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Watch the Remarkable Ancient Method of Casting Bronze Faces (Video)

Watch the Remarkable Ancient Method of Casting Bronze Faces (Video)

In the realm of ancient artistry , a remarkable technique emerged, known as the "lost wax" method. This ingenious process, dating back centuries, became the cornerstone of bronze casting, bringing to...
Roman Carvings of a Smiley Face and a Phallus Found in Spain

Roman Carvings of a Smiley Face and a Phallus Found in Spain

Archaeologists in Spain were exploring an ancient Roman fort when they discovered a carved smiley-face, a basket of fruits and a phallus . For answers as to what this carving means, we must delve...
Corinthian columns spotted by swimmer in Israel have led to discovery of Roman shipwreck. Source: Israel Antiquities Authority

Marble Columns Spotted by Swimmer Reveal Bountiful Roman Shipwreck

While swimming in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Israel, Gideon Harris unexpectedly stumbled upon a remarkable discovery. Little did he know that this uneventful event would lead experts to...
Iron Age copper alloy bowl with an ox head handle was one of the items found in Wales. Source: National Museum Wales

2,000-Year-Old Iron Age and Roman Treasures Unearthed in Wales - Carvings of ‘True Beauty’

In March 2019, a metal detectorist was searching for artifacts in a field in Wales, and stumbled upon a hoard of exceptionally preserved objects dating back 2,000 years to the Roman era and Iron Age...
Left to Right; Osiris statue, sword, Bacchus statue found at archaeological dig in Poland. Source: Lubelski Wojewódzki Konserwator Zabytków

Osiris Figurines and Bust of Bacchus Recovered Side by Side in Poland. Why?

In a recent archaeological excavation carried out in the village of Kluczkowice in Poland, a peculiar discovery has been made of Roman and Egyptian gods lying side by side. Two ancient Egyptian...
Representation of Bulla Felix, who could be part of the inspiration for the English Robin Hood legend. Source: Deivison/Adobe Stock

The Legend of Bulla Felix: The Robin Hood of Rome

Few individuals have gone down as greatly in ancient Roman history as Bulla Felix. Bulla Felix was a famous ancient Roman bandit who lived during the 2nd century AD. Though his real name was unknown...
Selection of urine flasks and bottles found at the disposal site at the Ospedale dei Fornari. Source: Caesar’s Forum Project/Antiquity Publications Ltd

Renaissance Era Medical Dump Includes Urine Flasks For Tasting Pee!

A team of researchers from Denmark and Italy have stumbled upon a treasure trove of artifacts at an ancient Roman hospital site in Rome brimming with medical supplies. This Renaissance-era trash dump...
Oblique aerial view of the central camp, from the east. Possible rectilinear internal divisions are visible on the left side of the enclosure. Source: Antiquity Publications Ltd/ APAAME

Undocumented Roman Army Camps Indicate Military Manoeuvres in the Arabian Desert

Chalk one up for the all-seeing eye of Google Earth. Using this global aerial imaging program as a tool of discovery, last year archaeologists from the University of Oxford identified the ruins of...
Some of the comprehensive set of Roman medical tools discovered in doctors tomb in Hungary. Source: ELTE BTK

Physician’s Tomb Holds Comprehensive Set of Roman Medical Tools

Some two thousand years, an ancient Roman physician made a trip to Hungary, for unknown reasons, and now, archaeologists have found his tomb near Jászberény, a city located approximately 50 miles...
Persecuted Christian. Source: PhotoGranary / Adobe Stock.

When Faith and Power Clash: How Christianity Divided the Roman Empire (Video)

In 107 AD, the Roman Empire was at its peak under Emperor Trajan's leadership, spanning 2 million square miles and 50 million subjects. However, the rise of Christianity, which promised to undermine...
Roman emperor in Rome. Source: Giordano Aita / Adobe Stock.

