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The Serpent Mound

The Great Serpent Mound of Ohio, the Largest Earthen Effigy in the World

The Great Serpent Mound is a 1,300-foot (396 m) long and 3-foot (91 cm) high prehistoric effigy mound located on a plateau of a crater along Ohio Brush Creek in Adams County, Ohio, and is the largest...
The Great Serpent Mound in Ohio

New Theory Links Serpent Mound Cults, Impact Craters and High Science

Within the lush Ohio River Valley lies the famous Serpent Mound effigy. It is an earthen mound aligned with the solstices, which rests on the ridge of a meteorite impact crater. This ancient,...

The Mound Builders' Moon Goddess: Grandmother of the Eastern Woodlands

“With the Uncanny one has reached the fringes of the Numinous.” --C.S. Lewis, The Problem of Pain During a period spanning roughly 500 BC—500 AD, the Eastern Woodlands of North America were the...
Serpent Mound

Symbolism of the Great Serpent in the Adena and Hopewell Cultures – Part II

Recently, a debate has developed in the Ohio archaeological community over the age and cultural affiliations of the Great Serpent Mound in Adams County, Ohio. So, what does the evidence really show...
Aerial View of Serpent Mound.

Symbolism of the Great Serpent in the Adena and Hopewell Cultures – Part I

Recently, a debate has developed in the Ohio archaeological community over the age and cultural affiliations of the Great Serpent Mound in Adams County, Ohio. So, what does the evidence really show...
The Decalogue, The Keystone, and a 19th century plan of the Newark Earthworks, and Tawa, the sun spirit and creator in Hopi mythology.

Did David Wyrick Find the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail Near Newark, Ohio?

For 157 years, archaeologists, religious scholars, anthropologist, politicians, scientists, and historians—everyone except Native Americans—have tried to prove that the two stones and one small cup...
Prehistoric Native American Site in Ohio Reflects Ancient Beliefs About the Cosmos

Prehistoric Native American Site in Ohio Reflects Ancient Beliefs About the Cosmos

It is known that 2,300 years ago Native Americans who lived near the Huron River observed the sky above them. The researchers recently discovered a prehistoric site, believed to have been used for...
A Hopewell culture burial mound from the Mound City Group in Ohio.

Elaborate Native American burial of a bobcat in a funeral mound reserved for humans

About 2,000 years ago, the Hopewell people of western Illinois buried a bobcat on the outer edge of a burial mound that was usually reserved for humans. In a touching gestures, the creature was...
North American giant

The Adena People and Prehistoric Colonization of North America

Read Part 1 European scholars have noted evidence of ancient colonization of North America. After studying American Mounds and Earthworks, Dr C.A. Adolph Zestermann (Leipzig) wrote in 1851: “I can...
Postcard image of the Serpent Mound, Ohio

Ancient Earthworks of North America suggest pre-Columbian European contact

Long before the Isolationist doctrine of the Smithsonian became an academic dogma, mounds and earthworks in America were routinely compared to those observed in Western Europe. This position was...
Hopewell Skull

Hopewell skulls pose a mystery

The Hopewell culture describes a widely dispersed set of related Native American populations that flourished along The Ohio River Valley from 200 BC to 500 AD. The culture is characterised by its...