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Representational image of the anti-Freemasonic standoff between Catholic Elites and the Freemasons. A 1884 satirical cartoon of Pope Leo XIII at war with Freemasonry by Joseph Keppler. Source: Public domain

Catholic Elites Wage War on the Freemasons

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In 1738, Pope Clement XII banned Catholics from becoming Freemasons, and in 1983 Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger reminded Catholics that being a Freemason placed them “in a state of grave sin.” Now Rome is having another go at one of the world’s most famous brotherhoods. This comes as more Catholics are flocking to what is known as “the craft,” a term encompassing the ritual, principles, and teachings of the Freemasons.

While nobody is saying it, this story is about a modern act of “anti-Freemasonry,” a movement so old that it has its own Wikipedia page. Anti-Masonry is not a globally organised movement, and it consists of differing criticisms from political institutions and organized religions, that have elite members who despise Freemasonry.

In this recent display of persecution of Freemasons, the Vatican has published a new document, signed by Pope Francis and DDF Prefect Cardinal Victor Fernández, in response to concerns raised by a bishop in the Philippines. The paranoid holy man warned Rome about increasing numbers of Catholics in his diocese enrolling in Freemasonry, and he asked for advice from the top of the Catholic hierarchy.

Pope Francis, seen here in 2014, has signed a document citing the “irreconcilability” between the Catholic faith and the Freemasons. (Korean Culture and Information Service / CC BY-SA 2.0)

Pope Francis, seen here in 2014, has signed a document citing the “irreconcilability” between the Catholic faith and the Freemasons. (Korean Culture and Information Service / CC BY-SA 2.0)

Define The Enemy, Then Destroy the Enemy

An article on the Catholic News Agency website explains that the dicastery responded to the Philippines bishop on Nov. 13, suggesting “a coordinated strategy” to address the masonic menace. So dramatic was Rome’s response that they called for “all of the bishops” in the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines to “promote catechesis in all parishes regarding the reasons for the irreconcilability between the Catholic faith and Freemasonry.”

Read that last line again. It’s a modern witch hunt. Right? Rome is not asking its bishops for reports on the numbers of its members who are also Freemasons, but for reasons to support the predetermined notion that Catholicism is incompatible with it’s old rival, Freemasonry.

The traditional claim that Catholicism and Freemasonry are incompatible is a demonstrable farce. For if this was the case, why then are so many Catholics joining Freemasonry? The problem in this instance negates the problem!

Pope Clement XII, signed a Papal bull prohibiting Catholics from becoming Freemasons in 1738. (Public domain)

Pope Clement XII, signed a Papal bull prohibiting Catholics from becoming Freemasons in 1738. (Public domain)

The Longest Cold War: The Catholic Church Vs Freemasons

In 1738, Pope Clement XII signed a Papal bull prohibiting Catholics from becoming Freemasons. The Vatican has dug out its provisions of the Catholic Church’s 1983 Declaration on Masonic Associations. Signed by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who served as a prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in a nut shell this document decrees that clerics and congregation members who who enrol in Freemasonry “are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion.”

The DDF document claims that Freemasonry “is very significant in the Philippines” and it appeals for bishops in the Philippines to consider making a public statement on the Church’s teaching on Freemasonry. It goes on to vilify not only Catholics who are also Masons, but anyone who sees “no opposition between membership in the Catholic Church and in Masonic Lodges.”

The Conjoined Paths of Freemasonry and Catholicism?

Contrary to what the History Channel might tell you, Freemasonry is not a secret society. If it was, we wouldn’t know of its existence. More accurately, it is a society with secrets. And while many Catholic scholars claim that the rituals of Freemasonry conflict with the Catholic faith, this is because they don’t know what Freemasons actually do.

Freemasonry comprises members from “all religions,” and it does not demand adherence to any one holy book. Members take oaths on a “Volume of Sacred Law” (VSL) which is represented by different religious or philosophical texts, depending on the requirements of a Lodge meeting, or ritual. Moreover, Freemasonic rituals are essentially theatrical reenactments of “Biblical” stories, with members re-enacting key historical figures.

Therefore, rather than a bishop “preaching at” his members, the function of the Masonic ritual exposes candidate Freemasons to ideas, morals, principals and values, tools with which he first squares himself, like a building ashlar, so that he fits congruently within the temple of society. Thus, for Rome to claim Freemasonry is mal-aligned with Catholicism, is disrespectful to the perceived power of the Bible, that in reality binds religious and masonic paths.

Top image: Representational image of the anti-Freemasonic standoff between Catholic Elites and the Freemasons. A 1884 satirical cartoon of Pope Leo XIII at war with Freemasonry by Joseph Keppler. Source: Public domain

By Ashley Cowie



"In 1738, Pope Clement XII banned Catholics from becoming Freemasons..."

It is worth rembering that, with his papal brief, Dominus ac Redemptor, a later Pope, Clement XIV, suppressed the Jesuits in 1773.

