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  1. Aspasia - The Real-Life Helen of Troy? An Inspirational Courtesan’s Tale

    Aspasia, who lived in ancient Greece during the fifth century BC was both admired and infamous in her time. But the truth does not lie in between: hers is a life worthy of admiration. Born in the city of Miletus on the east coast of the Aegean, Aspasia sailed west across the sea – a brave venture in those days, arriving in Athens in the early 440’s BC during the city’s Golden Age. And there began her life of infamy and intrigue.

    Yvonne Korshak - 28/04/2023 - 18:59

  2. Aspasia The Metiki Who Seduced And Confused Athens’ Powerful Men

    In his writing on the Athenian Statesman Pericles, Plutarch (c. 46 – c. 119 AD), marvels at the "...  great art or power this woman had, that she managed as she pleased the leading men of the state and gave the philosophers an opportunity to discuss her in great length and exalted terms." The woman referred to by Plutarch is Aspasia.

    MartiniF - 29/03/2021 - 20:32

  3. Genetic Study Suggests Denisovans Were the Mythological Rakshasas

    ... of these findings relate to the possible presence in South Asia in the distant past of Denisovans, who in Indian ... our understanding of the formation of the population of Asia and, through gene inheritance, on medicine and ... in Siberia, Mongolia, the Tibetan Plateau and eastern Asia, most obviously northern China. The Denisovan DNA in the ...

    Andrew Collins - 08/12/2019 - 18:33

  4. Updates on Out of Africa – Revising the Story of the Dispersal of Modern Humans Across Eurasia

    ... modern humans evolved in Africa and then dispersed across Asia and reached Australia in a single wave about 60,000 ... modern humans evolved in Africa and then dispersed across Asia and reached Australia in a single wave about 60,000 ... on dispersals by early modern humans from Africa to Asia by researchers from the Max Planck Institute for the ...

    ancient-origins - 13/12/2017 - 02:11

  5. Neanderthals Passed Human Papillomavirus to Homo Sapiens in Eurasia

    ... Neanderthals during the time they co-existed in Europe and Asia. A 2018 study revealed an interesting and intriguing ... Neanderthals during the time they co-existed in Europe and Asia. A 2018 study revealed an interesting and intriguing ... they spread out across the Near East, Europe, and Central Asia hundreds of thousands of years ago. When Homo sapiens ...

    Nathan Falde - 14/09/2021 - 02:00

  6. Mediterranean Cultures Imported Asian Exotic Foods Before 1700 BC

    ... insights into the ancient Bronze Age food trade between Asia and the Levant. The remains of exotic foods, spices and ... insights into the ancient Bronze Age food trade between Asia and the Levant. Turmeric, bananas, soy and other exotic ... Munich (LMU). Studying long-distance trade routes between Asia and the Levant during the Bronze Age, the team set out ...

    ashley cowie - 29/12/2020 - 23:04

  7. A Turbulent Tide Turns In Favor of the Flavian Dynasty

    The Flavian Dynasty was a Roman imperial dynasty that lasted from 69 AD to 96 AD. There were three Flavian emperors, Vespasian and his sons Titus and Domitian. The Flavians came to power at the end of the Year of the Four Emperors, which was a short period of chaos following the fall of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty.

    dhwty - 25/01/2019 - 01:55

  8. Scientists Make A Great Step Forward in the ‘Where After Africa?’ Question

    ... the matter of a long standing debate, with most of West Asia, North Africa, South Asia or even South East Asia having been listed as potentially suitable locations. ...

    ancient-origins - 26/03/2024 - 13:51

  9. Denisovan Girl’s Tooth Is First Physical Evidence of Denisovans in Southeast Asia!

    ... the latter being a species of archaic humans that lived in Asia 50,000 years ago and earlier. Notably, the area where ... this is the first evidence of Denisovans in Southeast Asia. Estimates of the age of the sediment layer where the ... about the population history of Denisovans in Southeast Asia. A view of the area including cave Tam Ngu Hao 2, also ...

    Nathan Falde - 18/05/2022 - 22:43

  10. Research Reveals New Link In Australasian and South American Ancestry

    ... islands of Oceania, which are located south of Southeast Asia). A new DNA study  has confirmed that indigenous people ... islands of Oceania, which are located south of Southeast Asia). This new genetic survey, which was led by geneticist ... South America likely originated in what is now Southeast Asia, and it was from there that some sailed southward to  ...

