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Port Erin, Calf of Mann, Isle of Man.    Source: tr3gi/Adobe Stock

Short History of the Isle of Man, the Small But Significant Island

Nestled in the heart of the Irish Sea, the Isle of Man is a small, but very significant island nation with a rich history that stretches back thousands of years. T he Isle of Man boasts a unique...
AI Representation of the legendary shield Svalinn in a forest. 	Source: Misha/Adobe Stock

Svalinn, the Most Important Shield in the Norse World

In the incredible complexity and richness of the old Norse mythology, amidst the pantheon of gods, giants, and cosmic beings, stands the enigmatic epic shield known as Svalinn . Its presence is...
AI image of Arab warrior assassin rushing through the desert with two curved sabers with which magical Arabian runes. Source: warmtail/Adobe Stock

How Arabian Script Infiltrated the Runes of Ancient Germany

Arabian archers in the Roman army had a surprising impact on the evolution of writing in ancient Germany at the dawn of our Common Era (AD). The old Germanic alphabet, known as runes – bolstered with...
Representation of Erik the Red. Source: Gelpi/Adobe Stock

From Exile to Exploration: The Saga of Erik the Red

Erik the Red is one of the most interesting figures in Norse history. Epitomizing the Viking spirit of adventure and conquest, Erik is widely (and mistakenly) remembered as the first European to...
Did drugs fuel Viking social gatherings and make them formidable and fearless warriors? Source: ContentHub / Adobe Stock.

Viking Drug Use: From Riotous Parties to Berserker Fury

The Vikings stand as legendary figures, their exploits on the seas and battlefields shrouded in myth and mystery. Yet beyond their tales of conquest and exploration lies a lesser-known aspect of...
Traditional Hnefatafl board game, of which Tablut is a variation played by the Sami people of Lapland. Source: Berthold Photography / Adobe Stock

The Ancient Game “Tablut” Has Survived Centuries

Ancient times were not all about warfare, survival, politics or arduous work. No, our distant ancestors knew how to have fun as well, and to enjoy their free time. That is why board games have been...
Myth or reality, Ragnar Lothbrok remains an iconic figure in Viking lore. Source: HN Works/Adobe Stock

What is the Story Behind the Real Ragnar Lothbrok? (Video)

Ragnar Lothbrok , an iconic figure in Viking lore, emerges from the shadows of Norse sagas, a sea king whose exploits reverberate through the annals of history. In 845, as the Frankish Empire...
Viking warriors facing down death.	Source:  AdamantiumStock/Adobe Stock

5 Viking Deaths And What They Tell Us About the Viking Mindset (Video)

The Viking mindset, as revealed in Old Norse sagas , emerges vividly through tales of these five great Viking deaths. The raid on Lindisfarne in AD 793 marked the outset of Viking depredations in...
The sounds of ancient languages are getting revived with AI. Source: YouTube Screenshot / Equator AI.

The Sound of Ancient Languages As You’ve Never Heard Them Before (Video)

Ancient languages , once mere written symbols on aged parchments, have now been brought to life through the marvel of artificial intelligence. In a captivating video, AI has breathed audible...
Right: The gold hoard photographed shortly after Erlend Bore found it in the ground with a metal detector. Source: Museum of Archaeology/UiS

Norway’s “Gold Find of the Century” Uncovered, Including Rare Cache of Medallions

On the Norwegian island of Rennesøy, an impressive hoard of ancient gold items, weighing over 100 grams, has been uncovered. The cache includes nine coin-like gold pendants or medallions, with rare...
Illustration of one the graves with Viking and horse, by Mirosław Kuźma. Source: Leszek Gardeła/The Conversation

Shared Horse and Human Burials Show Vikings’ Bond With Their Animal Companions

Keith Ruiter & Harriet Evans Tang / The Conversation Is your pet part of the family? That’s nothing new. Archaeological evidence exists to suggest that the Vikings held their own animals in high...
Just 2 centimeters in length, the Patrice, a Pre-Viking stamp, is believed to be a representation of a former royal power in Falster. Source: Lolland Falster Museum

Ancient Stamp Found at Pre-Viking Site in Denmark May Point to a Powerful King and Power Center

In Falster, southeast Denmark, a metal detector enthusiast has stumbled upon a “very rare find”, which could potentially change Danish history! A faint beep on his machine revealed a special Pre-...
The excavation site at Sem where the large Viking Longhouse has been detected. Source: Frank Rødberg / County Municipality

Remarkably Massive Viking Longhouse Discovered in Norway

While excavating near the ruins of a 17th century royal estate near the village of Sem in the Eiker district of southeastern Norway, archaeologists unearthed dozens of ancient postholes spread around...
A gold piece from the Vindelev hoard. Source: Oleryhlolsson / CC by SA 4.0.

