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Perseverance Rewarded: NASA Mars Rover Samples Suggest Volcanic Origin

Perseverance Rewarded: NASA Mars Rover Samples Suggest Volcanic Origin

The National Aeronautic Space Association (NASA) launched its ambitious Mars 2020 project in the July of 2020, with the mission aim that stated: “Seek signs of ancient life and collect samples of...
Illustration of the NASA Perseverance rover firing up its descent engines as it approaches the surface of planet Mars. Source: JPL-Caltech / NASA

Age-Old Obsession with Planet Mars Culminates in Multiple Missions

In an extraordinary confluence of events, three nations from three separate regions of the globe—the United States, China , and the United Arab Emirates —launched spacecraft headed for planet Mars...
The Planet Venus as a Symbol of Death and Resurrection in Ancient Mesoamerica

The Planet Venus as a Symbol of Death and Resurrection in Ancient Mesoamerica

Do our myths come from the stars or do we project our myths onto the stars? The story of Mithras truly does come from astronomical discoveries in the ancient world. It was noticed that every 2,160...
This illustration depicts NASA's Perseverance rover operating on the surface of Mars. Source: NASA / JPL-Caltech

Promising Signs For Perseverance Rover’s Quest for Martian Life

New research indicates river delta deposits within Mars' Jezero crater - the destination of NASA's Perseverance rover on the Red Planet - formed over time scales that promoted habitability and...
Representative image of the philosopher Anaximander.

Anaximander of Miletus and His Philosophy on the Origin of All Things

Whence things have their origin, Thence also their destruction happens, As is the order of things; For they execute the sentence upon one another – The condemnation for the crime – In conformity with...
Exoplanet “K2-18b” is 50% water could possibly harbor alien life. Source: Sergey Nivens / Adobe Stock.

First Ever Find of Water on ‘Potentially Habitable’ Planet Gives Hope for Finding Alien Life

For the first time ever, astronomers have identified water trapped in the atmosphere of a remote planet orbiting a distant star. When Gillian Anderson played Dana Scully she famously said, “The truth...
Only 31 light-years away from Earth, the exoplanet GJ 357 d – the recently discovered ‘super-Earth’ catches light from its host star GJ 357, in this artistic rendering. Source: Jack Madden/Cornell University

‘Signs of Life’ Picked Out As TESS Satellite Uncovers Its First Nearby Super-Earth

An international team of astronomers has characterized the first potentially habitable world outside of our solar system discovered by NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), a mission...
Mars Rock similar to rat

The Mars Rat and Other Unexplained Features on the Martian Planet

In September 2012, a photograph snapped by NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity caught the attention of Internet sleuths everywhere. This picture appears to show a large rat hiding among some Martian rocks,...
Life on Mars

Most Convincing Evidence Yet that Mars Supported Life

A lot of intriguing evidence has been collected over the years in support of the idea that life once existed on Mars. No definitive proof has been found, in the form of indisputable fossil evidence,...
 Flat Earth in space

Flat Wrong: The Misunderstood History of Flat Earth Theories

By Chris Fleming /The Conversation For most people, being described as a “flat Earther” is an insult. The idea of the Earth being flat is considered not only wrong, but a model of wrongness, the gold...
Medieval stargazers. People have been fascinated by the stars and their possible influence over our lives, long before and after the time of Babylonian astrology.

Babylonian Astrology: How Mesopotamian Priests Influenced Your Horoscope

Mankind has always looked up to the sky and wondered at its beauty and secrets. Human beings are also incredibly good at spotting patterns, so it is no wonder that we noticed the changing appearance...
ESO's Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) has captured this unusual view of the Helix Nebula (NGC 7293), a planetary nebula located 700 light-years away. The Helix Nebula is sometimes called the “Eye of God.”

It Need Not Be Religion VS Science: Extra-Terrestrial Life and Religious Beliefs Combine

During Medieval times almost all Christian theologians accepted the Ptolemaic earth centered Greek view of the universe as an absolute universal truth of both nature and religion. The Catholic...
A human skeleton in space.

Medical Astrology: Moon Fever and Diseases Sent from the Skies

For centuries, humans have believed that the celestial realm could influence everyday life. This is the basis of astrology. The rise and fall of kingdoms and the fortunes of individuals have all been...
TT 353 of Sen-en-Mut (Senenmut’s tomb).

Star Maps and Secrets: The Mysterious Tomb of Senenmut, Close Companion to Queen Hatshepsut

Senenmut was one of the closest people to the famous queen Hatshepsut. His impressive tomb contains very mysterious decorations which suggest that he was not only a government official and architect...
Dažbog (Deriv). Infrared image showing a portion of the Milky Way.

The Mysterious Mix of Myth and Sky Observations in Serbian Folk Astronomy

Serbia is one of the Balkan countries that was influenced by many wars. However, even after centuries of very tense events, memory of the traditions from the first inhabitants has survived. Astronomy...
NASA artist’s depiction of the Black hole Cygnus X-1.

Did the Beginning of Life on Earth Depend on Black Holes?

An American researcher believes that there is a chance that complex life on habitable planets, such as Earth, could have been “switched on” by black holes. The results of his research seem to be...
Two planets in space, glowing mysterious nebula in universe.

Astronomers say Flickering of Distant Star Could be the Result of an Unearthly Civilization

It has been described as the most mysterious star in our galaxy. The star, labelled as KIC 8462852, sits between the constellations of Cygnus and Lyra, invisible to the naked eye, but visible through...
Dinosaurs in a global mass extinction

Did Elusive Dark Matter Trigger Global Mass Extinctions and Doom the Dinosaurs?

Associations between unseen forces in space and terrific cataclysms on Earth are being made by scientists who hypothesize that dark matter might be behind ancient mass dinosaur extinctions, and may...
Space Graveyard

Hubble Discovers a Graveyard of Planets

The Hubble Space Telescope has discovered the rocky remains of planetary material scattered amongst the atmospheres of two white dwarfs in the Hyades star cluster. This suggests that these two stars...
Invisible Life Forms Earth

Are we sharing our planet with unusual and invisible lifeforms?

In the Atacama desert in Chile, the Mojave desert in California and many other arid locations, a strange ‘sheen’ made up of manganese, arsenic and silica can be found on rock surfaces. Despite...
Water found on distant planet

Scientists have spotted distant Jupiter sized planet that has water

At the top of Mauna Kea in Hawaii, a team of scientists led by Quinn Konopacky (University of Toronto), have detected a planet the size of Jupiter that indicates that it contains water and carbon...