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Detail of the Great Cameo of France depicting emperors of the Julio-Claudian dynasty and their family. Source: Marie-Lan Nguyen / CC BY 2.5

Dawn of the Roman Empire: The Julio-Claudians

When the citizens of Rome ousted their last king in 509 BC, power was divided between the magistrates, the Senate, and the assemblies of the people. This partition of authority, which characterized...
Cropped image of the sculpture of Agrippina crowning her young son Nero.	Source: Carlos Delgado/CC BY-SA 3.0

Agrippina the Younger and Her Influence on Nero (Video)

Agrippina the Younger wielded significant influence over her son Nero's rise to power. Initially content with a life of artistry, Nero's path shifted under his mother's ambition. Agrippina's...
Triumph of Titus and Vespasian. Source: Public Domain

The Roman Empire’s First Civil War: The Year of the 4 Emperors (Video)

In the wake of Emperor Nero's demise , Rome plunged into the tumultuous Year of the Four Emperors , marked by intrigue, betrayal, and bloodshed. Galba, the Senate's nominee, faced immediate...
Worst Roman emperors of the Roman Empire. Source: Public Domain, Public Domain, Egisto Sani/CC BY-NC-SA 2.0, Public Domain

The 8 Worst Roman Emperors and Their Dastardly Deeds

The history of the Roman Empire is filled with tales of grandeur, conquests, and the rise and fall of mighty rulers. From a small city-state, it rose in power, became a kingdom, a republic, and...
A representation of Emperor Nero, thoughtfully playing a lyre in a lavish Roman garden. Source:  EOL STUDIOS/Adobe Stock

The Mad Emperor - Why Did Nero Let Rome Burn? (Video)

Nero's reign as Roman Emperor, marked by his ascent to power at a young age, was characterized by a complex web of familial ambition, political maneuvering, and personal indulgence. Born into a...
A banquet in Nero’s palace, by Ulpiano Checa y Sanz. Source: Public domain

Emperor Nero’s Legendary Revolving Dining Room Really Existed

While the extravagant palace of Emperor Nero , the Domus Aurea—which boasted some 300 rooms covered in dazzling polished white marble—was first rediscovered during the Renaissance, in 2009 a team of...
Painting of a Renaissance banquet, by Władysław Bakałowicz. Source. Public Domain

The Most Decadent Banquets in History (Video)

Indulging in extravagant feasts throughout history, these banquets were grand spectacles of excess and luxury. In 1873, a German businessman orchestrated a lavish gathering in New York, featuring a...
Vespasian, Founder of the Flavian dynasty built the Colosseum in Rome (  rpbmedia/ Adobe Stock)

Legacy Of Vespasian Founder Of The Roman Flavian Dynasty

The death of Emperor Nero in 68 AD ended the Julio-Claudian dynasty of Roman Emperors. It also initiated a succession crisis which degenerated into a short but deadly civil war. This was the first...
Scene of the Persecution of Christianity in ancient Rome. Source: Monsalvettstock/Adobe Stock

How Did Christianity Survive the Roman Empire (Video)

Christianity's survival amidst the stringent Roman Empire highlights the resilience of its early believers. In a time when the Roman stance against new religions was harsh, Christians faced...
Aerial view on the Roman Colosseum in Italy. Source: dimabucci/Adobe Stock

This is What the Roman Colosseum Looked Like Back Then (Video)

The Colosseum , an emblem of ancient Rome, silently narrates the grandeur and brutality of a bygone era. Crafted under Emperor Vespasian's astute vision, it replaced Nero's opulent Domus Aurea,...
From left to right - Galba, Otho, Vespasian, and Vitellius 	Source: Wolfgang Sauber/CC BY-SA 3.0, Fred Romero from Paris, France, CC BY 2.0), Sailko/CC BY 3.0, Louvre Museum/CC BY 2.5

The Year of the Four Emperors, Ancient Rome's Epic Saga

The Roman emperor Nero was the last of the Julio-Claudian dynasty. During his rule, he was disdained by his people because of his vanity and inadequacies as leader. He had one wife executed and he...
An embracing couple in medieval dress, symbolic of ancient love stories of history. Source: Karrrtinki/Adobe Stock

7 Ancient Love Stories That Shook the World

In the annals of history, there exist tales of love that transcend the boundaries of time and society, romances that have left a permanent mark on the world. From the passionate but doomed romance of...
Emperor Nero Killed His Own Mother. Source: CEVmemories / Adobe Stock.

