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London symbols of British culture with Big Ben, a double-decker bus and Red Phone Booths. Source: Tomas Marek/ Adobe Stock

Britain's “Britishness” is Largely an Import Story

Britain's history is a vibrant tapestry woven with threads of diverse cultures, a reality seemingly overlooked by some nationalist standpoints. Contrary to the cosmopolitan makeup of the country,...
11th Dynasty model of Nubian archers in the Egyptian army, from a tomb in Asyut (2130–1991 BC). Source: Aidan McRae Thomson/CC BY-SA 2.0

Five Mysteries About Ancient Nubia (Video)

Ancient Nubia , a region south of Egypt, boasts a rich history shrouded in mysteries that have often been overlooked. The first mystery revolves around the relative obscurity of Nubian civilization...
AI illustration of a black pirate of the Caribbean. Source: frimufilms/Adobe Stock

The Real Black Pirates of the Caribbean (Video)

Beneath the surface of pirate history lies a neglected narrative – the existence of black pirates in the Caribbean . Contrary to popular belief, many Africans on pirate ships were not voluntary...
Racial slurs—such as the use of the term “Indian giving”—no longer have a place in our vocabulary. They demonstrate historic ignorance and are insulting to Native Americans. Source: PixelWitch / Adobe Stock

Why We Should Ditch the Historic Term “Indian Giver” Today

The English language is full of colloquial expressions derived from our storied past. Up there with racial slurs such as “redskin,” “squaw” or “casino Indian,” “Indian giver” or “Indian giving” is...
Legend has it that the Hartlepool monkey was the only survivor of a sunken French ship during the Napoleonic Wars. Source: Ai / Adobe Stock

English Fishermen Tried and Hanged the ‘French’ Hartlepool Monkey For Espionage

During the tumultuous Napoleonic Wars , from 1803 to 1815, Europe was engulfed in violence. However, in the wake of the bloodshed, an unusual legend emerged from the northeastern coast of England—a...
The success of Dr. James Marion Sims, the so-called father of gynecology, was achieved thanks to the suffering of enslaved African American women. Source: annne / Adobe Stock

Exploiting Enslaved Women Propelled the Father of Gynecology to Fame

A monument of Dr. James Marion Sims stands in front of the State Capitol in Montgomery, Alabama, eulogizing him as the “father of modern gynecology” and a “benefactor of women.” But Sims has also...
Tablet depicting Aryan warriors. Source: Justin Gauraqv Murgai / CC BY NC ND 2.0

Debunking the Aryan Race “Myth” and Separating Fact from Fiction

Today, the word "Aryan" has become synonymous with all sorts of negative connotations, including theories of racial superiority and white supremacy . This association has led to a widespread...
Reconstruction of the Peking man skull. Source: kevinzim / CC BY 2.0

Peking Man and China’s Paleontological Nationalism

At the beginning of the 20th century, a team of international paleontologists prepared to excavate a cave located in a limestone formation known as Dragon-Bone Hill, a few hours outside of Beijing...
A closeup of the Blackboy statue in Stroud, England that may or may not be removed because it relates to English colonialism and racism.	Source: Brian Robert Marshall / Blackboy, Blackboy's School building, Stroud

Controversial Blackboy Statue Set for Removal

After more than a year-and-a-half of study and contemplation, the District Council that governs Stroud, Gloucestershire, England has voted to seek the removal of a controversial statue from its perch...
Baroque library hall in the National Library of the Czech Republic in Prague. A collection of 13,000 occult and witchcraft books that were once part of Himmler’s “witch library” were found in the library.

Was Heinrich Himmler’s 'Nazi Witch Library' Discovered in a Czech Library?

In 2016, along with a vast array of international publications, the Daily Mail picked up a story that had been published by a Norwegian-based paper prior to a conference about the confiscation of...
Photograph of the warrior skeleton in the exhibition ‘The Story of Prague Castle’ at Prague Castle.   Source:  Jan Gloc / Heritage Route

Identity of 1000-Year-Old Warrior Corrupted by Nazi and Soviet Spin Doctors

Facts are finally dislodging almost 100 years of lies and misinterpretations pertaining to a mysterious 1000-year-old warrior’s skeleton unearthed at Prague Castle in Czechoslovakia. The remains of...
Jean Baptiste Marc Bourgery and Nicholas Henri Jacob, ‘Iconografia d'anatomia chirurgica e di medicina operatoria,’ Florence, 1841.

The Ugly History of Cosmetic Surgery

Reality television shows based on surgical transformations, such as The Swan and Extreme Makeover , were not the first public spectacles to offer women the ability to compete for the chance to be...
‘The Slave Market’ (1886) by Gustave Boulanger.

Skin Color Didn’t Matter to the Ancient Greeks and Romans

The term “racism” refers to a phenomenon of group hatred or bigotry based on ethnic and cultural prejudice. In the United States, the term is most often heard in conjunction with the descriptors “...
Soldiers of Odin in Stockholm 2016.

Why is Odin the New God of Choice for White Supremacists?

Those who once worshipped the ‘great gods of the north’ would be ashamed if they knew their faith was used to support such hatred and violence as witnessed in Charlottesville, Virginia on 12 August...
The British Museum Distorts History and Denies its Racist Past

The British Museum Distorts History and Denies its Racist Past

Thomas Melin/ University of Gothenburg The British Museum in London is rewriting history to appear in a better light and defend itself against demands to return objects to their countries of origin...