    Nathan Falde - 01/04/2021 - 01:41

  11. Oldest Evidence of Southeast Asian Curry Found in Vietnam

    ... complex in southern Vietnam, evidence of Southeast Asia’s oldest curry, dated to 2,000 years ago, has been ... used it broadly to refer to spiced dishes from southern Asia. In reality, "curry" can take on various forms, and ... were probably imported, others are indigenous to Southeast Asia. Saffron: Tracing the Origins of a Treasured Ancient ...

    Sahir - 22/07/2023 - 18:55

  12. The Early Temples and Monuments of the Alban People in Ancient Azerbaijan

    According to the information gleaned from numerous historical sources, the territories of ancient Azerbaijan, known as Caucasian Albania (not to be confused with the modern-day Albania in Europe) covered a wide area and was populated by many prehistoric tribes. 

    FuadAZE - 22/01/2015 - 04:43

  13. When modern Eurasia was born: Genetics yield clues to origins of Eurasians

    ... foundation for the demographic map of Europe and Central Asia that we see today? The Bronze Age (about 5,000 - 3,000 ... Europe. The area east of the Urals and far into Central Asia was colonized around 3,800 years ago by the Andronovo ... of the Iron Age, East Asian peoples arrived in Central Asia. Here it is not genetic admixture we see, but rather a ...

    ancient-origins - 13/06/2015 - 20:57

  14. Revealing Study Tracks DNA of Horse Populations Across the Land Bridge

    ... (the continental area encompassing all of Europe and Asia). They have just introduced the results of their ... results of this paper show that DNA flowed readily between Asia and North America during the ice ages, maintaining ... into separate species as soon as they were in Asia,” explained Ross MacPhee, a paleontologist at the ...

    Nathan Falde - 21/05/2021 - 23:03

  15. 4,000-Year-Old Bronze Age Pyramid Found in Kazakhstan Is First Ever on Asian Steppe!

    ... The steppe region, which stretches from Eastern Europe to Asia, served as a conduit for cultural exchange, trade and ... and Srubna cultures in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, known for their expertise in horse domestication , ...

    Sahir - 09/08/2023 - 22:55

  16. Mammoth Hybrid To Be Made Using Asian Elephants

    An American company has announced its plans to create a woolly mammoth hybrid using Asian elephant DNA. Based on the now extinct woolly mammoth, the company’s team of genetic scientists claim their new creature will help in the fight against climate change.

    Before we begin, unlike almost every other reporter on the planet I will offer you a dose of respect by refraining from childish terms such as “genetic horror show.” Neither will I refer to Jurassic Park or any other fantasy movies while telling this story.

    ashley cowie - 15/09/2021 - 18:54

  17. The Widespread Appearance of Neanderthal DNA: Africans Have It Too

    ... of Asian lineages and implications for back migration from Asia to sub-Saharan Africa, American Journal Physical ...

    Clyde Winters - 28/08/2017 - 14:00

  18. Nature Killed Off Megafauna, And It Could Happen Again

    ... giant beasts and ancient megafauna that roamed Southeast Asia 100,000 years ago died because of climate change. A team ... giant beasts and ancient megafauna that roamed Southeast Asia 100,000 years ago died because of climate change. A team ... that over 2.6 million years (the Pleistocene ), Southeast Asia fluctuated from a wet tropical environment to rich ...

    ashley cowie - 09/10/2020 - 00:40

  19. Nomadic Tribes of the Eurasian Steppes: Lifestyle and Impacts on Settled Societies

    ... of grassland stretching from Eastern Europe to Central Asia, have long been the domain of nomadic tribes whose ... of the Steppe: Resources for Teachers. Education About Asia. The Tapestry of Early Turkic Myth is Woven with Tales ...

    Aleksa Vučković - 26/08/2024 - 12:30

  20. Tracing Indo-Cambodian relations through Magnificent Stupa Architecture

    Southeast Asia  was under  Indian  influence from around the 3 rd ... the stupas and pagodas that one can see throughout Asia, it is helpful to first appreciate the design of the ... transmission of Indian culture to distant parts of Central Asia, China, Japan, and especially Southeast Asia is ...

    SACHIN KUMAR TIWARY - 07/07/2015 - 01:06