Even Emperor Nero's Own Mother Wasn't Spared His Cruelty (Video)

Nero’s relationship with his mother wasn’t what you’d call healthy. Agrippina, a woman of remarkable political acumen in a society where women were typically excluded from political roles, played a...
Nero after the burning of Rome by Karl von Piloty (before 1886) Lenbachhaus (Public Domain)

The Tainted Love Life Of Nero, Fickle Emperor Of Rome

In 49 BC, Roman statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero sent a letter to his friend Atticus informing him about the current gossip in Rome. This time, the big news involved the famous Mark Antony. “ Marcus...
Ancient Roman mosaic of debauchery. Source: Sailko / CC by SA 3.0.

Crazy Things the Ancient Romans Did (Video)

Beneath the refined façade of ancient Rome lie intriguing, lesser-known aspects of this civilization. For ordinary Romans, purple was off-limits. This rich hue, cherished by nobility, symbolized...
Archaeologists in Rome believe they have found the remains of the Theater of Nero in Rome. Source: Soprintendenza Speciale Roma

Long-Lost Legendary Theater of Nero Finally Excavated in Central Rome

One of the ancient world’s most searched-for Roman structures has finally been found. That is the Theater of Nero, a large private entertainment venue built by Rome’s notorious emperor during his...
Women Gladiators: Sensational Spectator Sport For Roman Audiences

Women Gladiators: Sensational Spectator Sport For Roman Audiences

It may all have started when female sword fighters performed at funerals in the very early days of Rome. There may also be some connection between women participating in chariot racing and women...
Emperor Nero fiddling while Rome burns. Source: Sunshower Shots / Adobe Stock.

Did Nero Really Fiddle While Rome Burned?

Nero , the infamous emperor of the Roman Empire, is known for his cruelty and debauchery. However, one of the most enduring tales about him is that he played the fiddle while Rome burned during the...
An ancient party. Source: AI generated

Top 8 Legendary Parties - Iconic Celebrations in Ancient History

Sometimes people just need to let their hair down. Whether you’re a despotic ruler seeking to distract from a major controversy or a downtrodden peasant looking to get away from the daily grind,...
The Emperor Commodus Leaving the Arena at the Head of the Gladiators by American muralist Edwin Howland Blashfield. Source: Public Domain

5 Celebrity Gladiators of Bloodthirsty Ancient Rome

Fierce fighters, enslaved and forced into a world of violence and brutality, Roman gladiators provided gruesome entertainment to the Roman public, training for months in specialized schools managed...
Locustra testing Poison by Joseph-Noël Sylvestre

Top 10 Infamous Serial Killers from Ancient History

Serial killers are not a new phenomenon. Before Jack the Ripper began his legendary killing spree in London in the 1800s, there is a long list of infamous serial killers active throughout history...
Painted ceiling in Waltham Abbey parish church, depicting Janus facing both past and future.

How Janus Became the Doorkeeper of Heaven and God of the Gods

Janus is a deity found in the religion and myth of ancient Rome. The Romans believed that Janus was the god of doors, beginnings and endings, and transitions. In accordance to the role he played,...
New Claims the Great Fire of Rome Was Exaggerated And Nero Was A Hero

New Claims the Great Fire of Rome Was Exaggerated And Nero Was A Hero

History is constantly being rewritten and sometimes the bad guys of ancient times are proven to be better than we were led to believe. In a new book by a British archaeologist and historian, Emperor...
Ancient gladiator and image representative of the Flavian amphitheater        Source: Luis Louro/ Adobe Stock

The Flavian Amphitheater that Bought Emperor Vespasian’s Popularity

Amphitheaters were a large part of the Roman culture and they were built in many of their cities across their empire, such as El Jem in Tunisia, Nimes Arena in France, and Leptis Magnus in Libya...
