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Portrait of Tycho Brahe

Hidden Elements Found in Renaissance Astronomer Tycho Brahe's Laboratory

In the Middle Ages, alchemists were notoriously secretive and didn't share their knowledge with others. Danish Tycho Brahe was no exception. Consequently, we don't know precisely what he did in the...
The Forge of Vulcan by Diego Velázquez (1630) (Public Domain)

Excalibur: Extracting Swords From Stone, Ancient Metallurgical Metaphors

The first mention of the famous ‘Sword in the Stone’ of the Arthurian tradition is found in Robert de Boron’s Merlin , a medieval French poem, part of the 13th-century Lancelot-Grail cycle of French...
A computer generated image of what the iron age workshop might have looked like. 	Source: DigVentures

Iron Age Blacksmith Workshop in the Oxford Countryside Reveals Master Craftsman

Researchers have been “completely blown away” by the uncovering of an Iron Age workshop belonging to a "master blacksmith" in the English countryside, complete with bellow protectors and small metal...
Samson and the Lion by Luca Giordano (1694) Museo del Prado (Public Domain)

Metallurgical Key Unlocking Samson’s Lion Riddle

Biblical Samson challenged his wedding guests with a riddle: “ Out of the eater came something to eat, and out of the strong came something sweet ”. The simple answer is Samson was referring to a...
Scythian gold plaque depicting a Scythian rider with a spear. Source: Public domain

Scythian Gold: The Rich Legacy of an Ancient Culture

Scythian gold is a treasure trove of ancient history and cultural heritage, shrouded in mystery and awe. This remarkable collection of gold artifacts, jewelry and other precious items stands for the...
Fire and coal forging Japanese sword in a kiln of a blacksmith in Japan. Source: Karori Production / Adobe Stock.

The Ancient Art of Forging Japanese Knives (Video)

In the verdant countryside of Kōchi, Japan , the ancient craft of Japanese blacksmithing thrives, carrying a history that stretches back centuries . At the heart of this tradition are the Nata blades...
Molten iron fireworks. Source: Xiangli / Adobe Stock.

The Spectacular Chinese Tradition of Molten Iron Fireworks (Video)

For three decades, Wang De has immersed himself in the mesmerizing Chinese tradition of Da Shuhua, a captivating art that traces its origins back 500 years to the quaint Nuanquan village. This...
Blacksmith forging weapon. Source: helivideo / Adobe Stock.

Bronze Age Blacksmithing: From Liquid Fire to Sword in Minutes (Video)

In a fascinating video, the BBC’s Neil Oliver skillfully recreates the ancient art of fashioning a Bronze Age sword , using techniques and materials identical to those employed by our ancestors. The...
Perfectly preserved Bronze Age sword found in Nördlingen, Germany. Source: Dr. Woidich/Bavarian State Office for the Preservation of Monuments

Exceptionally Preserved “Still Shining” Bronze Age Sword Unearthed in Bavaria

So well preserved “it almost still shines” is what archaeologists have termed the incredible find of a 3,000-year-old Bronze Age sword found in the town of Nördlingen, Bavaria in Germany. This...
Left, ancient alchemy painting. Right, The artifact known as the ‘Nanjing Belt’ seems to be proof of the existence of aluminum in early China. Source: Left; primopiano/Adobe Stock Right; Soul-guidance

The Enigma of the Nanjing Belt: How Could this Out of Place Artifact Exist?

Some important archaeological discoveries simply don’t fit the mold. Seeing the light of day after many centuries, they bring us so much confusion and redefine the modern narratives, leaving us...
Watch the Remarkable Ancient Method of Casting Bronze Faces (Video)

Watch the Remarkable Ancient Method of Casting Bronze Faces (Video)

In the realm of ancient artistry , a remarkable technique emerged, known as the "lost wax" method. This ingenious process, dating back centuries, became the cornerstone of bronze casting, bringing to...
A chance discovery revealed that the world’s oldest swords were linked to another mislabeled sword in Italy. Father Serafino Jamourlian and Vittoria Dall'Armellina showing the sword. (Ca' Foscari University of Venice)

Metallurgy Prowess Revealed by World’s Oldest Swords Discovered in Turkey

A selection of ancient swords, discovered at the Turkish archaeological site of Arslantepe, are believed to be the first and oldest swords in the world. Dating back to the Early Bronze Age, these 5,...
Replica of Capilla stelae. Source: Ralph Araque Gonzalez / University of Freiburg

Proof Bronze Age Iberians Made Steel Tools 1,000 Years Before the Romans!

