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Recreation of the Trojan War. Source: Justinas / Adobe Stock

15 of the Biggest Battles of Ancient History (Video)

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Warfare has unfortunately been a recurring part of human history, with conflicts arising from territorial disputes, cultural differences, and the drive for power. While the 20th century saw several significant battles such as the Battle of Midway, the Battle of Stalingrad, and The Tet Offensive, there are even more ancient battles that have had an enduring impact on human history and civilizations. These battles range from wars fought by the Spartans and Ancient Egyptians to those waged by Crusaders who believed in divine missions, each with its own unique significance.

In this video, we delve into the details of the 15 most important ancient battles, exploring their historical context, key players, and the consequences they had on the course of human history. 

Top image: Recreation of the Trojan War. Source: Justinas / Adobe Stock

By Robbie Mitchell



The standing army was the fall of humanity. A standing army allows a tyrant to sit on a gilded throne decorated with gold stolen from neighbours. All the standing army really needs is to be paid some of the gold, to be fed and housed, to be equipped and be efficiently disciplined, medically treated and led.

However, armies don't need to equipped with bronze swords or chariots. They can be equipped with mind-control techniques and as the neighbours run out, the subjects become their target.

This is how battles today are largely fought. They are fought between the ears of the subjects for the war is between the governments and the governed. This saves a great deal of trouble for those who would sit on the thrones, for it's a one-way assault on those largely unaware they're even being assaulted.

Even a historian with no practical experience with traditional physical weapons can understand the damage done by a bronze sword. Few, however, understand the psychological manipulation required for presenting less obvious vanquishers as the saviours of those who are to be vanquished.

Many are those who speak of the evil of warfare, yet are engaged in its insidious and hidden spread.

Was Mahatma Gandhi anything more than a eugenicist Brahmin happy to see the lower classes enslaved by different masters? Was he saving India or condemning it to a shared fate of which the Crown was equally complicit?

Consider who promotes his cult snd why they do. Consider how much of the history of modern warfare is, itself, psychological warfare.

Consider that Winston Churchill was a war criminal, as was Stalin, Hirohito, Hitler and some American leaders as well. Question the need to use the atom bomb on two Japanese cities and the particular demographics that saw those cities targeted. Ask if Pearl Harbour was not a surprise attack and why Switzerland and Sweden were neutral in a time of poorer communications.

Communication is the tie that binds an army together. It can also tie the nation to the war effort and even two opposing sides to the same side.

Orwell (Blair) wrote of a war with no enemy but the people. He wasn't warning us. He was telling us it was already happening. He did so because he was not a hero, but a vanquisher in disguise, just like Gandhi. When they tell us and we don't listen, we give our unknowing consent and they gain greater power.

Finally, consider why I write this instead of hanging off every word typed by 'Q', as Anons do. Is it because 'Q' is just another part of the psychological warfare with Luciferian roots? In short, is 'Q' the modern Gandhi?

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I’m a graduate of History and Literature from The University of Manchester in England and a total history geek. Since a young age, I’ve been obsessed with history. The weirder the better. I spend my days working as a freelance... Read More

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