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Genetic link between India and Mesopotamia

Study Reveals Genetic Link between Indian Subcontinent and Mesopotamia

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A new study published in the journal PLoS ONE, has added to the debate regarding the origins of people inhabiting ancient Mesopotamia during the region’s long history. Results showed that the remains of individuals uncovered in Mesopotamia belonged to people with a genetic affinity to the Indian subcontinent and, in particular the region near Tibet (Trans-Himalaya). This suggests that the individuals are descendants of migrants from much earlier times (Palaeolithic) who spread through Eurasia founding regional Mesopotamian groups, or they are from merchants moving along trade routes passing near or through the region.

Mesopotamia is considered to be the cradle of civilization in the West and corresponds to modern-day Iraq, the north-eastern section of Syria and to a much lesser extent south-eastern Turkey, smaller parts of south-western Iran and Kuwait.

The researchers analysed DNA sequences extracted from the unearthed remains (teeth) of over 350  individuals buried in Tell Ashara (ancient Terqa) and Tell Masaikh (ancient Kar-Assurnasirpal) – Syrian archaeological sites in the middle of Euphrates valley. The remains were dated between the Early Bronze Age and the Late Roman period (between 2500 BC and 500 AD). These were used for comparison with remains obtained on the Indian subcontinent.

The Euphrates valley region showed a stable population until after the Mongolian invasion which resulted in a large depopulation of northern Mesopotamia in the 13 th Century AD. The final major change occurred during the 17th century with Bedouin tribes arriving from the Arabian Peninsula.

Using DNA methodology, the scientists were able to gain information about the ancestry of the individuals.

The studied individuals carried specific mtDNA haplotypes, which are believed to have arisen in the area of the Indian subcontinent during the Upper Palaeolithic and are absent in people living today in Syria. However, these same haplogroups are present in people inhabiting today’s Tibet, Himalayas, India and Pakistan.

The obtained data has enriched the modest database of Mesopotamian ancient DNA and suggests a possible genetic link of the region with the Indian subcontinent in the past. There are no traces in the modern Syrian population, which is explainable by later depopulation and recolonisation.

By April Holloway



There is no such thing as a “pure language” except for, perhaps, the Andamanese or a few tribes in South America that shun (rightly) all commerce with outsiders. Languages exchange words through trade or war. The tall, fair, semitic, agricultural, temple building, idol worshiping, polytheistic Druids (Druhyus) from the place of the three rivers (present day Euphrates, Tigris and Jordan) and ancient Ur were harried by the multi-racial horse borne pastoral and nomadic Aryans who raided them for agricultural produce as well as women. They were also harried by their own apostates who had adopted Yahweh who said unto Abraham, “Put no other Gods before me for I am a jealous God”. So they scattered in all directions. Some of them came East settled in the Indo-Gangetic Plain, over laying the pre existing negroid tribals (called “Dravids by the British) and brought architecture and agriculture to India. This occurred well before the Aryans followed them and the Treaty of Bharatha entered into between the Aryan Chiefs of the Indo-Gangetic Plain and with Arya Mihira, the paramount Chief of the Aryan Tribes, beyond the Hindu Khush began the joyous tones of the Krishna Yajur Veda (chronologically the third of the five Vedas)

"Deep South": Malayalam is more than 50% Sanskrit. When I was a child there (1950s) , using a Sanskrit noun was considered the mark of a high class, cultured Malayalam. My Dad who was brought up in the Madras Presidency (Telugu/Tamil) and my Mother who was brought up in Royal Mysore (Kannada) got on quite easily with Malayalam because of this (as both of them had a Sanskrit up bringing a home). Kannada and Tamil were replete with Sanskrit words. The Justice and "Dravid" parties set about systematically expurgating Sanskrit from Tamil. The efforts to generate anti-Brahmin and anti-Sanskrit hatred in Mysore (Karnataka) were not as successful as in Madarass and so still bear vestiges of Vijjayanagar-Shringeri Sanskrit. The Druid languages that came with the Semites from Mesopotamia (check "Ur", the protypal word for "city". The Aryans had no agriculture and therefore no architecture or cities until they derived both from the Druids intermingled with local tribal-negroid dialects of equal or greater antiquity to yield many "Tamizh" (i.e. language). Shen (pure) Tamizh, Kanvada (sweetly spoken) Thamizh, Tuluga (Scolding) Thamizh, and Mazhala (lisping) Thamizh. During and after the Krishna Yajur Veda Period (i.e. during the Aryan settlements of the Indo-Gangetic plains) when the Aryans extracted agricultural and architectural tribute from the subjugated Druhyus or Dasyus, many Sanskrit words began to enter into the various Thamizhs (languages in semitic-druidic). In the Atharva Veda Period (prior to 6000 BCE) after the Great Civil War referred to in Vyasa’s Mahabharatha decimated the Aryans and made their hegemony impossible, the Dasyus entered the Gurukula System as the fourth Varna of Shudra with full varna mobility thereafter until Ashoka put an end to the Vedic period and culture. At that time, the Druidical technologies of agriculture, architecture etc and the temple worship and idolatrous methods and rituals entered the Aryan Vedas (Primarily the Atharva Veda and the Thraithreya Upanishad) through the Agama Shastras, and reverse osmosis began with a host of Thamizh words entering the Sanskrit vocabulary and are wrongly mistaken to be words of Aryan origin. All Sanskrit words that relate to agriculture, sculpture, architecture, temple worship etc are of Thamizh origin while all Thamizh words that relate to law, military science, navigation, astronomy, astrology etc are of Sanskrit origin. (e.g. The Tamil “Shattam” so beloved of Tiru Da Karunanidhi comes from “Shastram”)

There is one unanswered question, though: How does the researcher conclude that that the Genes travelled from South Asia to Mesopotamia and not the other way around? (The Shroutha Smartha History indicates that the tall, fair, agricultural, polytheistic,idolatrous, architectural Druhyus or Druids who preceded the Aryans on the Indo-Gangetic plain came from Mesopotamia)

Though looks very interesting fact, But still not perfect - Most of publication are from outsiders and hardly few knows about paternal DNA - Y haplography and Maternal Mitochondrial Mt DNA haplography. No one tested our DNA (mine and yours - we are the most ancient !) so most are just assumptions without complete DNA mapping.

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April Holloway is a Co-Owner, Editor and Writer of Ancient Origins. For privacy reasons, she has previously written on Ancient Origins under the pen name April Holloway, but is now choosing to use her real name, Joanna Gillan.

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