A study of elaborate 2,900-year-old carvings in stone monuments found in Portugal has revealed a rather amazing fact. It seems these Late Bronze Age engravings could only have been made with hardened...
The UNESCO West-African Burkina Faso metallurgy site’s Tiwêga furnace, near Kaya. Source: Sébastien Moriset / © DSCPM/MCAT

Impressive Metalworking in Burkina Faso Goes Back 2,800 Years

One of the most fascinating World Heritage Sites is the Ancient Ferrous Metallurgy Sites of Burkina Faso. Metallurgy in Burkina Faso was a common practice throughout this area of Africa that dates...
Bronze mythical beast extracted from pit No. 8 at Sanxingdui, China. Source: Weibo

Bronze Mythical Beast Weighing Over 300 Pounds Found in Sanxingdui Ruins

A fantastic creature has finally been released from the pit of extraordinary metal objects at Sanxingdui, China, once again proving the advanced metalworking skills, artistic talent and imagination...
This Chinese knife coinage from the Eastern Zhou dynasty was used in the remarkable Chinese bronze alloy analysis study that finally revealed the hidden alloy formulas. Source: Lui et al / Antiquity Publications Ltd

Innovative Study Reveals the Genius of Ancient Chinese Bronze Makers

After decades of effort by scientists and historians around the world, a pair of researchers from the United Kingdom have finally identified the mystery ingredients used by Chinese metallurgists in...
Just one of the stunning metal-crafted artifacts recently found in a small portion of the sacrificial pits area at the Sanxingdui site in southwestern China, which had been almost lost to time until the 1980s. Source: Xinhua / China Daily Post

Sanxingdui Excavation Pits Reveal Sophisticated Ancient Civilization

An advanced 3,000-year-old Chinese culture, whose existence was not known about until the 1980s, has been further revealed by recent excavations. Apparently, the existence of the highly developed...
Left to Right: 1. The iron pillar in the Qutb complex near Delhi, India. 2. The Statue of Unity, Gujarat, India, is the world's tallest iron statue with a height of 182 meters (597 ft). 3. Close up of the top of the Qutb Iron Pillar.          Sources: 1. Public Domain 2. CC BY-SA 4.0 3. CC BY-SA 2.0

Radiocarbon Dating Indicates Iron Age India Began 4200 Years Ago!

New carbon dating performed on organic deposits found in Mayiladumparai, Tamil Nadu has pushed the beginning of the Iron Age in southern India back by approximately 700 years, the Deccan Herald...
These two daggers were found in King Tutankhamun's burial wrappings: the lower one is King Tut’s dagger made from iron from a meteorite, and likely foreign made according to the latest research study. 		Source: Ancient Egypt

King Tut’s Dagger Twist: It Was Not Made In Egypt

Subject of many studies and investigations, Egyptian King Tut’s dagger has already been proven to have been made from meteorite iron. A recent study has now added a new dimension to exactly where...
Medieval steel armor and iron gloved hands were products of Iron Age Europe. 		Source: Atmosphere / Adobe Stock

Iron Age Europe: 2000 Years Of Change Rolls Across The Continent

The Iron Age is the name given to the third and last division of the Three Age System. The beginning and the end of the Iron Age varies according to region. Indeed, even in Europe, the Iron Age...
Scientists Uncover Secrets of the Germanic-Viking Alchemists of Ribe

Scientists Uncover Secrets of the Germanic-Viking Alchemists of Ribe

Archaeologists at sites in Ribe, a Danish trading port in southwest Jutland, have published a new study in Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences related to the evolution of metalwork skills and...
Development of Advanced Pottery by “Barbarians” Found in Poland

Development of Advanced Pottery by “Barbarians” Found in Poland

A massive archaeological site in Wrzępia, a tiny village in southern Poland, has been discovered by a team of Polish archaeologists from the Institute of Archaeology, Jagellonian University, Krakow...
The Copper Age: When Metallurgy Came to Rule the World

The Copper Age: When Metallurgy Came to Rule the World

The so-called Chalcolithic - or the Copper Age - is one of the great eras of cultural development, fitting into the main framework of man’s crucial steps towards civilization. This period introduced...
Ornate Prehistoric Bronze Sword Excavated In Denmark

Ornate Prehistoric Bronze Sword Excavated In Denmark

A bronze sword has been extracted from the ground in Denmark. Archaeologists are amazed at the excellent condition in which it has been found, including its wood and horn hilt which have survived for...
