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Left: The tiny votive axes were probably utilized within an ancient ceremonial practice.  Right: Rolled up lead Roman curse tablets found at the site. Source: Red River Archaeology Group

Remarkable Roman Villa Unearthed from a Bronze Age Site in England

A Bronze Age site in England, housing a ‘richly decorated Roman villa’ from a later period, has revealed a bounty of artifacts and architectural evidence, which includes aisled buildings adorned with...
North gate of the city of Resafa, site of Hisham's palace and court. Source: Dario Bajurin / Adobe Stock

Hisham’s Palace: Insight into Early Islamic Architecture

Hisham’s Palace, or Khirbat Al Mafjar, is an important early Islamic archaeological site, and one of the few surviving antiquities of the Roman and Byzantine eras in the West Bank area. Located just...
Archaeologists pose near the St Peter’s inscription found on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee, Israel, which could finally prove a number of things about the first apostle of Jesus. Source: El Araj Excavation Project

Ancient Greek Inscription in Mosaic Reveals Birthplace of Apostle Saint Peter!

Saint Peter, one of Jesus Christ’s 12 Apostles and the first pope of the Roman Catholic Church is a crucial figure whose name appears throughout Christian theology. His birthplace has been a long...
Kelenderis archaeological excavation site. Source: Suzi / Adobe Stock

Infant Burial Site Along with Furnace Discovered at 2,800-year-old Kelenderis

The ancient city of Kelenderis on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey is the site of the Greek Celenderis, a port and fortress in ancient Cilicia and later Isauria. From here, a furnace for commercial...
The amazing Roman mosaic unearthed beneath the streets of Stari Grad on the Croatian island of Hvar.		Source: Slobadna Dalmacıja / Arkeonews

Luxury Roman Villa and Mosaic Found on Croatian Island of Hvar

Archaeology on the Croatian island of Hvar in the Adriatic Sea is proceeding at a pace likely not exceeded anywhere else in the world. Just within the past two weeks, researchers affiliated with a...
Ruins of the Byzantine Church which is now virtually reconstructed

Virtually Visit a Byzantine Church Built for a Mysterious Martyr

In 2017 Israeli archaeologists made a stunning discovery from the Byzantine period . They uncovered a Christian church that is elaborately decorated with breath-taking mosaics . The Byzantine church...
Just one of the many Zeugma mosaics found in a high-class home in Zeugma, Turkey. It was in this home, the House of Muses, that two new rock chambers were recently discovered.       Source: Bulent SARI / Adobe Stock

Rock-Cut Banquet Rooms Found At The House of Muses, Zeugma

Two rock chambers have been discovered deep beneath the House of Muses in Zeugma, Turkey. Signifying the intellectual level, wealth and power of a wealthy family, these two chambers can be seen as...
Researchers found the charred remains of wooden furniture at the site of the former Astra cinema in Verona leading them to the discovery of the ancient Roman building that is now being called a "miniature Pompeii."

Roman Building Found Under Cinema in Verona A “Miniature Pompeii”

Recently, during excavations carried out in Verona, Italy under an abandoned cinema, archaeologists discovered the remains of a second-century Roman building. According to the Superintendency of...
Italica, Spain: Rome’s First Settlement In Hispania Became Incredible!

Italica, Spain: Rome’s First Settlement In Hispania Became Incredible!

Italica is an archaeological site located in the southern part of Spain, not far from Seville. The site dates to the Roman period and was founded by Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus. Italica is...
Mount Vesuvius and the ruins of Pompeii, from which Nicole stole the "cursed" Pompeii artifacts. Source: dbvirago / Adobe Stock

Woman Begs Italy to Take Back “Cursed” Pompeii Artifacts

A Canadian woman has blamed her double mastectomy on “cursed” Pompeii artifacts that she stole from the famous Italian archaeological site earlier in her life. She was so convinced of their evil...
Luxurious Roman Villa On Display Under Lavish Modern Apartment Block

Luxurious Roman Villa On Display Under Lavish Modern Apartment Block

Rome is a place where many archaeological treasures and remains continue to be found. The latest discovery is a luxury villa with many remarkable artifacts and spectacular mosaics. This luxury Roman...
The fragment from the Roman fish bottle, the only one of its type ever discovered in Britain. Source: National Trust Images / Rod Kirkpatrick

1800-year-old Shard of Roman Glass Left A Fishy Trail From the Black Sea

The mystery of the origin of an unusual piece of glass has been solved in Britain. It has been established that it belonged to a very rare fish-shaped bottle, that came all the way from the Black Sea...
Flamingoes have been admired throughout history.   Source: CC BY 2.5

The Ancient Admiration of Birds: Flamingos as Masterpieces of Art and Food

In the ancient past, relationships between humans and animals were stricter than today and included the sphere of the imaginary and the sacred. Investigations on how the ancients approached different...
The Hagia Sophia, an iconic work of architecture that housed many iconic works of art.

How Byzantine Art and Architecture Captivated the Known World

The rich, beautiful art and opulent architecture of the Byzantine Empire glorified Jesus, the saints, the Blessed Virgin Mary and the emperors. Byzantine art motifs, the mosaics, paintings, and...
Cupula of the basilica San Vitale in Ravenna, Italy.

The Fantastic Basilica San Vitale is the Last Entirely Intact Byzantine Church

When Byzantine Emperor Justinian conquered Italy in the 6th century, he continued the building of a fantastic, octagonal church, the San Vitale Basilica in Ravenna. The church was a testament to the...
Sealings from the archive of Doliche.

Discovery of 1,000 Sealings Reveals an Ancient City’s Devotion to the Graeco-Roman Pantheon

Classical scholars from the Cluster of Excellence "Religion and Politics" of the University of Münster discovered a large number of sealings in south-east Turkey. "This unique group of artifacts...
A well-preserved mosaic on the archaeological site of Sainte-Colombe, Vienne.

‘Little Pompeii’ Unearthed in France is Most Exceptional Roman Site Found in Half a Century

In an extensive excavation of a complete Roman neighborhood found near the outskirts of the city of Vienne in the south-east of France, archaeologists have uncovered the remains of affluent houses...
Main: Aerial view of Sepphoris. Inset: Guilloche, in a fresco from Zippori, dating from the early Second Century AD

1900-year-old frescoes discovered at Sepphoris, named the Ornament of the Galilee

Mosaics and rare frescos discovered in Sepphoris, close to Jesus’ reported hometown of Nazareth, cast new light on Roman Galilee, where Jesus and his father, Joseph, are said to have worked. The...
1,500-year-old monastery uncovered in Negev Desert

Remains of 1,500-year-old monastery with spectacular mosaics uncovered in Negev Desert

Archaeologists have unearthed the remains of a 6 th century monastery near the Bedouin village of Hura in the northern Negev Desert. Amazingly, the Byzantine complex still contained almost completely...