drove Many Species to Extinction

Could it be that the key to the survival of early humans lay in their ancient noses? A new book claims that early humans had an evolutionary advantage over their rivals thanks to their ability to...
The Route to Secular Art through the Kwakiutl Hamatsa Dance

The Route to Secular Art through the Kwakiutl Hamatsa Dance

“Magic preceded art, art served magic, and art was then liberated from magic.” This was among a number of sometimes controversial assertions made by Scottish anthropologist James Frazer in his 19 th...
Native American parents crafted mini weapons to teach their children vital life skills. Source: mmilliman /Adobe Stock

Mini Weapons Taught Children Survival Skills in Oregon

Researchers believe that some weapons found at the Par-Tee site in Oregon, USA were purposely made for little hands to train children and youth life skills. These weapons for children were carefully...
Embarkation of the Pilgrims’ (1857) by Robert Walter Weir. Source: Public Domain

Why the Pilgrims were Actually Able to Survive

By Peter C. Mancall / The Conversation Sometime in the autumn of 1621, a group of English Pilgrims who had crossed the Atlantic Ocean and created a colony called New Plymouth celebrated their first...
Neanderthal extinction has been blamed on a drop in fertility. Source: Kovalenko I / Adobe Stock.

Small Drop In Fertility Rate May Have Led To Neanderthal Extinction

Sapiens be warned, the life of a population is fragile! After decades of speculation about Neanderthals being wiped out by our ancestors, a new scientific study suggests that Neanderthal extinction...
Eyebrows on fleek: Model of a modern human skull next to Kabwe 1.

Why Expressive Brows Might Have Mattered in Human Evolution

Highly mobile eyebrows that can be used to express a wide range of subtle emotions may have played a crucial role in human survival, new research from the University of York suggests. Like the...
‘Creation of Man’, (Public Domain) Cosmos (Public Domain); Deriv.

Science Versus Religion on Our Ancient Origins: What if They’re Both Wrong?

"The universe began when God said, 'Let there be light'!" "No, the universe began with the big bang!" "God created life as we know it largely in the forms we now recognize!" "No, evolution is the key...
The Genetic History of Ice Age Europe

The Genetic History of Ice Age Europe

Analyses of ancient DNA from prehistoric humans paint a picture of dramatic population change in Europe from 45,000 to 7,000 years ago, according to a new study led by Howard Hughes Medical Institute...
Ancient Origins of Tuberculosis

New Understanding of Ancient Origins of Tuberculosis May Help Find a Cure

New research published in the journal Nature Genetics has revealed that the origins of tuberculosis (TB) did not emerge around 10,000 years ago in animals and then pass to humans, as currently...

Doomsday odds to improve

According to a new analysis, the chances of human civilization surviving long enough to colonise other planets may be better than previously thought. The doomsday argument predicts humanity’s...
Stephen Hawking, Mankind Survival in Space

Hawking Claims Mankind Must Leave Earth to Survive

According to British physicist, Stephen Hawking, human beings will need to go out into space and find habitation on another planet in order to survive, and has called on scientists to embark on...