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Unexpected Statues of Mythological Goddess Unearthed in Jordan

Unexpected Statues of Mythological Goddess Unearthed in Jordan

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Two marble statues of the goddess Aphrodite have been unearthed in Petra, Jordan. Described as “absolutely exquisite”, the representations of the mythological goddess are mostly intact and are said to be so special that they would be great additions to exhibitions at some of the most famous museums in the world. reports that the research team from North Carolina State University and East Carolina University was surprised when they found the sculptures while excavating domestic structures in Petra's North Ridge area in May and June of 2016. As their goal was to shed light on “everyday” objects of regular folks, and not the elite, the two statues were not what they expected. "Even though they weren't exactly what we were looking for, these finds still tell us a lot about the population," dig co-director Tom Parker has said.

NC State Professor of History Tom Parker and students examine a statue of Aphrodite, discovered during 2016 excavations in Petra, Jordan.

NC State Professor of History Tom Parker and students examine a statue of Aphrodite, discovered during 2016 excavations in Petra, Jordan. (Tom Parker)

The statues have been dated to 106 AD and were created in a Roman style. A Popular Archaeology article on the discovery writes that they “provide additional insight to the cultural impact of Rome's annexation of Nabataea in 106 AD.”

April Holloway has written a concise summary of some of the highlights in Nabataean history. In a 2014 article about the discovery of an ancient Arabic inscription she wrote:

“The enigmatic Nabataeans were originally a nomadic tribe, but about 2,500 years ago, they began building great settlements and cities which prospered from the first century BC to the first century AD, including the magnificent city of Petra in Jordan.  As well as their agricultural activities, they developed political systems, arts, engineering, stonemasonry, astronomy, and demonstrated astonishing hydraulic expertise, including the construction of wells, cisterns, and aqueducts. They expanded their trading routes, creating more than 2,000 sites in total in the areas that today are Jordan, Syria and Saudi Arabia.”

And it was in the key Nabataean site of Petra, Jordan where the researchers found the beautiful goddess statues next to an ancient staircase. Although the team initially believed they were just unearthing a typical home, they soon discovered that the residency was once something of an urban villa. Parker told that the home even had “its own sophisticated bath house.”

NC State Professor of History Tom Parker examines a statue of Aphrodite, discovered during 2016 excavations in Petra, Jordan.

NC State Professor of History Tom Parker examines a statue of Aphrodite, discovered during 2016 excavations in Petra, Jordan. (Tom Parker)

One of the things the discovery showed the team was the ability of the Nabateans to adjust their society to suit the new Roman leaders. As Parker explained: "The Nabateans were true geniuses in many ways, in part because they were ready and willing to assimilate to and adopt elements of other cultures around them. They adopted a lot of Egyptian culture when they were neighbors. When Romans took over, they were open to Roman influence."

Other artifacts uncovered during the recent excavations, which also included another residence and three rock-cut shaft tombs, were: pottery, animal bones, ceramic oil lamps, an iron sword and human remains that were buried with decorative items such as jewelry. Speaking on these finds, bioarchaeologist and co-director of the dig Megan Perry said: "The human remains and mortuary artifacts from Petra provide perspectives not only on Nabataean concepts of death, but also their biological histories while alive.”

The recent work was the third season of digs for the North Carolina-based researchers in the Petra North Ridge Project. However, the city has long been a source of archaeological interest. It was re-discovered in 1812 by the Swiss explorer Johann Ludwig Burckhardt, and previous excavations in the area have shown that it was first occupied more than 9000 years ago.

The site’s name, ‘Petra’ Greek for ‘Rock’ came from the fact that much of the city was carved inside red-rose sandstone rock. A 2013 Ancient Origins article on the city explains more about the site, including the information that it “is comprised of hundreds of tombs, houses, a theatre that could fit more than 3000 people, temples, obelisks, and altars where animals were sacrificed to calm the angry gods or ask them for favours.”  

With such a rich history, one is led to wonder what further discoveries await researchers excavating “one of the new 7 Wonders of the World.”

Petra, Jordan, believed to be built by the Nabateans.

Petra, Jordan, believed to be built by the Nabateans. (BigStockPhoto)

Top Image: Marble statue of Aphrodite, recovered at Petra in Jordan. Source: Tom Parker

By Alicia McDermott



Petra Was The Original Mecca! All the first mosques were directed to Petra!

William Bradshaw's picture

Some important points to note here if you interested in the truth and not the deceit that these guys will disseminate perhaps not on purpose but due to conditioning or religious/political pressure. Please note the Roman connection, this is important because the Romans were, and still are, Sephardic Jews and they, along with other Jews, all worship Lucifer. The statue found here in Petra is that of Lucifer, the light bearer. The Jews are considered Devil worshippers as Lucifer, not Satan, is the Devil. She is also the Queen of Heaven and rules over the Hellenistic matriarchal society of our Western world which is actually part of the Persian Empire. The Nabataeans never built Petra, they were nomadic Jews but were involved in the tribute/worshiop and support of their goddess. It was built by tetraploid humans who also built the other megalithic structures around the world and even on other planets but only in our solar system. These tetraploid humans, who called themselves the Serpent People, have a common ancestor with us. These were simply normal humans that were born with doubled chromosomes, nothing more, but other researchers and authors will claim it was “ancient gods” and/or “ancient astronauts” or giant reptoids. They do grow about twice the size of a normal human so they are physically and mentally superior to us normal diplolid humans. There is no evidence to support the theory that aliens ever visited Earth. There is however, much evidence to support the Pink Kush Theory that it was tetraploid humans and the book Secrets of the Pink Kush provides the complete proof. It is the only answer that makes sense but they are not allowed to divulge anything about their existence or they risk being black balled or even murdered as John F. Kennedy was for this very reason. He was going to expose the real secrets of these secret societies as I have done but done it without betraying them as JFK was doing. I did it by extensive research and employing the scientific method, nothing more and nothing less. 

Watch my videos or read my book for the complete details. Everything is proven using science, genetics and the occult. Nobody has ever been able to answer these questions until now.

William H. Bradhaw, Dipl. T, CPIM

Alicia McDermott's picture


Alicia McDermott holds degrees in Anthropology, Psychology, and International Development Studies and has worked in various fields such as education, anthropology, and tourism. Traveling throughout Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador, Alicia has focused much of her research on Andean cultures... Read More

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