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  1. No Smoke Without Fire: The Existence of Xia Dynasty and the Great Flood Legend

    The Xia Dynasty is traditionally regarded as the first dynasty of China. This dynasty is believed to have been founded by Yu the Great towards the end of the 3rd millennium BC, and lasted until around the middle of the next. Whilst this dynasty is attested in the ancient Chinese texts, there is a lack of archaeological evidence to support the existence of this dynasty. Thus, the Xia Dynasty has commonly been regarded as a mythical dynasty.

    dhwty - 18/05/2017 - 13:59

  2. 1,600-Year-Old Pottery Workshop Has First Known Rock-Hewn Kiln in Israel

    During the construction of a new residential quarter, north of the new Yaʽarit neighborhood, a team of archaeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority uncovered a Roman era pottery workshop, where jars were manufactured. The kiln, used to fire the jars, is the only one known to date in the country to have been hewn entirely in bedrock.

    Sam Bostrom - 27/07/2016 - 21:46

  3. Medieval Weapon-Making Foundry Discovered on Shore of Lake Baikal

    ... region was one of the largest metallurgical region in Asia at the end of first millennium BC  and early in the ...

    ancient-origins - 28/06/2016 - 14:46

  4. The King Who Made War Illegal! Challenging the Official History of The Art of War and the First Emperor –Part I

    ... can find. His court identified the best minds throughout Asia. The Secret Tomb of the First Chinese Emperor Remains an ...

    Shibumi - 31/03/2017 - 23:05

  5. Parting the Waters of the City of Jerusalem in the Siloam Tunnel of King Hezekiah

    Hezekiah's Tunnel, or Siloam Tunnel, was a part of a magnificent water system in Jerusalem. It was built during the Iron Age at the end of eight century BC, and remains one of the greatest architectural treasures of the city.

    Natalia Klimczak - 29/05/2016 - 03:41

  6. From Magic to Science: The Intriguing Ritual and Powerful Work of Alchemy

    ... Chinese alchemists claimed to have discovered it and in Asia, particularly in China, numerous emperors requested that ...

    valdar - 02/12/2015 - 14:49

  7. Neanderthal-Human Sex Caused a Million Covid Deaths

    ... genetic quirk is more common in people from South Asia , which is possibly why India experienced higher death ...

    ashley cowie - 17/06/2022 - 14:43

  8. Underwater discovery in submerged Mexican cave provides glimpse of First Americans

    ... being the result of separate migrations from south-east Asia or even Europe. The skull of Naia, the teenage girl who ...

    aprilholloway - 16/05/2014 - 00:17

  9. Desert Kites: Ancient Hunters Built Massive Death Traps for Animals

    ... Traver, M. September 6, 2020.  The Mystery of Central Asia’s ‘Desert Kites’.  BBC. Available at:  ...

    Molly Dowdeswell - 23/10/2022 - 22:50

  10. The Underwater Temple Garden: A Unique Fusion of Bouyancy and Enlightenment

    The Underwater Temple Garden is a unique dive site located in Bali, Indonesia. This underwater garden was created in recent years, and contains a Balinese Hindu temple compound. A photo of the site circulated on the internet sparked excited rumours that this was an ancient archaeological site, and that more structures like it were to be found underwater. Furthermore, some even claimed that the ‘Atlantis of the East’ had been discovered.

    dhwty - 21/06/2017 - 18:49

  11. The Punctilious Planning, Design, and Construction of the Ancient Round City of Baghdad

    Baghdad is the capital of Iraq but whereas the country of Iraq was founded only in 1958, the city of Baghdad had been established about 1200 years before by the

    dhwty - 10/05/2019 - 23:09

  12. Mockery of the Crucifixion: The Sacred Donkey and the Cross

    In 1857 in a cell of the ruins of Imperial Palace on the Palantine Hill in Rome, a curious graffiti representing a crucified man (corpus humanum... suffigitur in cruce) but with the head and ears of a donkey (cervix asinina caputque auritu) was discovered. Beneath the sketch was etched in broken Greek: ‘Alexameno worships his God'. Who could have been the instigator behind this primitive, apparent blasphemous fresco?

    Roberto Volterri - 30/01/2020 - 23:15

  13. Rare Holiday Full Moon Will Provide Special Christmas Light for First Time since 1977

    ... to the moon as the "man eater." For the Tartars of Central Asia, the moon, known as the Queen of Life and Death, was ...

    Mark Miller - 24/12/2015 - 00:53

  14. Initial Stage Reached on Dream of Cloning Woolly Mammoth

    By The Siberian Times / By Olga Gertcyk

    A South Korean specialist hails the opening of new World Mammoth Centre in Siberia, dedicated to bringing the beast back to life. Cloning guru Professor Hwang Woo-Suk did not go into details of the progress made in restoring the extinct species after several thousand years of extinction, but made clear he expected to publish new research in scientific journals as soon as 'checks' are complete.

    ancient-origins - 30/07/2016 - 00:53

  15. 3,300-year-old Mycenaean tomb and precious artifacts found in Central Greece

    Archaeologists have announced the discovery of a vaulted Mycenaean tomb near Amfissa, central Greece, containing human remains and a hoard of treasures. The 3,300-year-old tomb is the first of its kind to be found in the region, and one of only a few that have been found untouched.  The finding is expected to provide valuable information regarding the habitation, burial customs, and possessions of the Mycenaeans in the 2nd millennium BC.

    aprilholloway - 08/02/2015 - 00:41

  16. Johan de Witt: The Failed Politician who was Cannibalized by his Opponents

    Even after a successful political career, Johan de Witt has gone down in history for having suffered one of the most bizarre assassinations in history and one of the few recorded cases of cannibalism from the 17th century.

    Tracy McLoughlin - 19/06/2022 - 18:52

  17. The Ancient Origins Of Modern Greece

    Nationhood is a figment of the collective imagination, actualized by a cluster of symbols and ideas – flags, anthems, sports teams, traditional dress (sometimes), a common religion (often), shared values (whether or not they are upheld) – which help to build a sense of collective identity. Of course, a nation state is a geographical entity as well, though it is perfectly possible to be a nation without actually owning any territory.

    Robert Garland - 02/01/2024 - 15:16

  18. Remains of castle built by powerful Japanese feudal leader unearthed in Kyoto

    Archaeologists believe they have found the remnants of a powerful Japanese feudal leader's heavily fortified “phantom castle,” so-called because historians thought it had been destroyed in an earthquake soon after it was built.

    Mark Miller - 22/06/2015 - 22:06

  19. The Truth About the Holy Grail: Magical Chalices Around the World

    ... Jamshid when he was excavating an ancient city in central Asia. Ancient Persian poet Hafez looking at the Cup of ... Arthur E. Waite, Rider & Co. London  The Heart of Asia. Nicholas Roerich, Inner Traditions, Rochester, VT The ...

    MarkPinkham - 09/12/2021 - 13:59

  20. Did an Astronomical Body Cause the Global Floods of Ancient Myths with Its Gravitational Tidal Floods? - Part 1

    ... Lower California, The Hurons, Iroquois, Chickasaws, Sioux Asia - The Chinese, Malayans, Thai, Vietnamese, Japanese, and ...

    Kirk Kirchev - 26/04/2018 - 19:00