The 18th century Papal ban of Masonry amongst the Catholic faithful may therefore have nothing in common with the modern posturing, for it may have been about combating Jesuit control in Catholicism, while modern Catholicism is utterly Jesuit-controlled, as is Freemasonry.

Indeed, the modern posturing is similar to what one sees in popular writings about the Knights Templar etc, being nothing more than a serious stirring to muddy the waters of truth to beyond the capacity of most to peer through.

Taken at murky face value, it can lead one to believe untruth to be truth and vice versa.

Neither 18th century ban actually worked, to mankind's detriment. The Devil is extremely crafty.

There was a video on the net by one who, like me, was a young country Australian offered fast-tracking through the Freemasonry degrees.

He was told Masonry was anti-Catholic, which suited him. He was invited to a meeting with the highest Mason in Perth. When he arrived he was shocked to find that this Mason was the Archbishop of Perth.

Not the Anglican one. The Catholic one.

There are very few such videos that appear to myself as the work of another whistleblower. Most are clearly by current Masons pretending not to be so. However, this Western Australian's testimony matches my experience in some important details and I, thus, regard it as genuine.

There was a video on the net by one who, like me, was a young country Australian offered fast-tracking through the Freemasonry degrees.

He was told Masonry was anti-Catholic, which suited him. He was invited to a meeting with the highest Mason in Perth. When he arrived he was shocked to find that this Mason was the Archbishop of Perth.

Not the Anglican one. The Catholic one.

There are very few such videos that appear to myself as the work of another whistleblower. Most are clearly by current Masons pretending not to be so. However, this Western Australian's testimony matches my experience in some important details and I, thus, regard it as genuine.

"The truth is, the Jesuits of Rome have perfected Freemasonry to be their most magnificent and effective tool, accomplishing their purposes among Protestants." — John Daniel, in The Grand Design Exposed (1999), p. 302.

I haven't read this book. I don't need to. It is unlikely to tell me anything I don't already understand.

Forget what lower degree Masons say. Research what the 33 degree Masons such as Albert Pike, Anton LaVey and Aleister Crowley wrote. And the women who were fellow travellers, such as Helena Blavatsky.

Crowley, the 'wickedest man in Christendom', is something of a favourite of this website. Now, there's a coincidence. His image appeared on the album cover of Sergeant Pepper by The Beatles. Another coincidence.

Freemasonry is the religion of Luciferian Satanism in disguise. The deception is such that any anti-Catholic stance of historical Masonry and the anti-Masonry stance of Catholicism are both pretence.

The Jesuits, a 'Catholic' order, run Freemasonry, just as they run the Vatican and Anglicanism. The Jesuits' religion is Luciferian Satanism, not Christianity. The links to 'Judaism' can be explained through Luciferian Satanism as well.

Professor Walter Veith, a former Catholic, states that Freemasonry is the Jesuits' attempt to destroy independent Protestantism. A strong case can be made for this.

Freemasonry has 33 degrees. Those at the lower levels, mostly the first three degrees, have no idea of the true purpose of the organisation. They believe it to be compatible with Christianity. There are even men of the Protestant cloth who are Masons. These men are fools, unaware of the Occult purpose of the Star of David (which has nothing to do with that Biblical figure).

They do not understand the Master Mason initiation rites, for example, where it is said that refuge from the "kingdom" is sought. This is fleeing the Kingdom of God for that of the Devil.

To those that understand the Devil worship, the higher degrees are opened up.

They opened up to me. I went past the Master Mason degree within not one year, nor one month, nor one week, nor one day, but within one hour of 'joining' as an undercover Christian, albeit the descendant of some Masons. That is because I understood. And I never once set foot in a Lodge in doing so.

I was being fast-tracked to the top by a high-level female Mason (yes, they do exist), to where the religion of Luciferian Satanism is openly practised, for my skills in communications and languages, politics and espionage (ironically) were desired traits.

As a Masonic whistleblower, I see articles almost daily on this site that upper-degree Masons would be supportive of.

A cynic might question even the whole purpose of this website.

History, archaeology, anthropology and most science are captured by Luciferian Satanism.

It matters not whether one believes the Devil exists, in this regard. Those who worship the Devil in his many forms (Ba'al, Molech, Lucifer, Satan, Baphomet or various Ancient Egyptian, Roman or Ancient Greek dieties for example) do exist and are to be found at the very top of all of the World's premier religious organisations, as well as being active in promoting Atheism.

The truth is, such Devil-worshippers hate Atheists, but recognise Atheism as a useful device to control humanity.

For those who have read this far with an open mind, who shall be few, I urge you to open your eyes to those who would blind you to the truth.

For those who believe the Devil exists, consider how likely it would be that the Devil would name one of his greatest organisations of deceit after Jesus; the same Devil who even attempted to tempt the Son of God.

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Ashley is a Scottish historian, author, and documentary filmmaker presenting original perspectives on historical problems in accessible and exciting ways.

He was raised in Wick, a small fishing village in the county of Caithness on the north east coast of... Read More

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