The Ancient Golden Treasure Rewriting Danish History (Video)

A remarkable chance discovery in the Danish village of Vindelev is revolutionizing our understanding of early Norse history. Two old school friends, armed only with a metal detector, stumbled across...
The runestone discovered in Randers, Denmark is likely older than the Jelling stones. Source: Lene Brandt/DR

Giant Runestone Discovered Under Kitchen Floor in Denmark

A routine home renovation just outside the city of Randers in Denmark, turned into something out of a fantasy-treasure novel. A young couple stumbled upon a sizable runestone just as they were...
The tale of Jomsborg tells of a thriving settlement with a formidable fortress on the Baltic.      Source: Mariusz Świtulski/Adobe Stock

Existence of Mythical Viking Stronghold of Jomsborg Acquires Teeth in Polish Discovery

Investigations into the semi-mythical and legendary medieval Viking stronghold of ‘Jomsborg’ have acquired new steam, and in an entirely unexpected way. With the local government making the decision...
Viking ship burial mound discovered at Salhushaugen, Norway.          Source: Museum of Archaeology, University of Stavanger/Science Norway

1,200-Year-Old Viking Ship Burial Found in Supposedly Empty Mound

A large Viking burial mound found on the island of Karmøy off Norway’s western coast was long thought to be empty. Excavations that opened the Salhushaugen mound in 1906 were launched in the belief...
1,000-year-old iron bars found in Norway. Source: Mildri Een Eide/ Innlandet County Municipality

Norwegian Basement Yields Norse Iron Treasures, Museologists Ecstatic!

A Norwegian man made a unique discovery back in the 80s while he was digging out a water well. His daughter was recently cleaning the basement of his house when she rediscovered what turned out to be...
Viking celebration. Source: Justinas / Adobe Stock.

Raid, Pillage, and Party: Inside the World of Viking Celebrations (Video)

What comes to mind when you think of Vikings ? Pillaging and plundering? Battle cries and warrior spirit ? What about partying? That's right, Vikings knew how to have a good time, too. Mead halls ,...
A representation of Jötunn (Giant) Surtr of Norse mythology. Source: warmtail/Adobe Stock

Surtr: Norse Mythology's Giant God of Fire and Apocalypse

Giants, demigods, dwarves and elves - all these creatures made the Old Norse mythology so colorful and captivating. Preserved for posterity in the Norse sagas and manuscripts, these myths and legends...
Norse settlement with wood houses. Source: Hauber_Photography / Adobe Stock.

Norse Greenlanders Traveled to North America and Europe for Timber for Five Centuries

When Norse colonists arrived on Greenland in the 10th century, they needed a lot of wood to build houses, storage buildings and ships. While most households relied on wood from trees that grew...
A Viking warrior. Source: Art Gallery / Adobe Stock.

Ragnar’s Death Song: The Last Words of a Viking King (Video)

Ragnar's Death Song, also known as the Song of the Crow or the Krakumal, is a poem that tells the story of Ragnar's death. According to Norse sagas, Ragnar Lothbrok was a legendary Viking warrior and...
Kulning is an ancient singing technique that calls cattle back from the pastures. Source: Iurii Seleznev / Adobe Stock.

Ancient Nordic Chant to Call Cattle is Hauntingly Beautiful (Video)

Kulning, the ancient Nordic chant to call cattle, is a singing technique that has been passed down through generations. Historically, it was used by Norse women in Sweden to call their cattle back...
Wednesday is named after Odin (Wotan), the all-father of Norse mythology. Source: The_AI_Revolution / Adobe Stock

The Pagan Gods Who Gave Rise to the Days of Our Week

We speak the names of gods on a daily basis and most people do not even realize it. Whether its Thor’s Day (Thursday) or Saturn’s Day (Saturday), every day of the week, religious and non-religious...