Walking in the Footsteps of Ancient Romans: A Tour of Rome's Streets and Buildings (Video)

The ancient city of Rome was a marvel of architecture and engineering , with impressive buildings that still inspire awe today. The Colosseum , with its massive amphitheater that could hold up to 80,...
Venus mourning Adonis by Sir Peter Paul Rubens. Source: Public domain

5 Heartbreaking Roman Myths That’ll Captivate You

Roman myths are an integral part of the ancient Roman civilization, and their significance extends far beyond their religious context. These tales of romance, heroism, and tragedy have captured the...
The small fortlet shown in a digitally generated image here, was located along the Antonine Wall in Scotland.  	Source: Historic Environment Scotland

Lost Roman Fortlet Rediscovered Near Scotland’s Clydebank

Behold! A wondrous discovery has been made in West Dunbartonshire in Scotland. Amidst the rugged Scottish terrain, a lost Roman ‘fortlet’ has been identified on the mighty Antonine Wall, that stood...
Roman mosaic illustrating a winemaking scene from the fourth century AD at Santa Costanza, Rome. Source: Jean Louis Mazieres/ CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Opulent Roman Winery With Fountains of Grape Juice Uncovered

Emlyn Dodd/The Conversation Recent excavations at the Villa of the Quintilii uncovered the remains of a unique winery just outside Rome. The mid-third-century AD building located along the Via Appia...
Gladiator entering the Roman colosseum. Source: Noel Cook / Adobe Stock.

The Gladiator Emperor: Commodus and the Bloodlust of Ancient Rome (Video)

Commodus , one of ancient Rome's most infamous emperors , was known for his bloodlust and ruthless behavior. Despite being born into a life of luxury and privilege, he became obsessed with...
Underwater archaeologist exploring the ancient remains of Baiae. Source: Naumacos / Campi Flegrei Archaeological Park

Stunning Roman Villas Unearthed in Underwater Ruins of Ancient Baiae

Underwater archaeologists working in the shallow waters of the Gulf of Naples, off Italy’s western coast, recently discovered the ruins of spectacular Roman villas. Built 2,000 years ago, or possibly...
Venus statues found at Roman quarry in Rennes.	Source: © Emmanuelle Collado/INRAP

Roman Venus Statues Found Amongst the Garbage

It has often been said that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. A team of archaeologists in France recently offered definitive proof of this old aphorism, when they discovered a remarkable...
Aerial image of the excavations in progress showing the scale of the Roman megastructure uncovered in Reims, France. Source: Yoann Rabaste / INRAP

Massive Hidden Roman Megastructure Unearthed in Reims Cemetery

Archaeologists digging in Reims, France have discovered a monumental ancient Roman complex dating back to the second to third century AD. The Roman megastructure uncovered in Reims was found complete...
Recreation of the Trojan War. Source: Justinas / Adobe Stock

15 of the Biggest Battles of Ancient History (Video)

Warfare has unfortunately been a recurring part of human history, with conflicts arising from territorial disputes, cultural differences, and the drive for power. While the 20th century saw several...
Wednesday is named after Odin (Wotan), the all-father of Norse mythology. Source: The_AI_Revolution / Adobe Stock

The Pagan Gods Who Gave Rise to the Days of Our Week

We speak the names of gods on a daily basis and most people do not even realize it. Whether its Thor’s Day (Thursday) or Saturn’s Day (Saturday), every day of the week, religious and non-religious...
Remains of the Roman mosaic discovered at Olney, England. Source: Oxford Archaeology

Roman Mosaic Discovered At Proposed Aldi Supermarket

Archaeologists in England have announced the remains of an ancient Roman villa and bath house buried beneath what will become a new supermarket. The rare mosaic brickwork was discovered in Warrington...
Various photos of the statue of a man holding a large phallus. Source: Noonans

For Sale In Britain: A Small Ancient Man With A Colossal Penis

While metal detecting in a field, a British couple thought they found an ancient cart wheel piece, but it turned out to be a small human figure with a large bronze, hinged penis. Noonans auction...
Roman defensive spikes found at Bad Ems.	Source: Frederic Auth/Aktuelles Uni

Caesar’s Savage Human Skewers Unearthed In German Fort

Was this German silver mine really defended by two Roman forts and a line of "spike defenses”? Or, were the Romans protecting something even more valuable than silver? Having spent several months in...
One of the recently discovered set of tombs in Al-Bhansa region in the Governorate of Minya. Credit: Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.

Hub of Ancient Persian, Roman, and Coptic Tombs Unearthed in Egypt

A collection of ancient tombs from the Persian, Roman, and Coptic eras has been unearthed by archaeologists in the Minya governorate of Egypt, situated about 150 miles (245 km) to the south of Cairo...
